Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Another Sign of the End: Our Most Exciting Seder Ever

The Pesach Seder basically consists of three parts: the past, the present and the future. We start by telling the story of our first redemption from Egypt and how Hashem took us out “with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm” and made us a nation. It is made up of quotes from the Torah and the rest of Tenach as a way of telling the story.

After the past is discussed, we eat our meal, which is indicative of the present. Then we follow the meal with prayers and songs that depict the future: the return of our nation to Jerusalem, Gog and Magog, the final redemption and the coming of Moshiach.

When I was preparing to conduct the Seder on Erev Pesach (Friday), as I do every year, Hashem put a fascinating thought in my mind, which completely changed my approach to the Seder. Knowing that all that happened in the first redemption from Egypt is actually prophecy for the final redemption that we are experiencing, I was sent on a very different path of review of the events of the past. Also, realizing that the future events that we acknowledge after the meal are actually happening (or have already happened), I realized that my three parts to the Seder were now: the present, the present and the present.

The information that I discovered was so extensive, that I am still researching the words of the Haggadah. It made for a very fascinating Seder, and another definite proof that we are in the end of days, right before the worldwide redemption.

I will give you some examples of what I disclosed at the Seder and even encourage you to open the Haggadah and do your own discovery. Rabbis have talked about Europe being the Egypt of our recent generation. The horrors that went on in the 1800’s that led to the eventual “final solution,” of the Holocaust. There were many Jews who were fortunate enough to leave Europe before the greatest horror and come to America and other places. America became known as Bamidbar, the desert, where we stayed for 40 years before coming home to Israel. America was a haven from the tyranny of Europe, and even provided a safe haven for Torah study and growth.

One famous story was that of Rav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, who saw the great downturn of Torah learning in Europe and the need to relocate his Yeshivah. He did what many Rabbis do, he opened the Torah and let Hashem advise him on what to do. He opened directly to the passage that says: “Hashem said to Aharon: ‘Go to meet Moshe in the wilderness’ (Shmot 4:27).” Rav Kotler knew that Hashem was telling him to go see his friend Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, in America. He went to America, met Rav Feinstein who told him this is where we need to be until the time of Moshiach when we would all be in Eretz Yisroel. It is a fulfillment of the Torah events of the first Geula that would happen in the final Geula.

I have discussed the fact that the plagues of Egypt would be repeated in the end of days. The words of Targum of Yonatan ben Uziel tell us about each plague and where it is prophesied in Tenach to repeat in the end of days. That is a very long discussion, too long for here, but it is demonstrating that we have already experienced or are continuing to experience the plagues of Egypt today. Once again, the Haggadah is talking the present as well as the past.

There are so many lines that are of fascination, but I thought I would mention one more that is even spooky. Prophecies are not always visible and especially if you are reading them in English. The line from the prophet Joel that says: “I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke (Joel 3:3). In English there isn’t too much exciting information, but in Hebrew, the word used for Column (or Pillar) is תמרות, which is the same root used for the word for a Date Palm, התמר. It is telling us in Hebrew that the shape of the pillar is like that of a Date Palm or, as we are more familiar with, a Mushroom Cloud shape. This is one of the places in Tenach that alludes to nuclear in the end of days. It does not tell me specifically when; in other words, Hiroshima and Nagasaki may have already satisfied this prophecy. My point is that a simple statement in the Haggadah could have such an impact and significant meaning in the prophecy of today.

