Tuesday, December 29, 2015


The article that I posted on Sunday, the words of Rav Moshe Sternbuch, shlita, is the Absolute Truth. I have been saying for the past 45 months a very similar message. We are close to the Geula and the introduction of Moshiach. One very important aspect that I have said, and will repeat again, is that there is no bandwagon that we can jump on to coast to the end. We cannot be with a wait and see attitude. We are all measure for measure being treated separately. If we are with Hashem and turn to him for everything, we will make the journey to Geula much easier for ourselves and our loved ones. If we are in a “wait and see” mode, or even worse, a skeptical mode, we will go to the end of the end with much suffering. It doesn’t mean that Hashem won’t give us Tikun. It doesn’t mean that we will not receive the days of Moshiach. It only means that we will not get the best of our happy ending without problems and chaos. We are still individuals with individual obligations to accomplish.

Rav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita, tells us that Hashem wants to crown Moshiach immediately. The problem is we are not waiting for him, he is waiting for us. If all the Jews would scream out that “we have had enough of this evil, chaotic world and that we want Moshiach now,” Hashem would say: “Now you have caught on, here he is.” The simple solution to all the world’s problems is just “all the Jews turning to Hashem and demanding the King Moshiach instantly.” That is what Hashem is waiting for, and that is the best indication that we are relying on Hashem for everything.

It is brought down that if all the Jews would do repentance, Moshiach would appear instantly. What would cause all the Jews to repent? When the world gets so scary that we all look up and say to Hashem: “HELP!!!!” That is all the repentance needed, since it would be all the Jews turning to Hashem. They say: There are not atheists in foxholes; do we have to wait for the entire world to be a foxhole before we catch on?

How simple a solution to all our problems, and all the problems of the world. Acknowledge Hashem and His Torah as the only source of Absolute Truth and we end this evil world and go into the world of goodness and truth. Where do we see this in the Torah? When Korach tried to take power from Moshe, the ground opened up and sent him and his group of rebels to Hell. Korach’s sons hollered at the last second: “Moshe is telling the truth and the Torah is the truth.” At that time the ground closed and prevented them from going to Hell with their father. By turning to Hashem with instant repentance, instantly acknowledging the only source of truth, their lives were saved.

That is exactly the message from Rav Sternbuch and Rav Ben Artzi. Geulah could happen instantly – it is up to us. If not, as Rav Ben Artzi has been saying, the world will get scarier until all the Jews turn to Hashem. Yes, it is coming – and each of us will experience it differently depending on our actions NOW. There is no bandwagon; there is only our personal interaction with Hashem. A million Jews will experience a million different levels of Geula and spirituality. We are all responsible for ourselves, but yet we can work together to make it happen. Why wait? It is your life, your eternity and the eternity of those who depend upon what you do now.

Hashem put an idea in my head.  If everyone reading this post would pass it on to everyone we know, and have them pass it on to everyone they know, the worldwide redemption would occur immediately.  Let us start a campaign to prevent the need for the world getting scarier.  Since Hashem wants all the Jews, and let me include all righteous non-Jews (that should include the lost tribes of Israel), to come together in unity, Achdus, let us use this miracle called the internet and talk to as many people as possible.

This is not speculation, but guaranteed to work.  Hashem wants to give us His goodness, not force us to happy times by scaring us.  The threat of war, weather problems, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, world hunger, disease, evil leaders, evil governments, etc, etc, etc DO NOT HAVE TO HAPPEN – WE CAN STOP IT.

A very huge concern of the Jews around the world is the desire to make Aliyah.  All Jews outside of Israel are asking: "how can I just give up my life and run?"  The simple answer is: Moshiach is announced and brings you and your loved ones here.  All scary events are curtailed and you are on your way.  We know that all negative prophecies do not have to happen -- it is up to us.  Simple solution. 

