Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Let’s Talk About the History of Nibiru

The idea of another planet or other planets or other solar systems in connection with our solar system has been speculated for many years. When I was studying Newtonian Physics, all the laws of motion, in the 1960’s, there was much belief that our sun was part of a binary star system, two suns revolving around each other. Why? The motion of our sun and even the planets in our solar system seemed to be experiencing a gravitational influence that was not seen. The actual motion of our sun as it traveled in orbit through our galaxy had additional anomalies acting on our solar system causing deviations that could not be explained. Going back as far as the 1940’s there was belief that there was more to our solar system than was known. The fact that there were ancient cultures who documented sightings of additional heavenly bodies travelling through our solar system sparked much research on the subject. The details of what was discovered, and by whom, is extensive, but not necessary for our purpose here.

I jump forward to the early 1980’s when evidence was revealed that the US government, specifically NASA, found proof of what they referred to as Planet X (a tenth planet to add to the nine accepted planets of our solar system). In 1983, the details were quickly declared top secret via an executive order by President Reagan.

The actual documentation was Executive Order 12356 - National Security Information which was signed into law on April 2, 1982 and applied to this phenomenon in 1983. If you are interested in the EO, go to:


This Top Secret order was continued by the presidents up to Obama. One caveat was that President Reagan had as his Vice President, Gog Bush, Sr, who was already implementing his agenda for the evil New World Order. As president, he officially announced it in 1991 to the world in his famous speech. His plan all along was that he would need World War 3 to reduce the world population to 500 million, but he also saw the opportunity of return of Nibiru and the devastation that it would create. How do I know these details? It was the start of the plans to build underground cities in America, and many other places in the world, for the elite to survive the devastation. Do a search on YouTube and Google of such titles as “underground cities in America” and be appalled at the plans of the global elite to save themselves and eliminate much of the world population, either by WW3 or by the flyby of Nibiru.

The NASA studies have made the global elite aware that this large planet or whatever it was has visited Earth before and that it would return. They even estimated that it would return early in the 21st century and could cause extensive damage to the Earth.

However, there has been great pressure by humanitarian groups to President Obama to announce the truth about Nibiru to the world, since it is getting closer to Earth and will soon cause great devastation to the world population. The announcement will come but only after Nibiru is seen in the sky and has caused such panic that the world population will rebel. The governments’ answer to this problem was to train active military units in crowd control. In my decades of being in the military and being around the military, I have never seen the use of active combat soldiers to handle riots. A few years ago I even saw where in the defense budget large sums of money were allocated to control the population in the upcoming crisis. Last year’s Jade Helm exercise was for that very purpose. Is all this to help the population at large? No! It is to prevent them from overrunning the underground fortresses in an effort to survive.

Why am I telling you all this? The most prominent question that I have received recently is: what proof do I have that Nibiru is real and that it will cause great upheaval throughout the world? If one does not believe the many pictures that have been seen, the vast amount of proof from scriptures, the messages from the FC individuals, the messages from the Rabbis and scientific sources, etc, etc, etc, BELIEVE THAT THE TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, AND MANY OTHER CURRENCIES, THAT THE EVIL GLOBAL ELITE HAVE SPENT TO SURVIVE (mostly your tax dollars at work, yes they stole your money for their benefit), AND HAVE SET UP A SITUATION FOR OUR DEMISE. THEY KNOW FOR SURE THAT NIBIRU IS IMMINENT AND WILL DESTROY TWO THIRDS OF THE WORLD POPULATION (they, of course, are hoping for more). They have invested so much money based on their very valid information – yes, I am talking the greediest, most selfish people in the world (who wouldn’t spend a cent unless they knew for sure).

Tomorrow, or the day after, B”N (I still have much to do for the post), I plan to tell you my research findings about why we have not seen Nibiru yet (referring to everyone in the world just looking up and seeing it), and when it is likely to happen.


  1. Thank you.
    Looking very forward to more! Can't get enough of it!
    Question is - what happens afterwards? How long does the destruction last? Is it years like Noach and the Taiva? Once all the righteous are safely out of the way - is everything all over? Is this just a big step towards the crowning of Moshiach and there is still more hurdles to get past? Thanks again for all your tremendous efforts and time.

