Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Progress Report

I am receiving many comments and private Emails that are very speculative and including many errors.  Text from the Zohar, the Tenach, famous Rabbis, etc, but interpretations by the readers offering the comment.  They definitely are haphazard suggestions that are not worth sharing with my readers.  I appreciate the effort, and I am even happy to see some research involved (I am definitely an advocate of research and digging for the Absolute Truth), but not at the expense of misleading my readers.

I humbly apologize for not forwarding your finds on several pertinent subjects.  If you send me a private Email that I can point out some of the errors, I would happily oblige.

The biggest area of correction is when Rabbis are making statements that are disagreeing with Hashem.  When we are told in scriptures an obvious statement, anybody who sees it differently is deceived.  The most prevalent example is the arrival of the Moshiach and the worldwide redemption.   I am getting interpretations that are saying it may not be until next year or later.  What is the best and most obvious answer to such a prediction?  NIBIRU!!!!  We have talked extensively about verses, you know Hashem's opinion, such as:
Numbers 24:17 about the Star of Jacob, which has Nibiru encoded over the verse and has commentary telling us that it is the Star is Moshiach (coming simultaneously)
The end of the prophet Malachi that tells us the Star will heal the righteous and wipe out the wicked of the world
Zechariah 13:8 that 2/3rd of the world will be the number wiped out, and 1/3 will survive.
And 414 other places that Nibiru is encoded in the Tenach (no I am not going to list them and review them).
So, since we have so many messages directly from Hashem that the approach and flyby of the dwarf star Nibiru and its accompanying planets, moons and millions of miles of debris is simultaneously the time of Moshiach, the worldwide redemption, probably the return of all the Jews and lost tribes, the third and final Temple, the complete change of the world from an evil chaotic world of lies and deception to a world of peace, love and truth (and extreme happiness) will all occur simultaneously (or withing a very short time frame), we need no further evaluation of what the Zohar says, the Tenach, the Talmud, the Midrash, the commentary, etc, etc, etc (sorry for such a run-on sentence, but I really mean it). 

That one statement of Nibiru being our best indication of when it will all happen is the answer to our debate about when Moshiach will appear and when all the Jews will be in Israel (a very hot topic recently).

So when is Nibiru going to be over our heads?  When Hashem wants it.  We know it is close since all the effects that are expected to occur have already been occurring and intensifying.  I have listed the effects many times, such as the great increases in earthquakes (57 within the past 24 hours, that are over 2.5 many over 5), volcanic eruptions, meteors, asteroids, etc, etc, etc (no I am not going through that list again).  Nibiru is close.  What further proof do I have?  There are many professional scientists and astronomers who have tried to warn us only to be silenced.  I saw an estimate that 125 such professionals have been killed in recent months because they wanted to help us with the greatest deception of the global elite, who are counting on Nibiru to kill most of the world population (I have also talked quite a bit about that subject).  The pictures of Nibiru are definitely bigger meaning closer. An interesting hint from Hashem, which is outside my window as I type, is the super moon that is visible this morning.  What is the hint?  I had mentioned that Nibiru will be about 50 times the size of the moon and will be big enough to cover the seven visible stars in the Orion constellation.  If you are available to see the super moon, you may notice that it is right next to Orion, almost as if Hashem is showing us the comparison.  Hashem's hints are sometimes very subtle, but are there just the same.

There are many other very definite signs that the end is close, including dates that I have found that are so profound, that I could only tell you it is good news, but obviously I can't tell you the dates or why they look so good.  I will after the fact, if anybody really cares at that point.

I ask only from all my dear readers: be positive about all this; if you come up with something that looks very negative, write it down and throw it in the trash (we don't want to hear it), continue to do all the preparation that Hashem is giving us this additional time to accomplish (Teshuvah, Tefillah, etc, etc; I have said this list numerous times also); ignore the craziness that is happening in the world that is happening to discourage us; get ready to move to Israel (including the non-Jews who will find out they are members of the lost tribes); and, above all, talk to Hashem every day, and turn to Him for everything, no matter how small.  He is waiting for each one of us.


  1. I rarely follow the news since it is usually not what is really happening in the world. However one thing that I did see is that certain "reliable" news sources are starting to say that some wealthy people are starting to build underground bunkers. If the news tells me that they are starting, that most likely means that there are already bunkers ready (as so many who have a connection to Hashem have already told us), and the powers who think that they are in control are very close to entering their bunkers. I view this as just another verification of what you and the FC individuals have been telling us for years now, and that the folks "in power" are preparing the masses for extermination. Now for a mea culpa. I kept saying that the election would not take place. I was wrong, which just shows that I am not a prophet nor do I have any special messages from Hashem. I was just a stubborn individual who was praying that the Moshaich would have been revealed before the election.

    1. The underground cities (a better description) were started in the 1980's when plans were being made for the New World Order to be implemented. I have mentioned that it will be a good indication when the global elite all move underground. I do believe that Hashem is fooling the evil ones who were positive the Nibiru devastation would have been sooner. As I said it will happen when Hashem wants it, and it will be unexpected.