Let us put aside all petty differences, all immature arguments and save the world.  Of course, that means solving all of your personal problems, also.  Let us believe Rav Sternbuch and Rav Ben Artzi and many, many other great Rabbis, alive today and throughout history, when they say that all we have to do is shout out to Hashem “WE WANT MOSHIACH NOW,” and the crowning of Moshiach will occur, instantly.  The Lubavitcher Rebbe used to say “one more mitzvah fulfilled could bring the Moshiach.”  In other words, the next commandment that you do could put us over the top and you have saved the world.  How many more mitzvot do we need?  Spread the word, put out a helping hand to everyone you know, and we will find out.
Let us all become proactive and together we can satisfy the most important reason that we are on this Earth “To be a light unto the nations.”  To meet our obligations of helping each other, includes helping ourselves. To bring all the people of planet Earth closer to Hashem is the answer – guaranteed in writing.



  1. Very good idea.
    And you are sending us to Israel, not to New York!!!
    Yerushalayim, not New York, Uman, or Johannesburg!
    That's where the Shechina is right now.
    No rabbi, cult or government can change this.
    Not any amount of money can change this.
    Any rabbi that deny us the idea of comming home, instead of staying in MITZRAYIM, is wrong at this very moment, no mater how wise his words can sometimes be.
    ITS TIME TO COME HOME TO ISRAEL BY YOUR BODY AND TO YERUSHALAYIM WITH YOUR NESHAMA should be the only message now from every rabbi.
    Thank you.

  2. Please provide a link for the post from Sunday as I am not seeing it. Thank you.

    1. http://absolutetruth613.blogspot.co.il/2015/12/preventing-another-holocaust.html

  3. Insightful blog, full of yetzer hatov.

  4. Not sure there is a source from Hazal supporting this idea that Moshiach will come if the Jews "want" him to come.

    There IS a source that says if we eliminate baseless hatred, he will come.

    1. The list is actually very long. Rather than the word "want," it might be more of "deserving." Of course, those of us who are deserving greatly want Moshiach. You are familiar with the idea of Moshiach coming earlier if we are deserving or in his time if we are not. You are probably familiar with "if all the Jews do Teshuvah, Moshiach will come. You have heard that if all the Jews celebrate two Shabbosos, Moshiach will come. You must know that there were times in history that we could have had Moshiach, but were not worthy. Ahavas Yisroel, love your neighbor, etc are also keys to bringing Moshiach. You are probably aware of Rav Chaninah ben Dosa stating that if we daven correctly our prayers will be successful (I believe it is in Taanis and Yoma).

      Aside from all that and many more (those were off the top of my head), I am referring to the messages of both Rav Sternbuch and Rav Ben Artzi that I posted -- they are saying it. If I added other Gedolim, Mekubalim and FC individuals, I would have a long list of sources telling us what we need to do to bring Moshiach. We are the biggest delay.

  5. Strong message. I hope everyone gets the message.

  6. The Yerushalayim5775.blogspot.com points out to the idea that Shaar Harachamim was opened by the Mashiach on 13 September 2015, that is the Rosh Hashanah 5776. We know that the Day of Judgment has to start from there. Exactly on that day did begin the violence at the Temple Mount hinting to the Geulah unfolding.

    1. What a beautiful blog. I am honored by your effort, and know that you will be blessed for getting the word of Hashem out to more people.

  7. The opening of Shaar Harachamim by the Mashiach on Rosh Hashanah 5776 has to be seen as a spiritual event, ki at the material level that gate is still blocked. If so, that has triggered the hovering of Shekhinah upon The Temple Mount. Gradually she will spread all over Yisrael, and eventually all over the world for tikkun haolam.

    1. Hello!

      Excuse me Mr. Avi:

      What is "Shaar Harachamim"?!

      Thanks for the reply since ever.

      Luiz Felipe.

    2. Amen Avi, may the GATE OF MERCY be reached by all pure children of Hashem.

  8. Hello!!

    I have noticed that the anti-Semitism is increasing in Brazil. Even though I'm a Bnei Noach, people lately has looked me strangely, here everything is in chaos, the truth is a lie and the lie is "the truth". I don't know if it's because of the growing anti-Semitism in Brazil.