    1. You are asking the best questions to be asked. In essence what are all the fine details of Hashem's plan for us on planet Earth. It is the subject that I am working on for tomorrow's post, B"N.

      Am I saying that I have all the answers? Absolutely not! But, my research over many years has led me to some very interesting possibilities. The only source of complete truth is Hashem. My analysis of the plan to bring us to Tikun Olam is in scriptures. I hope to unravel some of the mysteries.

    2. Hello!

      I would ask the same questions: how will after Nibiru? How long will Nibiru (pass on the Earth)? It will be the end of evil in the world (finally)? The Bnei Israel and Bnei Noach will thrive finally?! Moshiach will be revealed after Nibiru?

      Thank you very much for the comments (the two above).

      Kol Tuv!

      Luiz Felipe.

    3. Some of these questions will be answered in my post probably Thursday (I still have much more to do and will not have it completed by tomorrow).

      I believe all good people who follow Hashem's ways will survive and thrive this year. When will it all be completed? I really don't know, but I am suspecting that Passover will be very important this year.

    4. B'H!!!


      Luiz Felipe.

  2. Rav Menahem, Thank you for posting more often now - information on the history of Nibiru and other related topics. As Purim approaches, our anxiety levels increase. It has nothing to do with Emunah but lots to do with being privy to what 99.9% of the world is not yet aware. Having your updates go a long way in helping us deal with what is coming and remain connected with our fellow bloggers. You have become like a special family so a big hug and many blessings to all. Rav Menahem, please clarify...who are these "elite" people? Why are they allowed to manipulate a potentially catastrophic situation into becoming a near extinction type of event? Are these evil people - together with Nibiru - to be the proverbial rod that Hashem will use to cleanse the world, measure for measure? Since MBD will probably be "crowned below" after Nibiru's flyby, what will happen to this murderous cabal?
    With Thanks, Ms. AP

    1. My excitement for the happy ending, that is coming up for the good people of Earth, is obviously showing through. Your joining me in that excitement makes it all the more enjoyable. Now, if we could get the rest of the 7.3 billion people to join in the merriment, all would be wonderful, and we wouldn't need a Nibiru to bring us to the happy ending (which, of course, is the happy beginning of the time of the worldwide redemption).

      The global elite that I refer to are the evil leaders and government authorities that are trying to institute the extremely evil New World Order, a Communist system of one worldwide government, who think they will own everything including us, their slaves.

      The group has been spearheaded by Gog Bush, Sr and his cabal. The Bilderberg Group is a collection of 120 to 150 of the most diabolical people on Earth. They are the wealthiest, most powerful, most cynical people on Earth who want to carry out the agenda of the Illuminati. First, they need a nuclear holocaust in the form of a world war to get the world population down to a manageable level, 500 million people. That means they want to see 93% of the world population eliminated including many countries. They are aware of the devastation that Nibiru will bring, and they are counting on it to help them eliminate world population. It is the biggest reason they have kept the details, which they are totally aware of, Top Secret. They don't want us to survive, so they are doing everything they can to prevent us from preparing.

      Fortunately, Hashem's plan is quite different. It is a one world government, but under King Moshiach, B"H. Those remaining will be only the righteous of the world, and the system will be complete devotion to the Creator of everything. Hence my excitement, I have been waiting for this all my life, and, I should include, all my previous lives.

      Read my post of 11 Sep 2014, "The Absolute Truth that Nobody Believes (or even knows)." I tried to summarize their evil plans in that blog post:

    2. Hello Ms. A.P.!

      "It has nothing to do with Emunah but lots to do with being privy to what 99.9% of the world is not yet aware."


      We are "the front", I mean ... the 99% of the world's population. It is a pity that many ' stubborn ' just notice too late (I hope not).

      Know about Nibiru, gives us time to Tikkun and Teshuva.

      Kol Tuv!

      Luiz Felipe.

  3. Interesting. At the very least, a close approach of a planet like this would explain (b'teva) how the world changed so dramatically after the flood (ie from year-round spring to four seasons, etc), by tilting the earth's rotation.

    1. You are correct. Read my post dated 25 Jan 2016, entitled "The End is Near, But When?" In my discussion of Malachi, I talk about the changes that came about because of the flood, and what is about to happen with this flyby of Nibiru.

