Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Another Message from Hashem about Nibiru

King Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylonia had a dream about four kingdoms. The prophet Daniel interpreted the dream for the king. First read the verses in the Bible and the commentary on several versus:

Daniel 2:31-45

This is the dream: 

31 "You, 0 king, were watching and behold! A huge statue; this statue, which was immense, and whose brightness was extraordinary, stood opposite you, and its appearance was fearsome. 32 This statue: its head of fine gold; its breast and arms of silver; its belly and thighs of copper; 33 its legs of iron; and its feet, partly of iron and partly of earthenware. 34 As you watched, a stone was hewn without hands and struck the statue on its feet of iron and earthenware, and crumbled them. 35 Then they crumbled together: the iron, the earthenware, the copper, the silver and the gold. They became like chaff from summer threshing floors, and the wind carried them away and no trace was found of them. And the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the entire earth. 36 This is the dream, and we will tell its interpretation before the king.
The Four Kingdoms:
37 "You, 0 king - to whom the King of Kings, Who is the G-d of Heaven, has given a strong kingdom, power, and honor, 38 and wherever people, beasts of the field and birds of the sky dwell, He has given them into your hand and made you ruler over them all - you are the head of gold. 39 And after you will arise another kingdom inferior to you, * and [then] another, a third kingdom, of copper, which will rule the whole earth. 40 The fourth kingdom * will be as strong as iron: Just as iron crumbles and flattens everything, and as iron shatters all these, it will crumble and shatter. 41 The feet and the toes that you saw, partly of potter's earthenware and partly of iron: It will be a divided kingdom * and will have some of the firmness of iron, just as you saw iron mixed with clay-like earthenware. 42 As for the toes, partly of iron and partly of earthenware: Part of the kingdom will be powerful and part of it will be broken. 43 That you saw iron mixed with clay-like earthenware: They will mix with the offspring of men, but they will not cling to one another, just as iron does not mix with earthenware. 44 Then, in the days of these kingdoms, the G-d of Heaven will establish a kingdom that will never be destroyed nor will its sovereignty be left to another people; it will crumble and consume all these kingdoms, and it will stand forever. 45 Just as you saw that a stone was hewn from the mountain, not by human hands, and it crumbled the iron, the copper, the earthenware, the silver and the gold, so has the great G-d made known to the king what will happen in the future. The dream is true and its interpretation is reliable."
Commentary notes:
2:39. Just as silver is inferior to gold, and the chest lower than the head, so will the kingdom that follows yours, that of the Persians and Medes, be inferior to yours. Then will come the "copper kingdom," the Greek empire of Alexander the Great and his successors (Rashi).

2:40. The Roman empire.

2:41. The lands of the Roman empire came to be dominated by Edom and Ishmael, represented by Christianity and Islam. Both - one as strong as iron, the other. as weak as pottery - comprise the latter day "fourth kingdom" (Abarbanel).
The prophecy is long, but the message is short and clear. The mighty powers of the world that have been a nemesis for the Jewish people throughout history are represented by a statue. The layers represent the different powers. The statue itself has a weak foundation. In the end, Hashem will destroy the statue, the powers, by knocking down the statue with rocks.

In the near future, Nibiru will do its flyby and the tail of asteroids, meteors and rocks will destroy the powers of the Earth. The statue will fall; the powers will be no more.

Nibiru is encoded in Daniel 2:28-42 with a skip rate of 226 which takes it across the above verses. I always look to see if the skip rate has any significance. In the Torah there are three statements that have a Gematria of 226:

And them that curses you ומקללך (Bereishis 12:3)
And they went down וירדו (Bereishis 42:3)
Before our eyes לעינינו (Devarim 6:22)
It will truly be the end of all evil in the world.


  1. Now don't forget , you predicted by end of March this year. You're not going to change that now to the " near future?" Also look at the video on Shirat Devorah on Nibiru.

