Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, shlita Parashat Metzourah Tsha "d


Our Father in heaven has mercy and love for his children, the children of Israel!  Israel will be out of all sorrow and pain in the month of Nissan and will go from pain to joy.  It will be the same for the State of Israel, after all the distractions and problems - everything will be good for Israel!  Understanding, knowledge and wisdom will come to them without them being reckless.  Anyone who has a position of responsibility in Israel will work carefully and wisely with a great responsibility!  Anyone who would faithfully fill his duties before G-d Almighty will be blessed by the Almighty, if otherwise he will have problems with the Holy Blessed One.

We said already that all those black and white collar, religious or not - all will be revealed in order, one after the other and do not say "it will not happen.”  For the Creator everything is transparent and no one can hide from the Holy One, Blessed is He; the Creator knows every person and all his actions.

The holidays each year are there to remind the Jewish people of Israel of all periods they went through and continue to go through, in every generation, every generation with its change.  The role of the holidays, shows and reminds the people of Israel about the period that was, for it was preserved for the Jewish people and no one can hurt it.  With prayer, study of Torah, holidays and charity, remind the Creator to Israel what it means to be a Jew.  If a Jew deviates, turns - the Creator gives him a few blows to get him back on the road.  Celebrations, prayers and Torah study is the incense of Jewish life, this is what keeps the flame of the Jews, which reminds us all of the pain of our ancestors.

With regard to assimilation with the nations, parents are to blame who do not care.  They are believing they are modern in their hearts, but they weep and pray for the day that their children will repent.

Hashem will continue with enormous power, floods, volcanic eruptions, storms, winds and earthquakes.  Anti-Semitism Will continue with tremendous force against Jews in the world.

The Russians continue to do what their heart desires, without regard to any country and state of the world.

Russians and Americans will continue to fight.  As Americans continue on the road of this false peace between Israel and the Palestinians, they will continue to compromise themselves with the Russians and will continue to print dollars endlessly.  Their economy is sinking.  Each country and each state who want to hurt and destroy the State of Israel - that their swords pierce their hearts, and their bows shall be broken, their leaders kill their people, and their people kill one another until they will be erased from the face of the earth!

Turkey, Erdogan wants to "come to Israel."  His objective is personal.  The economy and poverty in Turkey are in a very critical condition.  So he wants the Turks to be with him.  This is the reason of wanting to come to Israel.

Syria will continue to be deleted.  Most attacks in the Golan Heights are not caused by Hezbollah and Syria but by Hamas, who sent messengers through Jordan and Syria to the Israeli border.  Hamas wants Israel ablaze with Syria in the north.  They want Israel to blame Hezbollah and Syria and provoke confusion between them.

There are still a lot of tunnels, as they wanted to achieve Ayn Ashlosha (I believe he is referring to a Kibbutz in the area), they also want to get near the large base near the Gaza Strip.  Mahmoud Abbas “plays the good boy."

The government of Israel should stop living in the illusion of peace with the Palestinians, it is a great illusion.  No peace; their goal is to wipe out Israel.

The Jordanian borderthey want to come in mass to the border of Israel, the Israeli government must wake up!  They come in East Jerusalem to do acts of terror.  The most frightening is that they intend to kidnap Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem using taxi and disguised as ultra-Orthodox. Soldiers of the Defense Army of Israel; be careful and be alert; the Hamas and the Palestinians work together.

The King of Jordan is happy; he knows there are people who do the work – May his goal never happen!

In Egypt all continues to be confused and all will eat each other, peace will do nothing, there will soon be a revolution. The Holy One, Blessed is He take care of them and do what is necessary, He has it programmed.

Iran is supposedly calm as a cobra.  The Holy One, Blessed is He will not let them do any offense. They are terrified of the State of Israel, and especially fear the Holy One, Blessed is He!  They know that the Holy One, Blessed is He protects the land of Israel, and they know that if they do something, the Creator will remove them from the face of the earth!

You want to help the ultra-Orthodox?  Please no advertising - firstly "Na’asseh venishma- we will do and we will understand."  With advertising, it is difficult to succeed.  Why demean the dignity of the ultra-Orthodox, that only causes stress and tension; we must work silently, then success will come.

Dear Jews, if the goyim liked us, the people of Israel would have been in danger.  Thank you to those who hate us, the people of Israel will live and exist forever!

The month of Nisan, wake up every Jew and give him the strength to remember the ten plagues. In Nissan, Jewish ways strengthens.  The Jew grabs and holds his Judaism and the Torah, more than any other time of the year.  We know what our ancestors went through in the month of Nissan and the Savior, the Messiah will save the people of Israel from the grief, pain and confusion.

Everyone believes that the King Messiah must be discovered, every Jew and his possibilities – every Jew and his opinion.  We do not know when He will be crowned, and when He will come. People today are modern and that does not go with this modern generation messiah and modernism.  It will happen when the people of Israel with sorrow and pain, stress and fatigue, will cry to the Holy One, Blessed is He to save them, and in their hearts they ask for the coronation of King Messiah in great mercy!

Courtesy of: "Tair Neri"

1 comment:

  1. Hello!!!

    "Our Father in heaven has mercy and love for his children, the children of Israel! Israel will be out of all sorrow and pain in the month of Nissan and will go from pain to joy. It will be the same for the State of Israel, after all the distractions and problems - everything will be good for Israel! Understanding, knowledge and wisdom will come to them without them being reckless. Anyone who has a position of responsibility in Israel will work carefully and wisely with a great responsibility! Anyone who would faithfully fill his duties before G-d Almighty will be blessed by the Almighty, if otherwise he will have problems with the Holy Blessed One."

    Luiz Felipe: B'H!!!

    " Hashem will continue with enormous power, floods, volcanic eruptions, storms, winds and earthquakes. Anti-Semitism Will continue with tremendous force against Jews in the world."

    Luiz Felipe: (01/04) - there was a great earthquake in a country in South America - Chile - magnitude 8.2.

    "Turkey, Erdogan wants to "come to Israel.His objective is personal."

    Luiz Felipe: Even being personal because Erdogan would arrive in Israel?!

    "In Egypt all continues to be confused and all will eat each other, peace will do nothing, there will soon be a revolution. The Holy One, Blessed is He take care of them and do what is necessary, He has it programmed".

    Luiz Felipe: As a historian, I'm waiting.

    Thanks for sharing the words of Rav Nir Ben Artzi! :)

    All the best administrator and boker tov