  4. Rabbi, than you so much for all of this information. My question is where did the name nibiru come from? The govt always seems to refer to it as planet x. Thanks!

    1. Excellent question. Nibiru has many names: Wormwood, Nemesis, the Destroyer, Planet X, the Winged Planet, etc, but it seems to have come from ancient civilizations who documented this heavenly body thousands of years ago.

      When scientists of the 20th century saw it for the first time, still beyond our solar system, they believed it to be a large planet since it was beyond Pluto and appeared to be in orbit around our sun. In believing that it was the tenth planet, they called it Planet X (Roman numeral 10). How they mistakenly called a star (a brown dwarf sun) a planet is easy to explain, and I hope to have that blog post completed for tomorrow's posting, B"N.

      My belief is that Hashem names everything. Since He encoded the name in the Tenach with prophecies connected with Jerusalem, He took the first four letters of Yerushalayim and had it follow the letter Nun. That gave it the name Nibiru (in Hebrew).

  5. After reading a few of your older posts, a horrid thought just came to mind. Until the Jews in America are made to feel that they can no longer survive here, they will not make the trek to Israel. Hashem can make things very rough and arrange for the evil ones to have their full measure of sin in order to merit destruction in one fell swoop. The evil ones can announce Nibiru and then point out all the information that has been coming from you and the FC individuals and tell the world "See, the Jews knew all about this and did nothing to save you... Kill the Jews." Antisemitism will overtly rear its ugly head and the Jews who can escape will finally make it to Israel. I pray that will not come about, but as I said, it was an thought that passed through my feeble brain.

    1. Your head sounds like anything but feeble. You have good insight into the problem.

      Hashem works in mysterious ways. I don't think we can honestly determine the outcome. Whatever it will be, it will be merciful for the righteous, and devastating for the evil of the world.

      So far as the FC individuals, the Rabbis, scriptures, me and others not warning the people, that is all we seem to be doing.

      I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that every individual on Hashem's Earth will be taken care of measure for measure according to his or her needs. That is Hashem's way. We are the ones that can make it easier or more difficult by either following Hashem's ways completely, or ignoring our only source of salvation. It is up to us.

    2. Hello Mr. Williamson!

      "The evil ones can announce Nibiru and then point out all the information that has been coming from you and the FC individuals and tell the world "See, the Jews knew all about this and did nothing to save you... Kill the Jews."

      I had thought about it, and finally the Jews return to be persecuted ferociously (chas v ' shalom!). Include in pursuit the Bnei Noach, you will be accused of treason (by the population of their country of residence).

      Mr. Williamson:your head is not weak, he's just saying a truth (that can occur-chas v ' shalom!), because after all the world doesn't like of the Israel (Bnei Israel and include Bnei Noach).

      All the best!

      Luiz Felipe.

  6. If Nibiru, passed by the earth in previous centuries, why is there no general knowledge of its destruction or spiritual changes it caused?

    1. I have written that Nibiru was involved in several biblical events. It was around during the great flood, the time of Joshua (10:13) when the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, when time ran backwards for Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:9-11), in the telling the episode of Jonah and Nineveh. There are more, but two much to talk about here.

      Even though it appears about every 360 years, it doesn't mean that the Earth is in a good position in its orbit to be affected by Nibiru.

  7. re until the Jews in America are made to feel that they can no longer survive here, they will not make the trek to Israel.

    question: who says they all have the means to make aliyah ?? and who says their shlichus in amerika has ended?? you determine that ??>

    1. I have answered this about a dozen times already. Let us start out with Who says they must leave now. HASHEM!!!!!! Hashem has stated your shlichus is in Israel and nowhere else on planet Earth. All the Jews that you are trying to help should also be here.

      When you have many passages in scriptures telling the Jews to go home in the end of days, when you have the FC individuals telling how dangerous it is going to get, when you have Rabbis who see the handwriting on the wall and telling us that now you can sell your home, in the near future you will run and leave you possessions behind, when you see the lessons of history about how bad it was to remain in places and how many signs Hashem gave us that it was time to leave (like before the holocaust when it was becoming obvious how dangerous things were), when you see how evil the leaders and governments are around the world, when you see the Jew hatred getting so bad that it is obvious to get out, etc, etc, etc.

