Friday, September 30, 2016

More Messages about Moshiach

There is another message from Binyamin that no one has translated. I do not have the time, especially since, once again, it is long, including many questions and answers. The statements that I thought would interest us the most deal with Moshiach.

One message is that evil ones of the world are very interested in us not knowing about Moshiach, or even having a desire for his arrival. It sounds to me that the best way to fight our enemy is to demand Moshiach now.

Binyamin said (about two weeks ago): People come to me with complaints and arguments that the Moshiach has not arrived yet. How can this be? That I have said 'soon' many times, and he has not arrived yet! What will happen? People have no more patience. I first explained to them that I was not writing (he is getting the messages from Hashem), but after I explain it. I want to tell you something like this: Yes, we are in the salvation process now, and yes it is soon, but it is a process, and we must have patience. We cannot jump into the end of redemption, since we are not ready. We cannot go through it so quickly. We will have to go through step by step, but we will see the Moshiach soon, literally, of course. And it will make it easier.

Once again, I am just a messenger.  All the information is still excellent, but we have to realize that the biggest delay is "us."  It is interesting that Binyamin gets complaints and arguments; wow does that sound familiar.  I am actually answering fewer comments and Emails since there are so many that, instead of working hard to bring Moshiach, just prefer to have their favorite whipping boy as an excuse (me).

Enough said.  Step up your "bring Moshiach campaign," and quell your scapegoat efforts.  The results will be so much more favorable. 

And have a good Shabbos.


  1. please provide the link to the hebrew text

  2. We must ask Hashem that it not be a Chillul Hashem (a desecration of Hashem's name) and He MUST sent Mashiach NOW, still this year 5776.

    It's Friday morning only 10:40 a.m. in Israel and hopefully Mashiach will still come today even before noon and we will soon hear the Shofar Shel Mashiach! Amen v'Amen!


  3. Please Hashem help us all.

    We need Mashiach.. Thank you Hashem, Y-u are in Charge, Hashem, just give us the eyes to see and not to turn away from Y-u, but to trust Y-u and know Y-u are with Am Israel..
    and also.... good peoples everywhere who are also waiting and watching and praying with Am Israel.
    thank Y-u Hashem..

  4. A few hours to Shabbos here in Israel. Next time we speak will be the last day of 5776 and you know what that means. We have all been through a lot together on this blog. Blessings for success to all. And thanks to Menachem for all his hard work.

    1. I am going to say something very unexpected from me. I know that Moshiach is here and working hard. I know that Nibiru, the sign from Hashem that Moshiach will be introduced soon, is very close. If we get introduced to Moshiach next Wednesday or Thursday, I will gladly greet him.

      We are close and it is obvious that Hashem is giving us more time to help ourselves, a few days additional mean nothing now, but could be an eternity of a little better. Whatever Hashem does is for the best and we should be extremely thankful.

  5. Now that dignitaries from 70 countries are gathered in Yerushalayim (for the funeral of Shimon Peres) as predicted in Yeshaye (Chapter 60) for the end of days, hope the Shofar Shel Mashiach will be heard soon.

    1. degenerates from 70 countries

    2. We shouldn't be so judgmental, there may be one nice person. You remind me of the fellow that told me how 99% of all lawyers give the rest of them a bad name.

    3. I"m joking. I'm actually the most gentile loving Orthodox Jew on the planet; although I'm not so fond of the leaders.

  6. Shana Tova U’Metuka
    A good gebentched yur!
    To everyone, Moshiach will come when we are ready; complaining is pushing things away.

  7. Rav, to what you just commented I say...

    v' imru Amein

  8. Shana Tova Rav Menachem!


  9. For those of you who are counting on an arrival by a certain date, please remember the episode of the Golden Calf. People were anxiously waiting and calculating, and sinned severely when they miscalculated. I once learned that you are allowed to say the Tashlich prayer through Succos and the gates are not finally sealed until the end. So perhaps the entire holiday season is an extension of sorts of this year. Hashem is giving us ample opportunity, He is giving us Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and perhaps till the last possible moment to do teshuvah. If He decides to redeem us sooner, it will be when He is ready.