Just some thoughts about the future, or as it appears, the present. The Haggadah tells of the time when Your city, Jerusalem, will be built up and we will return. Jerusalem has never been as big and built up a city, any time in history, as it is today. The Jewish population is definitely a fulfillment of the prophesy in the end of days. One of the prayers that we end the Seder with is the Hallel. There are many lines in the Hallel that pertain to events in the end of days. The following, once again has hidden message:

The L-rd is with me; I have no fear of what man can do to me. The L-rd is with me among my helpers; I shall see the defeat of my foes. It is better to seek refuge in the L-rd than to trust in man. It is better to seek refuge in the L-rd than to trust in princes. All nations have encompassed me; but in the name of the L-rd, I routed them. They swarmed around me; but in the name of the L-rd, I cut them down. They swarmed like bees about me, but they were extinguished like a fire of thorns; but in the name of the L-rd, I cut them down. You pushed me that I might fall, but the L-rd helped me. The L-rd is my strength and song; He has become my salvation.
Why does it have the statement three times about the nations encompassing me, but Hashem helped me? This is the prophecy of the three battles of Gog and Magog. Whether we are talking World War 1, 2 and 3 or 1948, 1967 and 1973, the three battles of Gog and Magog are basically finished and that prophecy in Hallel is satisfied.

The words in the Haggadah about Next Year in Jerusalem have been satisfied. The talk about us being in exile, far from our soil, all put a very different spin on whether we are talking future prophecy or fulfilled prophecy. The Moshiach may not have been introduced yet, but we know with full confidence that he is already here, and working hard to bring the great day of Hashem.

My Seder was performed with a very big smile on my face. I have never felt so good about telling the story of redemption and realizing that it is already here, B”H.

Since the Seder, I have continued to review the Haggadah for more references to modern history. We know that history is talked about in the songs at the end of the Seder, but I was curious as to what I would find of recent history. As examples: the mention of the destruction of the two giants, or as the Sfas Emes called them, the two towers, Sichon and Og. That is a reference to 911 since I know that the estimate of the height of Sichon and Og, as referenced in Talmud, Tractate Berachos, comes to the same height as the twin towers. I also noticed two places that stars are mentioned. Are there references to Nibiru? Probably, but I would need a few more weeks of research to determine. I have all of the Tenach in my computer program to do code searches, but not the Haggadah, which would have to be done by hand.

One additional note of encouragement. It is estimated that 93% of Israelis attended a Pesach Seder. I have never seen such a wonderful estimate as that, which also is a very big indication that the end is here. People can be as secular as they want in this physical world, but the soul knows better, and craves the spiritual nearness of Hashem. It is just such a good idea to let your soul be your guide.

I apologize that I thought of this approach to the Seder too late to mention it in advance. It would have been interesting to see what discoveries my readers would have found as they went through their Seders. Of course, you can still look and provide me with comments of your findings. I would be happy to post any additional information that gives us more confidence that the Seder is not just something to go through out of tradition, but a tool to learn and even bring us closer to Hashem.

We know that Hashem works in mysterious ways. To give us additional encouragement that the happy ending is near through something as repetitious as the annual Pesach Seder is exciting. There is nothing mundane about Torah study, since we make very enjoyable discoveries every day as we continue our efforts. To include the Haggadah as another source of discovery is also exciting.


  1. Please think of the 4 banims not in terms of kids but more into the 4 types of Jews at the time right before mashiah reveals himself. I mean how 4 main categories of Jews may act and behave when their emouna will be put to test.... Read the Haggadah in this spirit and you will discover wonders.

    1. You are absolutely correct. I thank you for that observation.

    2. I would like to know more about the 4 types of Jews. I am not a Jew but I have made my own observations about Jews in the US:

      1. Around 25% are Jews who try to follow the Torah. I call them the good Jews.
      2. Around 25% are Jews who either do not believe in God or doubt the existence of God.
      3. Around 25% say they are following the Torah but play a lot of games with the wording. They are not real Jews.
      4. Around 25% say they are following the Torah, and mostly are but still are heavily influenced by modern liberalism.

      In total: 25% are good Jews and 75% are not so good.

    3. I am not sure about your percentages, but it really doesn't make too much difference. In the near future all Jews and righteous non-Jews will be following the ways of Hashem, unconditionally. It is Hashem's plan all along and we are very close to it happening.

  2. Another thing ... Why Noah was ordered by hashem to get inside the teva 7 days before the Mikve"flood" started ? Most probably so he couldn't see the kohav shavit appear and then relate it later. The world could never have been able to follow its path if the coming back of the star was known to man ..