    1. I predicted nothing. That date came from an astronomer named Gill Broussard and was repeated as a possibility by the FC individuals, Daniel and Binyamin.

      We will see Nibiru very clearly in a few weeks. I hope to get updates as we get closer.

      There are so many videos of Nibiru on YouTube, since it has been seen for years. Right now Nibiru is too close to the sun to see, but in the near future it will come around the sun and be on the same side as the Earth. As it gets closer to Earth, it will appear much larger until its closest encounter when it will be many times the size of our moon. Then their will be no more speculation, nor skeptics.

  2. What delightful news!!
    IY"H Will continue that this whole thing go over the world with tremendous Rachamim for all the righteous and good-hearted people. Trust only Hashem. He is the only one who can and will save us as all the evil is eliminated. Looking so forward!! (HR)

  3. Oh,, oh,,

    Anon, Rav is just trying to help those who want to know more of what is going on. Its not nice putting anyone on the 'spot'
    From what I, a Noahide on hearing different shiurs of Rabbis, and reading blogs, (all of whom are just trying to help those 'blind' to see,(instead if just seeing the world in its distracting illusions) to those 'deaf', (listening to all of the (again), distracting material world) to start hearing what these great souls are trying to d0! To open our eyes and ears, to hear the truth as Hashem has given to the world in Torah.

    Things, may come as some of them say it , because they study Torah and search to help us.
    (all have to agree that the world is changing by the minute), Or, since all know, who believe in Hashem, that Hashem has all in His control, and Hashem will do as Hashem deems for all humanity.
    So, lets look at them, these Rabbis and Ravs, and some of the blogs, (those blogs who share with us truth of Torah, as much as they can.. (they i see as an oasis), lets see them as ones who are trying to help us change by doing teshuva.

    Whether what this one or that one says, is not the thing to focus on,, but to read how they are just sincerely trying to help.

    Do not stand in judgement of them. You, and anyone is a free agent, to read, and take it literally or with a pinch of salt.
    The thing is to see the reality of what we see happening in our world, and to compare what these good people who know more than many of us, are only trying to help us to change for the better, for our ownselves.

    They point us, Jews, Gentiles, Noahides to the right path.
    I thank Gd for them.

    Better to read with an open mind.
    Do not stand waiting to 'jump' if one or two of them say something and it does not happen as they say.

    Hashem should bless you. Hashem bless us all. Amen.

    1. Thank you once again for your wisdom. You do have a good grasp of the Absolute Truth. Now, we just need to figure out how to get it to rub off on the skeptics of the world.

      I am finding that the toughest job in the world is trying to save people's lives. You inspired me to write a blog post on the subject which I am planning for next week, B"N.

      sc, thank you for being my friend and advisor.

    2. Rav,
      Its not me who has wisdom. I search for it,and from you Rav, and your wonderful Book: The Absolute Truth', (which i am still reading, slowly so to digest it well),...its THIS blog and the Author of this blog, You,.. that i have begun to comprehend so much, and thus become a bit wise.

      Advisor? me? nay - i disagree.
      Your advisor is Hashem. He guides, leads and moves you on, so that in return you can do the same for Hashem's humainity, via this blog to help so many. Thank you Rav!

      This blog, and quite a few others that have helped me on my journey to Hashem, I know Hashem will bless each of you, for the time and effort you all give to help those looking to find meaning to a world going-gone.. Topsy-turvy.

      One thing i know... learning never ends.
      the more i learn from all of you, of how to follow Hashem, the more i am, (thank Y0u Hashem) trying to become a better human being. Hashem bless you all.
      Thank you again Rav.

      Hashem bless you and yours.
      Hashem bless Am Israel.
      Hashem bless ALL good people everywhere, Amen and Amen.

    3. If that wasn't wisdom, than I have much to learn about wisdom.

      You are so correct in saying that one must continue to learn. What are we learning? All about life from the One Who gave it to us. Unfortunately life is not so simple and the amount of information to be learned is infinite.

