There is so much happening in the world that is 100% told to us in scriptures of events that will happen in the end, right before the worldwide redemption and Moshiach being crowned.
The biggest of the event, of course, is the Star of Jacob, Nibiru heading this way. I am still getting Emails from some readers who are still skeptical about it all. They love to point out that all the dates that I talked about didn’t happen. I wrote recently that fact that I never predicted a date, but only brought to your attention dates from sources that weren’t totally accurate. What do I mean by that? Even though I saw a date in March, as an example, it never really said what was going to occur, just that it would be something to do with Nibiru. That turned out to be very accurate, as I will explain.
Why was I so interested in telling dates, even if I had no idea what would happen on that date? Since the evil global elite that are controlling NASA, observatories and professional astronomers (many who rely on grants from the evil ones), there was no reliable information except the amateurs, that something was about to happen. As I said before, better safe than sorry. If I talked about events happening before the fact, it should be to your advantage since doing extra Teshuvah or Tefillah earlier is definitely better.
One qualification that I would like to stress. The actual flyby of Nibiru has not occurred yet, but the effects, the devastation expected from this star system is already devastating. If it hasn’t affect you, consider that your Teshuvah might be working.
Watch this video of things happening of which you may not be aware. Turn off the sound which is, I believe, is either a woman or a very effeminate male singing. The sound adds nothing to the video:
The more important fact is that these earthly changes are coming about because of great stress being put on the Earth’s tectonic plate and the underground magma, which is wreaking havoc worldwide (except for Israel). This is being brought about due to the effects (mostly gravitational) from Nibiru. The tougher problem is that as Nibiru approaches the chaos will increase greatly.
I would also like to clarify a misnomer about Nibiru. Most videos that talk about Nibiru call it Nibiru, Planet X, Planet 7 and other assorted names. This is not just a star that is approaching, but a solar system. Nibiru, which is the dwarf companion binary star to our sun, is actually a solar system. There have been planets seen in the area of Nibiru, meaning that it is a separate solar system with its own planets. How many? Only Hashem and probably NASA know. Why the big mystery, why is this information being kept from us? The best answer I can give you is that it is also part of the end of time testing. The evil ones are counting on this for maximum population killing. Hashem is testing us to see who is turning to Him for everything versus trying to solve all this on one’s own.
Read or re-read, if you have already seen this, the most recent messages from Hashem from the Facilitated Communications individuals:
This last message from Daniel is excellent, but it includes a video from Rav Mizrachi, that has many mistakes in it. It is not just that is disagrees with what I have proven, but it disagrees with scriptures.
These messages and the prophecies that are in scriptures that are obviously happening now, are the best source of information since it is all from Hashem. Take note that the messages from the FC individuals are saying the same things that I have been saying for a while. They are just verifying that we are getting very close.
The most important message for all my readers is that the time for turning to Hashem is critical and is NOW. You can see in the last message from Daniel that those who rely completely on Hashem will be saved, even though as I have said many times, the amount of difficulty that one will experience is completely dependent on the individual’s measure for measure interaction with Hashem.
The last message does give a more realistic scenario that tells about the places that will be completely gone, mostly under water. The US East Coast, the West coast, the Gulf region, the areas around the great lakes, on river banks, large inland lakes, etc (areas near bodies of water that are expected to rise). Even though the message is still “come to Israel to avoid the devastation,” Hashem will still protect His faithful outside of Israel. Just be aware that the difficulty may include moving out of one’s home temporarily. Also, the fact that when the meteors and rocks from the tail of Nibiru start to fall, all airplanes probably will be grounded. The mass hysteria of people trying to flee coastal areas after it gets so bad, should be taken into account beforehand. Plan now for what is coming.
When is it? We still don’t really know. But, two things are giving us a good indication that we are probably talking weeks not months. One, is the increase in earthly mayhem (earthquakes, volcanic action, crazy weather, sinkholes, etc); and two, the fact that pictures are showing that it is getting closer.