    1. You are correct about it being best that Noach didn't see what was happening. Unfortunately, it probably would not have affected the false logic of the populace after.

      When we could see 10 plagues, a sea split saving us from an enemy, and then seeing the enemy swallowed by the sea, when we could experience Hashem at Mount Sinai, see manna fall from the sky and water come from rocks, etc, etc, etc, and still build a golden calf, still lose faith in Hashem, still believe the spies report, it shows that we can create any fantasy we want, and dismiss the truth.

      How many skeptics are there today about Nibiru? We are seeing such great changes in the world such as earthquakes, volcanic eruption, the weather, we see pictures of Nibiru approaching, we see a myriad of prophecies coming true (everything that was told to us thousands of years ago that would happen in the end of days, and we see it happening in front of our eyes), and we still say we have no proof that this is the end.

      We don't have to worry about people knowing in advance that the star is coming, we just need to make sure we do proper Teshuvah when we see it.

  3. In tractate Sanhedrin it talks about the messiah being called the "leper". Could you elaborate more on this. Todah.

    1. And the rabbis say: “His name is Metzora … as it is said [in Isaiah 53:4, Tzaraas as in Leviticus 13:22], ‘Surely our sicknesses he himself bore and our sorrows he carried, yet we ourselves esteemed him stricken, smitten of G-d, and afflicted.’” (b.Sanhedrin 98b)

      He is not called a Leper but it is an expression that talks of the Moshiach taking on our burdens and afflictions. I take it to be metaphorical, rather than physical. It is much deeper than I feel is appropriate here.

  4. BH

    I pray to Hashem Itbaraj that we can meet in Eretz Israel when you will give lessons and lectures to many yehudim!!
    Moadim LeSimja!

    Sara from Mexico City

  5. I didn't read the above, but wanted to tell you that the sheath around our sun is not working and is not there now. Because of the video Sky Watch 11 on the Shirat Devorah blog. In the beginning it shows a stratosphere diagram which explains it. Good Moed to you and family.

  6. Replies
    1. I watch Sky Watch every time he posts. I am not expert enough to say that the Magnetosphere breakdown is due to the unsheathing of the sun.

      So far as concern, there is only concern if one is not following Hashem, since the prophecies say that the unsheathing of the sun will affect the evil ones in a very negative way (probably death). The righteous of the world will be healed by the sun's enhanced energy (Malachi 3).

  7. Thank you for that Hebrew lesson about the columns of smoke. I always try to pay attention about reference to nuclear war.

    1. There is nothing missing in Jewish scriptures about this world and all its inhabitants. The deepest information can only be seen in Hebrew, but it is still miraculous in every other language.

  8. Great post!
    I too have tried to read the Hagada in a different light this year, so here are my 2 cents:

    I'm not making any claims here, but I've noticed that in the Hagada, the Mash'chit (המשחית) is mentioned. It immediately reminded me of the Egyptian account of the Exodus in the "Colbrin bible" where it speaks of the Destroyer, which is actually how the Egyptians (as well as other ancient cultures, I believe) named Planet X / Nibiru.

    Another thing to note is that משחית and משיח have the same root letters: משח. I'm not claiming they're one and the same, just noting the similarities.

    I'm really happy to have discovered your blog!

  9. BH

    In Hebrew Beezrat Hashem!!


    1. Best choice since we will all be speaking Lashon Hakodesh soon.

  10. Hello!

    Hard to believe... but:


    Last Sign before Masiach - Libel Against Rabbi Berland


    Luiz Felipe

    1. Thank you so much. I posted it as a separate blog post.

      We are so happy to hear from you. We missed you.

  11. Rav Menahem: Ever since becoming a Baal Teshuva a few years ago, i have grieved the fact that i will never be fluent in Hebrew. Reading here that "we will all be speaking Lashon Hakodesh soon" gave me such joy! Can you please clarify where we find this in our holy books? Warm Regards, Ms. AP

    1. It is in Tenach. I am embarrassed. I saw it again recently, and I don't remember the exact verse. I believe it is elsewhere as well.