      I have mentioned that the more I study Torah, the more I realize how much I don't know. My life is exciting because I make discoveries every day. I wake up each morning very anxious to know what am I going to discover today. It is a big part of happiness, since by the end of the day I am never disappointed.

      What I have been saying on this blog is: treat this like it is a big secret, which means tell everyone. Why should I be the only one to find such happiness (and my family too, of course).

      sc, you are more amazing than you think, and part of your wisdom is being so humble about your great wisdom. Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration to all of us.

      You are correct that Hashem is the wisdom of everything, but He manifests that trait in all of us -- after all, we were created in His image -- not physical image, but spiritual image.

    4. B'H!

      Mazel Tov by wise words S.C.

      Thanks a lot for Rav Menachem message, keep it up.

      Moshiach Now!

      Luiz Felipe.

  4. Hashem bless you Rav Menahem. SC is correct that you are pointing us all to the right path. I only fully committed to kashrut and proper prayers after reading this blog. Regretfully, when Nibiru becomes visible to all in the skies and panic starts, many will chuck it to a natural phenomena and not link it to what it is...Hashem cleaning the evil from the world. Sad, isn't it? Ms. AP

    1. You are so right, which is short for righteous. The solution to all our problems, both individual and worldwide, is so simple. If people for once in their lives would realize that they are skeptical about all this because they are too lazy to research and discover the truth -- the simple way to survive, thrive and be happy -- it even has a written guarantee from the Manufacturer of everything.

      I said it before and I will only say it another thousand times: Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance it dangerous. If one does not believe that, be prepared to suffer and throw it all away.

      I am reading so many opinions here and other blogs about Nibiru and what is coming up. I see just about zero research. People are guessing and spending very little time to learn the truth.

      I am sure that many would say to me: "the experts don't agree." If they say that, I am sure that they have not researched it. They are looking at the wrong sources. Check out Hashem's opinion (scriptures and messages from the FC individuals) it is very consistent with what is happening, and what is about to happen. It is also totally consistent with what Hashem told us thousands of years ago what would happen in the end of days -- He even told us when (this year).

      It is not rocket science, it is more of common sense. If one doesn't have any of that, don't put yourself and loved ones in horrible peril with your flawed guessing. Research what is happening, check Hashem's proven instruction on how to get through all this. It will mean an eternity to you.

      Thank you Ms. AP for your comment, and Mazel Tov to you and yours for researching, discovering and living the Absolute Truth.

    2. Hello Mrs. A.P.!

      I believe it is the same (about people skeptical see Nibiru as ' natural phenomenon '). Unfortunately the world has dropped to such a low level (spiritually) you can't realize that things outside of logic are the hand of HaShem. The danger to rationalize everything, is dangerous, the rationalization of everything is poison for the soul, as it has led many people to think that (arrogant) HaShem does not exist(cha's v'shalom!).

      All good!

      Luiz Felipe.

    3. So right you are Luiz.
      Hashem bless you.

    4. Hello S.C.!


      That HaShem bless you S.C. and all your.

      All the best!

      Luiz Felipe.

  5. The Curtain fell in Russia, without nuclear bombings, Russia mellowed. I really don't believe that Hashem will cause such devastation on earth, a colossal mess to straighten out, when I'm sure there are other ways to control and destroy the evil and enable people to see the emes. G–D destroyed the generation of Noah, but vowed not to do it again (rainbow). I still have not see actual or factual information attesting to this Nibiru (not videos), but real or Biblical sources that support this. If there are, they should be brought to either Rav Kanievsky or Rav Shteinman for spiritual verification.

    1. Please go on YouTube and see a tremendous number of videos that have been taken. It is definitely for real. It is not only the visual sightings and the scientific proof, but the messages from Hashem. Scriptures does not need spiritual verification when it is so obvious what Hashem is telling us, such as this post.

