Thursday, January 12, 2017

Urgent Request

I am sending out a request for one of our dear readers, who has a serious medical problem. Please prayer for 
Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha
and go to this site to make a donation to help her:

She really needs our help for a Refuah Shlema.


  1. Donation sent! We couldn't afford that much, but hopefully along with the donations of others it will add up and be of help.. Shalom and blessings of health and healing! הללויה

    1. Thank you very much; it is appreciated.

    2. I started the campaign for the person, I don't know why it doesont show a donation came in

    3. I tried several times and it won't even take my cards. On Chrome it doesn't show words after one clicks donations. There are several donations not showing since it says the last one was two months ago. Please try to fix.

    4. Hmm?? It took my card and sent me an email that in part said this:

      "You’ve authorized The Chesed Fund to charge you.

      Please note: This is not a payment confirmation. You’ll receive a separate email when you’re charged."

      I haven't seen the charge to my card yet,or gotten another email as of yet. It did seem kind of odd as it wanted me to input my address, and I almost didn't do it. I looked and it had the lock key so I decided to send even though I felt that I shouldn't of had to give my address etc.. Hopefully it all works out for the person in need.

    5. I received the same message that it was not a payment confirmation.

    6. It did say in the mail I received that another mail will be sent when I'm charged, so maybe it will still go through? I will keep an eye on my card and mail to see if it goes through properly? Hopefully all is okay although it does seem kind of strange.. It took my card # and everything so I assumed it's okay? I would have thought that the mail would have just said something like: "Thank you for your donation" etc. Instead of the email that they sent, stating that another mail will come when charged etc. Dunno?

  2. Wow!
    I prayed to Hashem to help guide me of where to send my maser money to(embarrassingly this is my first time giving maaser) and now I see this!
    Chasdei Hashem!
    Thank you for being the shaliach Rabbi
    Tizku Lemitzvos!

    1. if youd like to donate here is the link

  3. Can someone check again if the site is taking the credit cards and updating info on donations? Would like to help. Ms. AP

    1. It appears that it is not fixed, since it is displaying the same total that is 2 months old. No new contributions that I know were made. I will try to contact the source and get an update.

    2. you can donate now Ms. AP

  4. I'm going to give it another day or two and if the amount donated is not charged, I will give them a call to see what's up? Not long ago I had made a purchase from a local business, and my card still hadn't been charged some 5 days later. I was going to go back to the business to let them know that I wasn't charged for their product, when then I noticed the charge finally went through on the 6th day after purchase. Perhaps the same delayed type charge is happening here as well.. In any event I'll call soon if I don't see the charge to my card. Shalom

  5. the person says both people were declined, I doubt that

    1. What person said that? The site is not working. All donations have not gone through.

  6. Are there any updates as to why the site doesn't work?

    1. No. I was told by the woman who is suffering and needing the help that they are trying to fix it, but haven't succeeded yet.

    2. Sorry to hear that. Please let all to know when it is fixed. Shalom

  7. the fund is fixed, please rav menachem can you also repost it?

    1. Is this set up still to help Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha? I have received requests from this organization for other purposes, I would like to make sure.
