Well, what can I say more then what I have already said. Just about every day we see more difficult things happening. Somethings are very obvious like horrific terrorist attacks or horrible natural disasters like the fires in California and Portugal. But there are things happening that many people don’t notice, changes in our everyday lives that the Reshoim have initiated. For many years in Eretz Yisroel the Reshoim have been trying in every way they can to separate Am Yisroel from Hakadosh Boruch Hu. Sometimes they use very subtle tactics like offering nice salaries to Bais Yaakov teachers in exchange for quietly demanding the schools to use secular textbooks and sometimes not so Frum teachers and sometimes technology that wears away at the Mechitzah that the Erlicha Yid has throughout the generations been so careful to make sure stands strong to protect his family and all of Yiddishkeit.The Medina, first of all lowered the Kitzvat Yiladim (child allowances) to only a fraction of the money that they used to give for large families. This meant that any family over three children got a major amount of money and then they cut this down to almost nothing. They had two goals in doing this. One goal was to stop massive Chareidi births because they saw a big danger in the fact that at some point in the near future the Chareidim will be too large a population to control. They were sure that when it became too difficult for Chareidim to put food on the table for their children or to pay for their tuitions for their private education etc. they would be forced to put down the size of their families. B"H this has not been the case. They are trying in every way to come into our Frum lives, destroy our connection with Hakadosh Boruch Hu in all kinds of ways. They try to separate the “good Chareidim” from the “bad Chareidim”, the “good Chareidim”, meaning the Chareidim against the demonstrations that have been going on lately against the Giyus (army draft). They picture in their conversations in the media that not all the Frum Jews are against the army draft and even if they are against the army draft they still go to sign up in the recruitment offices. So, they are the “good Chareidim” so-to-speak. On the other hand, they picture what they call the extreme groups who demonstrate against Chilul Shabbos and against the army draft and don’t vote in elections as “bad Chareidim”. Their goal is to divide and conquer. They seem to be successful! However, I foresee, Be’ezras Hashem, in the not so distant future that many of the Chareidim who are considered by the Erev Rav as the “good Chareidim” will open their eyes and realize that they cannot sell their souls for material gain. Those Yidden have been influenced by the Erev Rav that only want their destruction as Jews and they will suddenly realize what the plan is. The plan is to destroy Yiddishkeit. What is the difference if we just take out of the Torah a few Lavim (prohibitions)? What’s the difference? Why not have same sex marriages? It’s just a little thing. Why not allow Temimusdik young people to go and join an army, supposedly a Jewish army, that is against the Torah in every way, and I won’t go through all the Aveiros that are committed every day in the so-called Jewish army. An army which encourages the most hideous Aveiros like abortions etc. which puts boys and girls together in tanks to work together closely, which puts emphasis on secularism and on Aveiros and certainly not on the Torah.
The army and the government feel they are above Torah, Chas Vesholom, and that they can let a well-placed so-called Rabbi who they control to be called the Rav of the army. But when the decision making is done its only made by complete Chilonim, certainly no one connected to Hakadosh Boruch Hu and His Torah. The Chilonim have no Torah or have a “Torah” which they manipulate for their own needs and likings. For them it’s just fine what is happening. For the Jewish Neshoma it is an abomination that cannot be tolerated. They are afraid just to leave the Chareidim alone and let them develop however they develop, because we will soon outnumber them because of our “primitive ways" of having between 2 and 18,19,20 or 21 children in one family. While we cringe at the thought that maybe our children will adopt the Chiloni way of testing out their “relationships” with their boyfriend or girlfriend by living together and trying it out plus other such activities which have been extremely common and parts of Chiloni life, but which is absolutely forbidden according to Torah.
I have given the less extreme examples of Aveiros in the secular world that for them they feel is no Aveirah. They can’t understand why we Frum Yidden really can’t let our children play with their children, or be in school with them, why we have to live in our areas and not let our children see non-Frum Jews openly with great happiness being Mechalel Shabbos plus other Aveiros. The difference with this in America or any other country outside of Israel is that they are countries of Goyim. Most of the population is not Jewish. So, the Frum Jews tend to live all in the same areas for the same reason. First of all, so we should have our Shuls and all the community things we need to survive, like a Minyan three times a day and Mikvaos in the area. Those are only two examples of the needs of every Jewish community. However, when in Chutz Laaretz you see a car going by on Shabbos you don’t think anything of it because you are so sure it’s a Goy. In Israel it’s probably a Yid and that’s what’s heartbreaking for us.
There have been years that the movement for Baalai Teshuva has become enormous but now it’s going the other way unfortunately. It’s going towards assimilation, and that’s the tragedy. I’m not afraid for the future of Am Yisroel because I know that Hashem is Hakol Yachol and He is going to protect every Jewish Neshoma. I know for sure we are at the end of times and very soon we will greet Moshiach and we will see the third Bais Hamikdosh and we will bring Korbonos – sacrifices. I know for sure that Hashem will protect every single Jewish Neshoma and that no one can destroy it because every Jewish Neshoma was created to live forever – Netzach. Hashem created it this way and it can’t be undone by any human being and therefore history has proven that since the Yidden have gone into Golus the Erev Rav, Amalek, and the Edomim together with the Yishmaelim have tried to destroy Am Yisroel’s special status which Hashem gave to them. They want to destroy us out of hate and jealousy because we are and have always been the chosen people. A real Jewish Neshoma will never give in to all the tricks and violence used against Am Yisroel for the purpose of separating us from our G-d. However, that separation is impossible. Many fools thought that they could do battle against Hakodosh Boruch Hu, Chas Vesholom, but it’s not possible. Hakadosh Boruch Hu has His plans. He knows the past, present and the future because He created it all. He created the earth and all that’s in it and every human being that inhabits the earth and He created all the worlds beyond and everything in existence. He created this world for His Yidden to grow and become close to Him. Even though He put the Neshoma in a body with all kinds of weaknesses in order that man should overcome his desires and rise high in his Ruchnius and his closeness to the Truth which is Hashem Himself.
This part of Creation is almost over. There will be a terrible war. The earth will be affected by heavenly bodies and much of the world as we know it will be destroyed but Am Yisroel the true, Am Yisroel will survive, Be’ezras Hashem, and live on! So Am Yisroel don’t be afraid, the end is coming, Hashem won’t destroy His chosen people but we have to show Him that we are truly with Him in every way and that we haven’t let the Erev Rav and the Amalaikim and the Edomim etc. snatch away from us our eternal souls.
Boruch Shem Kivod Malchuso Leolam Voed!