      So far as the election, I have avoided writing about it. It was completely a farce and probably totally controlled. They could have given it to Hillary very easily, but giving it to Trump is much more deception on the part of the global elite. They know that Trump will never be in the White House. Either the US will be no more, or Trump will be assassinated, or some other diabolical plan. The staged anti-Trump protests are exactly what they wanted, and are perhaps the reason they gave the win to Trump. They want a civil war and this could help their agenda. Nothing that is happening is real. It is all staged for evil purposes, but will in the end be according to the will of Hashem.

  2. " I saw an estimate that 125 such professionals have been killed in recent months" where can we read about this?

    1. It was a video on YouTube. It would never be in the mainstream media, but anyone who writes it and gets it out to enough people will also become a target. I am too small a source to worry.

      Do I believe it? It is interesting and very sad that any professional who has come forward to talk about this has not been heard from again. We can see what Assange and Snowden have gone through and how they had to seek asylum in other countries to survive.

  3. Has any people noticed that the daytime feels hotter than usual? It is because the sun is reflecting on the stars hue and making the planet feel hotter than average. Believe me when me says that the star is an orb with a big hue

    1. Everything is totally out of whack on planet Earth. At the same time certain areas are experiencing unusual heat, other places are seeing unusual cold. Nibiru does not give off much heat, but the very strong magnetic field and of course the gravitational effects are playing havoc with Earth.

    2. Based on Torah Codes, do you see Moshiach's revelation taking place in the month Marcheshvan?

    3. I very much see Marcheshvan as a great possibility, but it is not based on Torah codes. If you recall when I went to look at Torah codes, Hashem took away my computer. Of course, that may say it all. He wants me to behave myself.

    4. We say three times a day, "Sound the great shofar for our freedom... and gather us together from the four corners of the earth."

      Does "gather us together from the four corners of the earth" mean that Hashem, Himself, will transport us to Eretz Yisrael miraculously or does one need to go to an airport and board a plane for Israel?

    5. That is a very good question that does not have a one liner answer. I hope to work on an answer for you today, B"N, and post it for all my readers to see.

  4. How can I thank you. You have helped me grow and learn so much in the 16 months (exactly today) since 2 trusted friends sent me sent me your link within 2 hours of each other. Both live inIsrarl. Neither continued to follow your blog. Hashem has CHANGED ME!! I am more courageous to speak truth -- even to my entire family. I don't mind if they temporarily dislike me either. I FEEL ELATED! (even as I have a fever right now...) I am inviting any Jewish or righteous gentile to our home for a "soft landing" in Israel. Not long term accomodations because hoping my entire family in USA (no relatives here after 23 years)will come soon.
    Thanking you. Hashem has healed my soul. I had been on thyroid med but just stopped it 2 weeks ago and feel fine. I will certainly double check with blood test--- but for now so glad I am only dependent on the Holy One Blessed Be He. Thank you!!!!!!
    BTW-- I'm Menucha. The Artist in the gush who invited you to my Nibiru exhibit. Never ended up doing it(technical issues-- lighting, framing etc...) Wasn't the right time... this is.

    1. I am awake at 4am because the moon is shining into my bedroom. I go outside, the moon is incredible and as you say, right next to it is ORION. What an amazing sight.

  5. What will happen in Israel when mashiach comes?

  6. 125 Dead Pool :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGDu8Mx5Dg8&spfreload=10
    Nibiru Astronomer pics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmknTi3nQxw
    New Zealand Earthquake Coming Here?

    1. Thank you for finding what I should have found. I am going to have to put you on my research staff for all you great findings, B"N (the pay for such work comes from Hashem and it is quite substantial).

      The earthquakes are already worldwide and growing. That was my premise for saying that Nibiru must be getting close. The video you sent is from a very unscientific individual who thinks Nibiru is a planet with other planets in orbit around it (no such thing). I believe I once wrote to him that Nibiru is a dwarf star with planets and moons around it, but there are so many amateurs that believe the deception of the global elite, that there is no way that I could change their thinking.

      Thank you again.


  7. There is a letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe that was written in 1943, two years after he came to the United States, which was reprinted as facsimile in a booklet called, "Torato Shel Moshiach" which gave a detailed analysis of this particular Rambam. The Rebbe wrote at the bottom of this letter that from the analysis of the Rambam's wording, it appeared to indicate that Rambam held Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David would be the same person.

    1. Since they don't have the same requirements or the same qualifications, I don't see how that would be possible. I saw many years ago what Hashem wants from each Moshiach and what qualifications it entails. I believe I know who Moshiach ben David is, who meets all the requirements for MVD, and I have prospects for MBY who meets those requirements. We will see.

  8. Rabbi with all due respect you are not The Rebbe.

    1. I am not even a Rabbi. They call me Rav, which is more of a connotation of teacher than ordained Rabbi. I am not so concerned considering that our prophets, kings, etc also were not Rabbis, just great teachers.