    The Brazilian Communist dictatorship is not accepting the Israeli Ambassador (appointed in Israel). There will be negative for the whole Brazil decrees. People are more and more crazy, people are living in a fantasy world, in a world of "sweet lies".

    The stupidity and darkness in Brazil have reached alarming levels.

    Luiz Felipe.

    1. Hi Luiz, This is Ms.AP...Hashem is already punishing Brazil severely for their arrogance at not approving the new Israeli ambassador and siding with the Palestinian lobby! As you are aware, there is an infection affecting thousands of Brazilian women - Zica virus - causing a nasty type of encephalitis in fetuses who are being born with significantly smaller brains. Brazilian obstetricians are telling women to post-pone getting pregnant until they know more about how to control this. Biblical if you ask me. Don't recall anything like that when growing up in Brazil.

    2. Hello Mrs. A.P.!

      I noticed that Brazil is being punished, but didn't know the virus ' zica ' is a punishment, I thought it was more an act of NWO (leaders).

      Thank you so much for this information.

      The Brazil is a country extremely arrogant, the Brazilian population is very ignorant, unfortunately the Brazilian leaders are anti-Semites (although covertly).

      I don't understand your sentence: "Biblical if you ask me.

      I can say without a shadow of a doubt: ' I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. ’ :)

      The Brazil sadly is no longer the same. Historically, Brazil has always been a very dark country (spiritually), but the values ("old" and positive) of: ' respect for elders ', ' repudiation of homosexuality ', ' crime ', repudiation of everything that was the norm in Brazil.

      Currently in Brazil, the inversion of values (Marxist brainwashing) is dominant.

      Thank you very much for your words.

      All the best!!!

      Luiz Felipe.

    3. Hi Luiz, When i wrote that the whole Zica virus timing is "Biblical if you ask me" i meant that (in my opinion) it is a harsh punishment from the spiritual realm. Brazil has been playing with fire by being so cosy with the Palestinians, Iranians and the nonsense of not approving the embassador. They continue to anger Hashem with their actions against his anointed ones. As everything in this world has a spiritual component,this Zica virus looks to me as punishment, something like one of the plagues in Egypt. Luiz, accept the help, go to Israel and leave the sinking boat. The Brazil we knew is long gone.

    4. Hello!

      Thank you very much for the clarification Mrs. A.P.!

      In fact, Brazil has played for years with fire for harboring extremist Arabs. Unfortunately, Brazil is Essav, so We can realize how all this will end up (with harsh punishment for Brazil). The unemployment rate is already 35%-40% (although the "Government"-dictatorship-hide these numbers, of course).

      Yes Mrs. A.P., I accepted the offer, I'm just waiting for contact from Mr. anonymous.

      All the best!

      Luiz Felipe.

  9. Mindblowing. This message should be spread like wildfire. Tizkeh l'mitzvot.


  10. Yes, he is waiting you all to decide. The Creator of All knows what we need and whom he has already identified publically back in 2002. Make up your minds already.

  11. Luiz Felipe, there are good news for you. Although you were born among non-Jewish people your soul may be Jewish. It is not surprising that people look strangely to you, because now during the Day of Judgment there is separation of good and evil. Brazil will be punished by Hashem for its hatred towards Yisrael.
    So, I say welcome my brother, ahi, amongst the people of the Great Creator of everything.
    I have read some of your comments in the past, so that what I wrote about you above comes after a mature thinking.

    1. I have dealt with non-Jews of Spanish and Portuguese decent and found a good possibility of them descending from Marranos. I have corresponded with Luiz and feel strongly that he is either with a Jewish soul or of one of the lost tribes. Either way I hope to have him a neighbor in the near future.

    2. i am not Spanish or Portugyese,

      So i could not be your neighbour,,

    3. I was just saying that a very likely connection to past Jewish ancestry is through the Marranos.

      There are many, many other connections that are possible such as Jews or lost tribe members who migrated to Pakistan. There are thousands of ways that you could be my neighbor.

    4. I cannot choose from thousands of ways.

      I just want one way..
      any way.. thanks.

