Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Lost Tribes

I mentioned last week that the Parashah of week was Vayigash and that Yosef coming together with his brothers was a prophecy of the lost tribes returning in the end of days. The Haftarah for Vayigash is the actual prophecy in the Bible that tells us of the return. Here is the Artscroll commentary on the Haftarah:

Haftaras Vayigash Ezekiel 37:15-28

A Sidrah that tells of the reunification of Jacob's sons is followed by a Haftarah that prophecies the eventual unification of the twelve tribes of Israel. The prophet Ezekiel, like Jeremiah, was one of the main prophets of the Destruction, and he actually joined his exiled brethren in Babylonia. The destruction of the Temple took place 140 years after the exile of the twelve tribes, so that the prophecy of this Haftarah was a source of great comfort to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, for if even their long-lost comrades of the Northern Kingdom were assured that they would again become part of the nation, surely the two southern tribes could be certain that G-d was not forsaking them.

According to Maharal (Gur Aryeh, Genesis 45: 14), the tears that accompanied the embrace of Joseph and Benjamin when Joseph revealed himself in Egypt were tears of joy, because the long-separated brothers foresaw the prophecy of Ezekiel. Joseph was the father of Ephraim, leader of the Ten Tribes, and Benjamin's descendants remained loyal to the Davidic dynasty of Judah; thus their reunion in Egypt was a precursor of that foretold by Ezekiel.
The Haftarah goes on to make clear what sort of unified nation the twelve tribes of the future would be. The prophecy speaks not of a mere political union, free from the wars and rivalry that marred the era of the First Temple. Rather, it speaks of an era under a king from the House of David, who will be a servant of G-d and who will unify the people in allegiance to the Torah. Idolatry will be gone and the Temple will stand; the standard of life will be obedience to the laws of the Torah and the result will be that the entire world will know that HASHEM is G-d.
All indications, from world events to the words of Hashem as we are receiving through the Rabbis and the Facilitated Communications individuals are pointing to the return of the tribes being in the near-term. Please Hashem may it all be fulfilled imminently.


  1. Amen and Amen...
    And Please Hashem, may i be counted among one of the lost tribes. Please Hashem...


    1. I had you in mind when I wrote this.

    2. B'H!


      Please Hashem: include S.C. and I also, please Hashem!

      Luiz Felipe - S.P. - Brazil

    3. Luiz, Hashem sees your love and sincerity, i am going to keep you in my prayers everyday, bli neder, and may your wish of conversion and going to Eretz Israel be granted to you.
      You are young, do not give up.
      Hashem bless and strengthen you in all ways .. Amen and Amen

    4. B'H!


      Thank you very much S.C.!!!:)

      Amen! :)

      Shavua Tov for all!!!

      Luiz Felipe.

  2. Rav Menahem, For the benefit of people who are fairly new to the blog, please explain what Facilitated Communications individuals are and why the words received by them are being taken seriously. Much Thanks, Ms. AP

    1. Very happy to. FC is a method of communicating with Autistic, severe cases of Down Syndrome and other individuals who have no communications skills (it has even been successful with coma patients and babies that are too young to speak). It is a method that talks to the souls of the individuals, meaning that they are not in touch with this physical world but are very attuned to Heaven (messages from Hashem).

      What is the proof of the validity? One is that in the Talmud, Bava Basra 12b, it states that prophecy will be given to children and shotim, which is poorly translated as deranged individuals, but is more aptly referring to individuals who are not able to speak or communicate -- this is describing the FC individuals.

      The other scriptural verification is from Parashat Shoftim (Devarim 18:15-22) which is Hashem giving us a test for prophecy -- whether it is truly prophecy or not.

      I have been following FC individuals since 1997 including knowing Psychologists who have used FC on their patients. The messages that they have given us could only have come from Heaven, since they are accurate predictions that pass the test of prophecy.

