Thursday, January 19, 2017


Another very interesting find by Rav Glazerson:


  1. Rav Glazerson also reminds us of the importance of observing all the mitzvas. Rav Menahem, why was i not born into a frum family? It would have been so much easier growing up with Torah, mitzvas and learning how to daven in Hebrew. I have made major strides in my observance but feel that compared to our frum yid i am lacking and will always be. Also, i still have to make a living, commute,run a household and be a mom. All this is very time consuming and i am only one. Have i transgressed so badly in a past life? Why is it so hard to grow our observance when the day only has 24 hours and it is not second nature like to the frum? Grateful for you putting up with my rant and frum envy. Welcome any suggestions.
    Ms. AP

    1. This is the world of testing and not meant to be an easy trip.

      I have said before: Hashem does not judge us by what we know, He judges us by how we grow. The merit we earn in life determines our eternity, if we are frum from birth, it is not as much merit as if we started at a much lower level and climbed spiritually. What happens to each of us is exactly what we need and we should be very thankful for the design of life Hashem gives us.

      It is interesting that the Talmud says that the convert, who had the toughest time, needing the most growth, can accomplish more in life than a Jew from birth.

    2. On the other hand, frum people have hard mustering the emotion, excitement and interest, in doing mitzvot -'mitzvat anashim melumadah', which is missing the soul of the mitzvot, because we have been doing it all our life.

    3. Let us not generalize or stereotype. A thousand frum Jews have a thousand different levels of frumkeit. No two are alike and that includes how they live the Absolute Truth.

  2. It seems that not all Jews will be alive at the end to do teshuva: (from minute 5:06)

    1. I have written that Zechariah 13:9 tells us that all Jews will receive their final purification, meaning that no one is totally purified. We may all have to leave the Earth and return after receiving what we need. This will not be like death as we know it, but more like going to sleep and awakening to the redeemed world. Actually, it more than likely will be an experience unknown to us, but being from Hashem, it should be a pleasant experience.