      Besides, there was no Pakistan till 1947. Then when pakistan came into being, it was a partitioned part of India. Those who stayed in that divided part - among a lot of the 'minorities"- meaning non-muslim, were Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians and others.
      Just sharing a bit o'history.
      Can one do a DNA test to find out if one is/was Jewish? Is this kosher to do? and is it reliable?
      Just to satisfy ones wanting to know. I know a DNA test even if it showed one had a Jewish link, would not stand with Rabbis as proof. One would have to convert.
      Why cannot an old person who wants to convert not be allowed to? Why the demand to move to a Jewish neighborhood? Why? why do rabbis make it soooo dificult. At least for old ones there should be some exception to hard rules.
      Sorry for this long comment.

    5. B'H!

      Hello Mr. Avi!

      Honestly: I believe like many other Bnei Noach (we have souls of Jews-in goym bodies), I apologize if this sound arrogant. Please Hashem: I'm sorry if my words are arrogant!

      I really can't understand (because they look at me, or do other Bnei Noach also are going through that?!:O Because I apparently am a goym, (although I don't use their clothes – lack of tzniut).

      It's hard for me, as a Brazilian understand why Brazil is against Israel, the Brazilian population mostly don't care about what happens in Israel (I say: be against), are the leaders and social movements (Communist groups) who are against Israel (at least reveladamente).

      The Brazil makes pró-fakestinian lobby for years.

      Menachem: I would love to live in Betar Ilit. Hahaha!!!

      S.C.: Here in Brazil it's the same situation (at least very similar), for most Who seeking to convert (honestly) is almost impossible, since most of the Brazilian Jewish community (at least in the city of S.P.) are in high-level social neighborhoods. In Brazil it is almost impossible to convert (only if the person has much, much financial support). :(

      All the best to all!!!

      Luiz Felipe.

  12. What a noble cause is to be on a mission to save the world. Be blessed you great tzaddik! Hashem is listening to the people of light.

  13. Luiz Felipe, would you want to come here and convert. I feel, your love for Israel and the Jewish people is so strong, that you most likely want to be part of it. If you are serious about it we can all help out to get you here. I am sure more people that read this fantastic blog feel the same way. Think about it and let us know.

    1. Luiz.. take the offer. Go go, and when you convert and are there in Eretz Israel, say a prayer for me and my family too.

    2. Hello!

      Yes Mr./Mrs. "anonymous", I'd like to convert Yes, to go to Israel for sure. And agree to help to go perform the conversion. B'H!

      Yes, I accept the offer.

      * Please I will contact Menachem to talk to me, ok?!

      I will contact the Mr./Mrs. by Rav Menachem, ok?!

      All the best to you and all your.

      Luiz Felipe.

    3. Hello "Mr. anonymous"!

      If Mr. want to contact me, this is my email: luiz.bildner@yahoo.com.br. Feel free to write me.

      Thank you very much!

      Luiz Felipe.

  14. Avi, Amen that sounds wonderful. On Zos Chanuka, the last day if Chanuka the shechina was very much present at the Tempel Mount

  15. Recently there was a "Shema Yisroel" time when everyone said "shema" at the same time. According to this, we should have a "Help!" time. Will you coordinate this great call to HaShem?

    1. I do wish to continue this effort until we meet Moshiach Tzedkeinu, but I need everyone's help to reach 7.3 billion people.

    2. In my own small way, i have done this.. sending out your message to those i know. should i send it to those who are others like xtians?

    3. I want to tell all 7.3 billion people of planet Earth. That should bring Moshiach.

  16. BS"D
    Discussion with Moishela (with his family)
    A Handicapped child
    6 Teves 5776 (Dec 18, ‘15)

    The Master Plan Is Taking Form

    Mommy I think my last week’s message covered things pretty well. As for this week, well, it will be an interesting week. There will definitely be things happening. Also if you don’t understand the goals of the Reshoim, Yemach Shemam Vezichram, it will be very hard to understand what they are doing and why they are doing it. But for those who have been following the paths that the Reshoim have been taking and following the highways and byways that they have been building will realize that these evil ones are positive that they are actually very close to their evil goals. It is more and more evident that the master plan is taking form and a clear direction to the grand finale which they think will be the complete takeover of the world and the establishment of a one world order, a one world government, a one world army, a one world police, and a one world court of so-called justice. Before this can be attained completely we can see their horrific plan of a great world conflict, a war that will in the end make the world population much less and bring the rest of the inhabitance of the world to their knees and begging for their lives.