      The messages from the FC individuals are also very clear and definitely come from Hashem. I have been reading their messages since 1997 and they are valid as messages from Hashem. I know much more about these individuals than I have disclosed. As an example my Gabbai in Shul, that I daven with three times a day, knows the Golden family well and was even with them last week. My wife has even met the family. Ben Golden is definitely in touch with Shemayim and I have many stories to tell to verify it.

      So far as Hashem doing it a different way, that is up to Hashem. After the flood He said He would never destroy the entire world that way. That does not preclude what is coming up.

      The most important thought is: it is from Hashem, so it is good. The idea of the righteous thriving and the wicked being eliminated; the thought of the world of lies and deceit being changed into a world of truth and goodness; the thought of all sickness being healed and death being no more; the thought of Moshiach being King of the world and all good people being redeemed (I could go on, but that is enough for now). What part of that are you not excited about, no matter how Hashem wants to do it? It is all good news; and, we have been waiting for it and craving it for thousands of years, B"H.

    2. Hello Mrs. Neshama!

      I disagree on one point:

      The Russia not matured, the fall of the "iron curtain" was only a Communist tactic, where the Russian Communists (and Chinese) could continue with his plan of power (global), through the cultural conquest (Marxism) and markets (economy-BRICS), in addition to the deployment of their agents in other Governments more subtly (in democratic Governments – i.e. no revolutions. Revolutions that were financed by the Soviet Union. The Russia and China are fighting with United States and Europe (the Fabian Socialists) by world power.

      Russian and Chinese leaders (as well as the United States and Europe leaders) don't know they are being used as sticks hand of HaShem-to the divine plan, not their greedy plans.

      All good!

      Luiz Felipe.

    3. Since everything is from Hashem, even the fall of the Soviet Union was planned. It is actually in the Zohar that the Jews who were suppressed from making Aliyah would be released at that time, 5750. I wrote about it in a post on 7 May 2012, entitled "The Folding of History." Go to:
      for all the details.

    4. Mrs. Neshama:

      I'm sorry for my words. I didnt know that the fall of the Soviet Union also planned (in this way, the Menachem showed).

      All the best!

      Thank you very much for clarifying Menachem.

      Luiz Felipe.

  6. B'H!


    "It will truly be the end of all evil in the world."


    Luiz Felipe.

  7. The earth will most likely be cleansed not through atomic weapons (which cause fallout) but as prophecized by our holy Prophets, it will come from the heavens; stones from the heavens, meaning meteors, asteroids, etc. That is why there is a great chance that Nibiru is that star.

  8. Hi,

    This is no a criticise of your recent posts about Nibiru but Neshama does make valid a point.

    There are many Rabbis & Frum Jews who have been educated in the Sciences, why are they not giving the same warnings?

    Only attempting to get clarity.


    I am not discarding your p

    1. Actually there have been many that have been in touch with me about the subject. But, let me tell you the best answer. The Jew-hating media who is controlled by the evil global elite has suppressed this story for many evil reasons. Are there any Rabbis who want to lose credibility by going against the mainstream media? Even if a Rabbi knows, what would he say to his Tamidim? Everything that is being reported about a planet beyond Pluto is bogus, and that there is actually a dark dwarf star that will do a bypass of Earth around the end of March and fulfill the prophecy of Zachariah 13:8 and destroy two thirds of the world's population. Show me a Rabbi who would say such a thing, even if he knew it was correct.

      In the near future when Nibiru is visible everyday, and people who believe the lies of the authorities start to question what is happening, Rabbis can get involved and feel much safer about helping people.

      I have been called names, like fear monger and other names I can't repeat here, but I have nothing to lose. If, when later on, people start to see how valid my effort has been in trying to save lives, I will be vindicated. The evil global elite are holding off as long as possible, since they don't want people to prepare and save themselves. It helps them with their New World Order agenda, which includes killing off 93% of the world population. They think that this is playing right into their hands, but we know that it is Hashem fooling them before their demise.