      It is like a reversal of the Tower of Babel; everyone in the world will be speaking one language instantly: Lashon Hakodesh. Notice I am not saying Hebrew. Even though it consists of the Hebrew language, it will be a purified version as in the Torah, without the nonsense of modern Hebrew.

      I am excited also.

    2. The prophet Zephania speaks of the future Messianic Era when he writes, "For then I will change the nations [to speak] a pure language, so that they all will proclaim the Name of G-d, to worship Him with a united resolve" (Zephania 3:9).

  12. Dear readers, rav Menachem with Eti,

    I want to share our experience at the Seder this year.
    All came together...
    Rice, Sardinia, Harachmania, The ha Ari ha Sefardi from Tsfat...
    And absolutely no fava/full at the table.

    Rice –is considered kosher for Pesach by Sephardi Jews. It was a tradition among Egyptian Jews to purchase all the Pesach rice one month before the holiday. For some families that meant buying about 40 pounds of rice. The rice would be placed in the middle of the table and the family would sift and wash the rice then divide it into eight portions for the eight days of Pesach. Rice is part of a group of legumes known in Hebrew as "kitniyot." These foods are considered kosher for Passover by Sephardi Jews and include corn, millet, string beans, green peas, lentils, split peas, soybeans and chickpeas.

    The Seder Plate in Southern Italy, Sicily and Morocco - The Seder plate is brought to the Seder table with great ceremony. It would be covered with a beautiful scarf and the family would sing as the plate arrived at the table. Before it was set down, the Seder plate would be placed on a child's head and then rotated for everyone to see.

    The Seder Plate in Tunisia, Sicily and Sardinia –

    As the plate arrives at the table, the Seder leader sets it on the head of the Seder leader. The plate is then passed from person to person around the table –held for a moment on each head by a family member. The Seder begins in this manner to demonstrate that we were once slaves in Egypt and carried heavy burdens on our heads.

    Moroccan seder ritual that immediately drew all those around the table into the full experience of a seder. This ritual is affectionately known amongst Moroccans as Bibhilu.

    Following the kiddush, the karpas, and the yahatz (division of the matzah), the leader takes the brass seder plate, adorned with all of the ritual items, and he begins to walk around the table, waving the seder plate over each person's head. As the plate is being waved, the entire gathering at the seder chants in unison: "Bibhilu yatsanu mimitsrayim" ("In a hurry we left Egypt").

    The Sephardic pattern, derives from tradition attributed to the great kabbalist from Safed known as the Ari (Rabbi Isaac Luria). In this haggadah, the drawing not only reflected the Ari's Sephardic arrangement, but it added something which suddenly tied together for me the logic behind the Sephardic arrangement, and the reason behind the Moroccan Bibhilu ritual. Next to each ritual item on the plate was written one of the 10 kabbalistic sefirot, the mystical dimensions describing the sacred attributes of God. The three matzahs correspond to keter (crown), chochmah (wisdom) and binah (understanding);

    the shank bone corresponds to hesed (kindness); the egg corresponds to gevurah (strength); the bitter herbs correspond to tiferet (beauty); the charoset corresponds to netzach (victory), the karpas corresponds to hod (splendor), the hazeret corresponds to yesod (foundation); and the seder plate itself represents malchut (kingship).

    With this mystical arrangement, the seder plate is no longer just a platter carrying a selection of ritual items. The Ari's Sephardic arrangement transformed the seder plate into a sacred representation of God, which means that when the seder plate is waved above your head during Bibhilu, you are being blessed by the spiritual strength of the Shekhina.

    The body of G'd, as represented by the sefirot, is now being waved above your head, and for the rest of the evening, the presence of the seder plate on the table represents the presence of the Shekhina in your midst.