      I know your next question will be (because I have had it many times): is it so much better in Israel? Unbelievably, better. If you can ignore the lies of the media and the propaganda of our enemies, you would see the truth and run here.

      One other answer. Trust and have faith in Hashem. Everyone that I have seen come here with complete faith in Hashem has made it without trouble. Those who came and said: I will give it a try, but I don't think it is going to work, failed. Those who gave faith and trust lip-service, failed.

      This is the only safe place in the world for a Jew. If you don't believe that, you are your own worst enemy.

      One more possibility. Hashem will miraculously save all the Jews and righteous non-Jews. Like the sons of Korach who were saved in the last seconds by doing Teshuvah, so will all the righteous of the world.

  8. Governments In US And UK Distribute New Nuclear Attack Messages To Media Outlets For Public Broadcast, For Nuclear Attack!


  9. I give you full assurance that Rav Menahem does speak the absolute truth about Nibiru. Utter destruction will come to the entire world the week of Purim 5776, especially to the Western Hemisphere. Israel will once again have a King, who will come down from Heaven and restore all things to Israel, as promised by Hashem. Obama will claim to be Hashem, take the role of Gog, and command all the world to worship him. Obama is the Anti-Mashiach. He will be accompanied by Pope Francis, the False Prophet. During this period of 3.5 years, called the Great Tribulation, the Great Restrainer, the Ruach HaKodesh, will withdraw from the earth, and except in Israel, evil will rule the planet.

    1. Mostly correct. I do have some corrections that I will be posting either tomorrow or the day after, B"N (still working on it).

    2. Hello Mr. Melquisedque!

      Oy Vey!

      Over 3 and a half years of the great tribulation? After Nibiru?! Oy!

      I don't understand!

      From what I understand ... the world will be free only in 5779?! As (unfortunately) evil already dominates the world. What a mess I'm doing! :(

      Luiz Felipe.

  10. The more I read about it, the more i feel that what will come to be will happen very suddenly, with no warning or preparation. Maybe it is better this way. Perhaps we are not meant to see Nibiru's approach. Although there is a sense of excitment that MBD's arrival is imminent, any joy is almost completely watered down by the sadness of the destruction that will ensue. I still cannot process the sheer magnitude of this event...In the meantime I feel really trapped in North America, unable to do Aliya yet as many people depend on me. Hashem have mercy on all of us and forgive our transgressions. Ms.AP

    1. My post tomorrow, B"N, will address some of the concerns you have.

      One general statement that I have to make. This is all from Hashem, this is all good news. We should all be mindful of what Hashem wants from us to make it the best event ever, with total positive outcome for all good people.

    2. Reb Menachem boker tov.
      Just read estimated Ms.AP comment above and thought, maybe all this covering up is the meaning, or one of the meanings, of the expression "hessekh hadaat" our sages prophetically attached to the apparition of MBD at the end of times. Just an idea.
      Best news for you and Klal Israel.
      Itzhak, Yerushalaim.

  11. Where does the Executive Order signed in 1982 mention Nibiru? Where is the proof that such an Executive, if it existed, was repealed? Why has the media ignored this?

    1. You must be new here. I have already talked about this several times. The EO made disclosure of Nibiru Top Secret, which means the mention of Nibiru is Top Secret and would never be included in the unclassified EO.

      I know for a fact having been in government service for close to 40 years that unclassified documents cannot tell you classified information. As an example: I have written dozens of documents that required approval from the Pentagon and on to Congress. Even though Congress had to sign off on my proposals being presented, I wrote the documents unclassified and kept all the classified information out of the documents. Why? It was sensitive information that even members of Congress were not cleared for. They could approve a program, but the Secret details involve they had not reason to know.

      Even what is going on now could never be worded in an EO due to the great sensitivity of the subject. The evil elite of the world who want Nibiru kept Top Secret are the ones who control the media. They are the last source to every cover such information. If you have noticed the tremendous amount of fake news that has been given to us, you would understand their evil plot to keep us in harms way.

      The fact that NASA has talked about asteroids coming is a very good indication that Trump's letting up on the information to help people is in affect. Even in his inauguration speech he commented on the easing of space information. Yes, it was subtle, but fairly clear to those of us who have watched the type-lip approach from the presidents since 1982 when the EO was initiated.