      Obviously this is much more complicated, with very detailed answers. The evil ones are preparing for riot control with the intent to kill any citizen that tries to overrun their bunkers. They are hoping to kill as many as possible even with that effort.

      There is nothing that I am saying here that isn't in scriptures and was told to us thousands of years ago. I am just verifying that we are there and the happy ending for the righteous of the world is imminent, along with the demise of the evil ones, B"H. Everything is from Hashem, and is for the good. Nibiru is no exception.

    2. No argument with what you are saying. Alot of things we are not privy to with regard to what the government does. Fine. But, you keep mentioning the" evil global elite." Not the government but a global elite. Can you be more specific WHO they are. Elucidate what that means. Please!

    3. Go to my blog post of 11 Sep 2014, entitled "The Absolute Truth that Nobody Believes (or even knows)."

      The world is not being run by governments with dedicated leaders who are for the benefit of the people. The world is being run by evil rich, powerful megalomaniacs who are trying to implement the New World Order. The head of all this craziness has been Gog Bush, Sr and his cabal, his minions of evil leaders. Obama, as an example works for Gog and is interested in one thing, money. These greedy individuals want to take over the world after 93% of the world population is eliminated (500 million people is much more manageable than 7.3 billion). They have been trying to start a nuclear WW3 to reach their goal, but Hashem has fooled them into thinking that Nibiru will be to their advantage in eliminating world population.

      They want a one world Communist government where they own everything and control everything, including our clothes, our food, our properties, our belongings, etc. The remaining world population would be slaves to their distorted desires. We would all be the property of these horrible people.

      I have written several blog posts on the subject. The most important thing is that Hashem has other plans that will completely eliminate the evil ones and leave a world of righteous good people, a world of truth. B"H

  9. Shalom to you and yours rav Menachem.

    The reason that most of the rabbi's do not speak about Nibiru is, that they know how most people can be (ignorant) and how close is the border of many rom understanding to idol worschip.
    Because we are surrounded and infiltrated by idolators in heart and soul, they think about the story of Enosh, the son of Seth, son of Adam and generation that started all ugly idol worschip.
    In the first stage, the intention was good.
    People wanted to honour the stars for they saw them as the servants of Hashem, not knowing that a star can be just his tool and nothing more.
    So our rabbi' are afraid, that this generation will abuse the knowledge without bad intention, just by being deep in the Tuma, not realizing how bad idol worship is.
    Avoda zara started with the stars.
    Thank for your courage and enough wisdom to atend us about.
    You fear just Hashem, and that's how it suppose to to every human and will be.

    " Serve this star - or all the stars - sacrifice to it, offer libations to it, build a temple for it and make an image of it so that all people - including the women, the children, and the common people - could bow to it. - See the Rambam's Commentary on the Mishnah (Avodah Zarah 4:7) and his statements in Chapter 11, Halachah 16, where he explains that idol worship was instituted by the leaders of the nations to unite the people of a particular land, give them a sense of national identity, and establish a hierarchy of leaders."

  10. By the way, there was a flood of high waters in the generation of Enosh.

  11. I tried to tell people. They respond that they heard about Niburu for many years and nothing has happened so far or that it is internet hoax.

    So many Jewish People are completely secularised - It is not their fault, it is the generation they have been born into.

    So why will Hashem destroy them if what you say comes true?

    Or, once Nibiru becomes visible and the situation starts getting out of control and then they do Tshuvah surely it will not be to late?

    Does Hashem not accept penitents whenever they repent?

    If this all comes to pass, those of us who are onbservant or on the path to observance want our Family, Relatives and Friends regardless of their current level of observance to survive this ordeal.

    It is very difficult to just pack up and move to Israel!

    What about all the secular people in Israel, will they survive?



    1. We have to know with complete faith and trust that Hashem's plan is perfect. All Jews will do Teshuvah and find salvation in time. Remember the episode with Korach, that in the last seconds his sons were saved by doing Teshuvah.