    Bibhilu ritual also represented a spiritual blessing for each participant as he or she prepares to set off on the haggadah's storytelling journey

    from slavery to freedom.


    Thank you for reading.
    Chag kosher sameah!

    Orna Nitzevet

  13. Question: Would an Ashkenazi be allowed to partake of a kitniyot seder if he was invited and had nowhere else to go?

    1. Hello Menachem, Orna Nitzevet,wrote so beautifully his discription of pesach.
      Annoymours asked if Ashkenazi be allowed to eat a kitniyot seder.. your answer i found arrogant.. with that No. bring your own food.
      And you are not a rabbi or rav, yet the rabbis have said that all foods can be eaten, ashkenazi and sephardic.
      How you wrote is like you look down on those of whom you think are not in your high class.
      Jews are to be jews no matter where they come from or what their colour be..
      its when those like you who say they want to unite Jews, yet you show how you really think when you stigmatize them by labels of what they eat or not.
      Please this is not how i think Hashem thinks it to be.
      You are as ordinary as any other Jew. stop thinking of yourself as jews of europe, jews of middle east, jews of india. For heavens sake change your thinking and just be jews.

    2. I humbly apologize if I came across as being anything but helpful and truthful. I was asked a question, and I gave a totally correct answer.

      I have been in that situation of being invited by very good Sephardi friends to eat at their house on Pesach. They were completely understanding, and they suggested to me, that I bring whatever food with to ensure that I did not violate my custom of Kitniyot. They knew as I know that true friendship includes helping your fellow Jew do all the laws and customs properly. That is what Hashem wants from us, love for each other as we work together to come closer to Hashem.

      If you know any Rabbi that tells you to violate a definite Ashkenaz custom, run from that Rabbi, he is wrong, and telling you something that Hashem would not approve of.

      From my book: Rabbi Moshe David Valle (1697-1777) was a Kabbalist who wrote many books. One of the subjects, for which he is known, is stating the differences required by different Jews. Jews are very much influenced by their environmental conditions with which they grew up. A Jew in Northern Africa obviously has a very different situation from a Jew in Europe. Differences such food, water, air, climate, customs, etc actually cause differences to be needed by the soul in every activity in life. Prayer is very much included in the dichotomy, and therefore even requires different words and customs. You can’t get more exacting and scientifically accurate than that.

      It is not just custom, but, once again, a matter of living the absolute truth as Hashem designed it.

      So far as Orna's situation, SHE married a wonderful Sefardi Jew. Jewish women often take on the customs of their husbands at time of marriage. What she did is totally permissible, according to Hashem's rules.

      Please, don't judge me based on improper information, which is such a very common practice in this world. I would feel horrible if I gave any other answer than the correct one, after all this is called the Absolute Truth.

    3. As rav Menachem wrote, the woman take the tradition from her father, then from her husband.
      My mother was chef Mediterranean, and in my family tradition we eat rice, not many other kitniyot as it is poisonous to me.
      When in search for shidduch, the very unchangeable condition of my future husband was to be a sefardi or mizrahi to be able to keep my family tradition to eat rice during PESAH.
      My daughter, a half mizrahi, married an Ashkenazi, so I guess they are on potato diet??
      So long Jews are outside of Israel this difference is absolutely acceptable, not always easy.
      Rabbi Ovadia Yosef stated that until ha Mashiah take the leadership, we should follow our tradition.
      Although I feel pity for every mizrahi daughter thwt she have to follow the custom of her Ashkenazi husband, rabbi Ovadia is my guide in HALACHA.
      You should see what he said about wigs! :)
      We Jews, are part of one body.
      With all our beautiful differences.
      The 13 principles of Jewish faith unite us and guide.
      Thank you for the defense.
      I am sure that when Mashiah Tzidkeinu is crowned, al the difficult things will become much simpler, including kitniyot on pesah.
      Till then, follow the halacha suitable to your family tradition for no serious Jew want to become "reform".

      Orna Nitzevet