  10. שנה טובה ומתוקה רב מנחם
    והמון תודה על המאמצים והאומץ
    יצחק. ירושלים

  11. people are complaining that the autistics say he's coming and he doesn't come, that's a legit complaint

    1. I believe you missed the point of this post. The FC individuals only say what Hashem wants them to say. When they say soon, it sparks more Teshuvah, which is exactly what Hashem wants from us. When Ben is telling us that Hashem, in His infinite mercy, is seeing the future and knowing that an extra week or two will mean so much to us forever and ever, we should be thanking Hashem and Ben for the help.

      The only legit complaint would have come when Geula is here and we realize that an extra week or two would have made an eternity of difference. Hashem knows exactly what He is doing.

    2. Dear Anonymous, Hashem has had patience, waiting for us to be good and righteous, waiting for us to tip the scale toward the Torah., so that we can merit the coming of Moshiach, or "his cup
      in heaven over flows with tears, and heres our cries.," will Hashem bring Moshiach sooner, Hashem has been patient for thousands of
      years, for us. Perhaps you can be patient and thank Hashem for giving those in this world some more time to improve, and truly merit the coming of Moshiach., if there are those that are complaining, as you mentioned and yourself, Then we most certainly have not done enough Teshuva., with all our heart, soul,
      and might.


  12. You are assuming that the autistics have a direct line to Hashem. How can you prove that? Nearly all of their predictions are vague. Yes, they characterize the world's problems very well. It's impressive, but it doesn't make them prophets. It means there's some truth to what they are saying. And that's the standard understanding of the Gemara that prophecy went to shotim. Would Hashem say Moshiach is coming this year for sure and then not send him? Well the FCs said clearly that it's this year and there's 4 hours left so we'll see. It is arguable that the communications from the FCs are heavily influenced by their handlers or that they hear the handlers talking and just repeat back what they have heard. There have been studies like that. There is no requirement from the Shulchan Aruch to believe that autistic people have prophecy.

    1. I have answered this several times. After following the FC individuals for 19 years, I know that they fulfill the prophecy test in Parashat Shoftim and the Bava Basra 12.

      If he gives a vague answer, it is exactly what Hashem wants him to say. Ben Golden even wrote in his last message that he only says what he has been told to say.

      Ben and others have given definite dates in the past when Hashem wanted us to have definite dates. One example was in 2008 when we were told three weeks before it occurred that a big explosion will happen a couple of days before Hoshana Rabah. Ben only mentioned that it will be of great concern to the world. Two days before HR was the first underground Nuclear test of North Korea. There was no way that Ben knew that from any source except Shamayim.

      I have two friends who know the Golden family well. They have told me stories that could only happen if Ben were truly in connection with above. When Ben's father approaches Ben with a question and Ben is already with a facilitator, Ben has the answer before the father asks the question.

      We have the same story with Galia. When Galia was 11, her mother found out about Facilitated Communications and got all excited, since she had never communicated with her daughter. The big day came and the mother, who was very nervous about the session, reached into her handbag for the list of questions she wanted to ask her daughter. She realized she left the list at home, but Galia told her mother all the answers in the order that she had written them. Galia's family knew from day one that her soul was in contact with Hashem. After Galia finished her mission on Earth, she told her mother the exact date of her death, which was 30 days hence. At age 15, Galia left Earth exactly 30 days later as she told her family. She was a very happy girl since she knew precisely what we waiting for her in Shamayim.

      There are books written with much information from many FC individuals that cannot be disputed about the authenticity of the FC process.

      I should mention that this does not happen with every autistic or severe cases of Down Syndrome, only the individuals that Hashem chooses.