      When everyone in the world sees that the end is near, all the righteous will do Teshuvah. When all Jews realize that countries will be destroyed, like the US not being there any more, they will miraculously be in Israel. When all good people know that this is the end of the evil world and that the only way to survive is by completely turning to Hashem, it will happen.

      We must have complete confidence that Nibiru is for the good, and will be such a blessing. It is real, with lots of evidence, but not for those who don't check it out. Most people are lazy and just give flawed opinions and conclude that this is just a hoax. Others who are scared enough to realize that survival is a matter of taking action now, are preparing. All good people will come around. Why? Because, they will realize with full conviction that the only answer is Hashem. It is all good and it is closer than you think.

      The world will be completely without evil. The world will be without sickness, and even without death. The world will be without hunger; the abundance will mean that all will have what they need. The world will be without crime, terror, war, evil leaders, evil governments, etc. Hashem will not be allusive, but totally known to everyone.

      What part of Hashem’s plan doesn’t sound tremendous? It is coming and it is all good, B”H.

  12. Thank you for elaborating.

    How do you know the Evil Leaders/Elite as you call them have built secret bunkers?

    It is obvious that if this is the case then these evil people will not discuss their plans with the general population.

    So who told you about their plans and what reliable sources are there for us to check this out?

    Shabbat Shalom,


    1. This has been known for many years. There are an abundance of YouTubes and Googles on the subject including the underground road network connecting them. For years millions of Americans have complained about the underground digging and construction. We are not talking a small effort. As an example, there is a huge complex under the Denver Airport. Go to:

      To see pictures taken nationwide, go to:

      This is one of many maps that I have seen over the years of the New World Order Underground Bases:

      There is so much more that I could tell you about it, but beyond our scope here. There are also doomsday bunkers around the world.

      What is also disgusting is that our tax dollars were used to help the evil ones survive, while they watch us not survive (so they think).

  13. I noticed on the drawing of Nibiru on a previous post, I ran into Caravan at Midnight, episode 305. Gill Broussard is who did that photo of the coming passing on March 26th. He ties it to biblical events ending with the book of Revelation. He lives via the Torah, not religion, and believes that Yeshua is the returning messiah. It does not mean to throw it all away but he has some interesting facts that match both history and the bible. Interesting!

    1. An individual's religious belief isn't important here. I am interested in his scientific information. What he has seen in the Bible is also very interesting since he believes that Nibiru has returned many times and was influential in several Bible events in the past. It is very interesting but not too overly important to our mission -- surviving the upcoming devastation.

      There is a very interesting fact about the so-called New Testament. Most of it came out of Jewish scriptures, just rehashed. There is an expression: "if it is true, it isn't new; if it is new, it isn't true." That means that many quotes that one might hear from their book, came from us, but they like to take credit for it.

      Everything that is being said these days result in my own evaluation based on Hashem's opinion. If it agrees with Jewish scriptures, it was a good reminder. If it doesn't, it is just another misgiving that the idolaters will have to correct when the truth is known. For our purpose, we just research and sift through the information and see what is a message from Hashem, and what is nonsense.

  14. B'H!


    More about Nibiru (Rav Glazerson):

    So ... Nibiru is a star or planet?!

    Luiz Felipe.

    1. Thank you Luiz, this is an excellent find of Nibiru in the Torah.

      Nibiru is a dark dwarf star that generates very little energy as a star. When it gets closer, it will probably appear more as a planet, but it definitely is a star, a sun. It is what is called a binary star that is a companion to our own sun.

      It was all designed by Hashem for His purpose which we are seeing more and more every day as it approaches.

    2. B'H!

      Thank you very much for the clarification Menachem.

      Luiz Felipe.

  15. B'H!


    More about Nibiru (Rav Glazerson):

    So ... Nibiru is a star or planet?!

    Luiz Felipe.