    They feel very close to their goal and this is only the beginning of their goal. They want to make Medinas Yisroel their capital and they want to build on Har Habayis, Chas Vesholom, a Bais Tumah of Avodah Zorah which is their religion, the worship of the Satan. Therefore they are making Jerusalem the capital of their new religion and the one world order.

    Their people have infiltrated the highest places in the Israeli government, the highest places in business in the state of Israel, and they control the Botai Mishpot (courts). They are in control of what is called the “supposed” security of the state of Israel, meaning the army, the police, and the secret services. It’s not all the members of these organizations that are their lackeys but the elite in all of these groups have infiltrated the heart of the so-called Jewish state.

    But Am Yisroel, don’t be afraid. We have nothing to fear. Hashem is with us as long as we are with Him. He is with us! If, Chas Vesholom, we go to the other side then we are doomed. If we stay close to Hashem we will be saved IY”H!

    So come let us open our Siddurim, open our Tehillims and come very close to the Creator of the World. Let Him know that we are and have always been His people.

    1. I just read this about a half hour ago. I have been following the vicious escapades of the Gog Bush cabal for years and I am happy to say even though they think they are getting close, their ruination is also very close. There are more problems that the cabal are having then people know about, B"H.

      Throughout history Hashem has taken leaders to a very high position of false success before He dropped them and completely ruined their plans. Pharaoh, Haman, Nimrod, Sennacherib, Nero, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Hitler, etc, were all feeling great success, only to to be dashed to ruination before they went to Gehinnom. Bush, Obama and many others have their reservations in Gehinnom as well, after they are dashed.

  17. A word to Luiz Felipe's questions:
    Sha'ar Harachamim is the Eastern Gate at the Temple Mount compound. It is also known as Golden Gate.
    Our prophecies assert that the Day of Judgment will start from that place. We know from the recent events in Yerushalayim that the current waves of violance started on 13 September 2015 that is the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah 5776, a day our Scriptures regard to be the Day of Judgment.
    As mentioned above the Mashiach only could be the person to trigger such an important event, so that he was there at the Golden Gate to call on the divine spirit, the Shekhinah to descent. The divine presence of Shekhinah is necessary for the separation of good and evil, consequently bringing geulah, the redemption, gradually.
    It appears from the comments above that some people in Yerushalayim did experience already the divine presence, the Shekhinah.
    As such there is an unstoppable drive for the Jews to come to the Temple Mount feeling stronger and stronger Shekhinah manifestation there. Keep in mind that the Jewish soul is made by Hashem in such a way that always awakens in the presence of Shekhinah, the divine spirit.
    Now that we know for sure, looking at the happenings in Yerushalayim, that the Shekhinah is a real presence there, we will see more and more people awakening. Even among the commentators of this blog the phenomenon is already acknowledged.

    1. Thank you very much Mr. Avi for the reply, I thank you for your patience, and all what I responded in the comments!!!

      I have learned on this blog what I never learned before, I believed to be just conspiracy everything that was treated as ' iluminatti ', or something of the xistians crazy. I unfortunately was infected unknowingly by the cultural Marxism (without notice), at least on economic vision (never morally, such as: support homosexuality, feminism, abortionists, although I see a lot of propaganda/brainwashing, I mean: in the University).

      Thank you all so much.

      Luiz Felipe.

  18. Chaim let's go for it. The " help" prayer at the end of the day. We ALL need help with something and Messiah will bring an END to ALL suffering. So let's go for it. Who
    Can make a page that we can send through just like the Tikkun ha Klali prayer that was a worldwide thing. Who is an artistic webdesigner. I'll be happy to help with the text.