      There are books written on the subject which are very informative and leave you with total confidence in what is transpiring. One is Secrets of the Soul and another is Galia.

      To me personally, I have friends who are close to the families of Autistic individuals, such as Ben Golden. I have heard stories which, once again, validate their connection with Hashem. Of course, watching predictions come true with very succinct detailed messages for the past 18 years has given me total confidence that the prophecies of the Talmud and the Torah have been fulfilled through these individuals.

      I have also noticed that the biggest skeptics turn out to be people who know almost nothing about FC and its success.

  3. I understand now and have great respect for your experiences. Having said that, i did some search on topic tonight. Are you are aware that the American Psychological Association disavows FC? Ms. AP

    1. So they disagree with Hashem Who gave us prophecies and fulfilled them? They disagree with the Creator of the human Psyche that they study? What a shock. They sound like the so-called scientists who know that all life on this world came about by evolution and not creation. The scientific community could never agree with the Absolute Truth.

      I haven't mentioned it, but I have completed all the credits needed to become a Psychologist. Going through years of study in Psychology and Sociology have proven to me how inexact a science it is -- in fact there are so many theories that have changed over the years, you can have confidence in very little that they say.

      On the other hand, when you follow the messages of the FC individuals, as I have, you can have complete confidence in what they say. If they tell you events that are going to happen in the world, and they happen, where did they get this information in advance when you are talking about individuals who cannot read or do not watch the news to even know what is happening. Yet they give an analysis of what is coming up.

      I'll give you a story that I heard from a previous neighbor of Ben Golden. Whenever Ben's father has a question to ask his son, and Ben is with a facilitator, Ben will already give the answer before the father asks the question.

      This also happened with Galia who was a severely retarded young lady. At age 11, her family had never communicated with her. Galia's mother heard about FC and set it up for a session. The mother was so nervous at the prospect of communicating with her beloved daughter after 11 years of silence, she reached into her pocketbook to take out a list of questions that she had prepared to ask Galia. The mother realized she had left the list of questions at home. Galia told her not to worry, she answered the questions in the exact order as the list that her mother had made. Galia's family knew immediately that FC was legitimate.

      If you want many stories, get the two books that I mentioned in my last comment. Galia's book is called "Messages from Heaven Galia." If you can't wait to read it, go to the YouTube video that her mother made:

      Facilitated Communications is totally real, and is beyond a shadow of a doubt "messages from Hashem." One caveat: if it is being performed on a non-Jew who would not be a source of the absolute truth, Hashem doesn't give those individuals messages. The Am Psych Assn doesn't know that -- it is not scientific. Hashem controls it all. Ben Golden has verified that. People have asked him questions and he answered, Heaven doesn't want that disclosed, so they will not tell me that information.

    2. Rav, thank you so much for writing this and explaining it so well.
      Thank you also for the youtube posting. Shall be watching it bli neder,
      Hashem bless you all and all those who come to this wonderful blog from which so many, including myself are learning.

    3. Amen!

      Luiz Felipe.

  4. I will look some more into this...intriguing. Can't thank you enough for all the clarifications. Feels like many veils have been removed from my eyes in the past 2 1/2 weeks or so. One by one, my beliefs based on mainstream media have been challenged and i am just soaking it all in and researching further. Your patience and guidance are heartwarming. Much Thanks, Ms. AP

  5. Prophecies of the Lubaitcher Rebbe King Moshiach ...
    Video for sokolovski prophecies of the rebbe
    ▶ 6:09

    1. Hello Michael Saull, i went to the youtube sites you posted, and both say, its not available :(

    2. The first one doesn't work, but the second URL is good. It doesn't make a difference, sc, it isn't in English.

  6. Please bring our brothers home and let their suffering and exile come to an end.

    < a href="Dear Hashem please bring our brothers home to their land and let their suffering and exile come to an end.

    Bal Ej: The Craftsmen

  7. Here is the link I failed to embed properly.