  16. Rav,
    Question for you please.
    Nibiru or Planet X - it seems that this creation was "destined" to crash/cause calamity/etc. a couple of times already.... It has been in existence and has been kept out of the media. Question is why now will it cause eruptions and devastation when until now it was also going to and it didn't? I don't mean to say that it's a hoax - all I mean to ask is maybe it'll take another few years.....
    Kindly explain.
    Thank you so much for everything!

    1. Nibiru has never and will never crash on Earth. The flyby with its tail of asteroids, meteors and rocks will cause great destruction of the Earth, not random destruction, but measure for measure according to Hashem's will -- He controls everything completely.

      Previous flybys, about every 360 years have created whatever destruction Hashem wanted at the time. It is always to help the righteous and hurt the evil ones. How much destruction occurred with each flyby? Did it come close to Earth, or was the Earth in a far off area of its orbit that it didn't effect it too much? Did it cause earthquakes, volcanoes, changing of the Earth's axis? The answers to all these questions is: it caused whatever Hashem wanted it to cause.

      It is absolutely no hoax, since there are a tremendous number of sightings already recorded and all the earthly effects that are happening on a daily basis (more earthquakes, more volcanoes, crazy weather patterns, effects on the axis, effects on the earthly magnetic fields, etc).

      When it becomes visible to everyone within the next couple of weeks, we will all know that all the prophecies and coded messages that are being found are for real and about to change the world forever.

  17. בס''ד
    Let me present an opinion about a new interpretation of this verse דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם שבט מישראל.
    In this verse the words כוכב and שבט amazingly perfectly match the notions of a PLANET(כוכב) and its TAIL(שבט) made of meteorites !!! Indeed, the word שבט can be translated as a "branch", "rod", "scepter", objects which all grately resemble the shape of this planet's meteorite tail. Especially the translation as a "branch" matches very well the nature of this planet's tail as a "branch" attached to the main body of the planet. Further, it is possible to translate the prefixes מ in מיעקב and מישראל as not meaning "from somewhere" but meaning "BECAUSE OF SOMETHING". With all these assumptions, we can present here our novel translation of this pasuk as:
    It would mean, that the Planet Nibiru (כוכב) is described to pass along its orbital way (דרך) near the Earth, which would cause its attached "Branch", "Rod" of the meteorite tail (שבט) to raise, come up (קם) against the Earth which would pass through this meteorite tail, an event which would bring much calamity and destruction to the nations of the Earth, and all these severe judgements are going to happen because of (מ) The Nation of Jacob (יעקב) and Israel (ישראל), as a Dinive punishment to the evildoers from the Nations of the world and to the evildoers from the Erev Rav, who have been and currently are oppressing from both sides the True Nation of Israel, the Real Jews, faithful to The G-D of Israel and to His Holy Torah.
    ברוך יי לעולם אמן ואמן
    ימלוך יי לעולם אמן ואמן

    1. Very good analysis. You have captured the very essence of Nibiru. One slight change is that כוכב does mean star versus planet. So many are calling it a planet, but Nibiru is a dark dwarf star, a sun that is a companion in a binary star system with our sun. Whether Nibiru has its own planets or not, I do not know.

      Thank you for your excellent comment.


    Best footage

    5x as big as planet earth,only once in 3600 yrs :
    Russian TV

    1. Thank you. The video from California is excellent, the video from Russia is confusing. Nibiru is about 7 times the size of Earth, and has a elliptical orbit of about 360 years, not 3600 years.

      I am still researching Nibiru. The most important information that I seek is how it will effect the people on planet Earth. I expect to write some additional updates as we get closer to its arrival.

  19. Hello!

    More news about Nibiru (Rav Glazerson):

    "The Day of Purim 5776 - The Star Nibiru"

    Luiz Felipe.

    1. Thank you so much. This was important enough to make a separate post with a very profound message.

    2. and again...
      Thank you Rav...
