Sunday, October 7, 2012

Don't Expect What You Expect, but Expect the Unexpected

Hashem works in mysterious ways.  Trying to interpret the news and what it means and where it will take us, is an impossible task.  I think Hashem will make sure that we can't figure it out since He wants us to just trust Him and have faith in Him, and all will work out for the best.  There is no truth in the news -- so what is really happening, only Hashem knows for sure.  Just take care of yourself by doing teshuvah, tefillah, tzedukah, helping your fellow Jews and studying Torah.  The rest will work itself out -- Hashem knows what He is doing -- His plan is infallible.  The much more dangerous time that is coming up will be from natural disasters, not war.  That is when Hashem will, measure-for-measure take care of everyone on Earth (goodness for the righteous who follow His ways and suffering for the wicked who do what they want without regard to their Creator).

I have been asked about the too-late-date.  The concept which I have been talking about since March didn't come from me, but from Gedolim.  They are referring to Yom Hadin (judgment day) and suspected that it would be Hoshanah Rabah – today.  I’m the one who changed the name to the “too-late-date” to impress upon everyone the urgency of preparing for the day.

We are all judged at this time of year -- that is what Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are all about.  It is brought down that our final judgment can be extended to Hoshanah Rabah.  Do we get the immediate report card from Hashem?  Never, but the judgment is entered based on how well we followed Hashem's ways.  This year seems very different in the sense that our judgment may be determining the path of our eternity, rather than just the coming year.  All this is known by Hashem and I feel His mercy will work in the favor of every Jew and even every righteous non-Jew.  We will someday (I do believe not too far away) know all and receive our report card.  Most will be pleased since it will be after the suffering and, in some cases, punishment, is completed; in other words, after our complete rectification (Tekun) has been reached.  All I have been saying is not to mess around with the system Hashem has set up, but to use it to our great advantage.  The world situation is pointing to the final judgment and redemption -- we may be a lot closer than we think.  Is it today?  I don't know; but, I do believe it is a very significant day for everyone on Earth, spiritually.  When the final results are known for each of us, all will be made totally clear -- Hashem is merciful and loves us -- we are in Good Hands.  All we need to do is keep up the good work as we have been instructed in the Torah and all will turn out amazingly well.  Just never forget the system is measure-for-measure – what you put into it, is what you will get out of it – in this case possibly for all eternity.

One last area that I have been asked about recently is Gog and Magog.  We read about Gog and Magog during Succos.   Nimukei Yosef to Megillah quotes a tradition from R' Hai Gaon that the victory over Gog and
Magog will take place in the month of Tishrei - the month of Succos. 
We still have 10 days to go in Tishrei.  The way things are heating up with Syria and Iran -- who knows (only Hashem).  The most important thing to remember is that there is nothing random in this world.  Many Rabbis believe that the war will be very rapid.  Tenach hints to the concept of Hashem taking over with natural disasters, as mentioned above, making the war insignificant.  The final outcome on an individual basis will not be random but, as it was in Egypt with the plagues, measure-for-measure according to the behavior of each individual.  The righteous (the ones who follow the ways of Hashem) will not see suffering or even discomfort.  The wicked will – use your imagination.  Everyone, of course is somewhere in-between and will receive exactly what he or she needs to complete his or her rectification.  It is all by design – with nothing random.  I have said it before and will say it again – those who think they can just blend into society – assimilate into the world population and not worry (after all armies will be protecting us – right?), are in for a big shock.  When the natural disasters start, you are on your own with only, I repeat, only Hashem’s mercy and help will get you through the rough times.

Is today judgment day?  Yes, everyday is judgment day.  Is today more significant than days before?  Probably, but we will not know until we get our final redemption (sort of our report card) and we know for sure that we did the right thing or we were stubborn enough to defy the truth about this world.  Can we still continue to grow in our ways by making changes and following the truth of the Torah (our handbook of life and in this case our survival kit)?  Absolutely, as long as we are still alive on this Earth, we still have opportunity to get it right.  How much longer do we have to get our act together?  That is completely up to Hashem and what He has planned for the near future.  If the war starts today and the devastation of earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, etc, follow immediately, you have your answer as to how much time you still have.  Please, please, please take all this seriously.  I have thousands of years of history that has been accurately told to us in prophecy to back up my plea.  I am not speculating but totally knowing and trusting the word that Hashem has given us.  It is the Absolute Truth.  Anyone who wants to gamble that this is not our destiny is a fool.  It is so obvious what is happening in the world and where it is going.  The specifics we won’t understand until it happens, after all, “don't expect what you expect, but expect the unexpected.”  Just be completely reassured that we know exactly how to make it all come out favorably for each of us – don’t fight the system but use it to your advantage.  It is your eternity and the eternity of your loved ones at stake.  Do the right thing and thank Hashem for His merciful guidance – you will be extremely happy about it and, probably, soon.

Enjoy your Simchas Torah and realize that we are celebrating the greatest gift the world has ever received.
Chag Somayach  


  1. regarding this paragraph "The concept which I have been talking about since March didn't come from me, but from Gedolim. They are referring to Yom Hadin (judgment day) and suspected that it would be Hoshanah Rabah – today. I’m the one who changed the name to the “too-late-date” to impress upon everyone the urgency of preparing for the day." Which part is coming from Gedolim? Did Gedolim suspect that this Hashanah Rabah would be something unusual? Which Gedolim?

    1. It is traditional that Hoshanah Rabah is Judgment Day. I found a short write up giving some information on it (attributing it to the Zohar). However, due to the significance of this Hoshanah Rabbah being at the end of the end of days, it is the most likely time for our judgment to be more than just for the coming year. There are many other references going into more detail. Rav Scheinberg talked about it before he was niftar, Rav Kanievsky alluded to it and many other Gedolim who believe that we are at the end of history as we know it and in the time of Geula.

  2. The too late date means the book will be closed and we, the entire world and mankind will be judged. It's in the Book of Our Heritage by Eliyahu Kitov. It says Hoshana Rabbah is mini Yom Kippur(we wear white and daven all day.) Hashem takes another look at us. The Judgement Hashem makes on Rosh Hashana is in pencil ... on Hoshana Raba it is written in stone.

    Page 191

    "Hoshana Raba marks the day when the judgement, which begins in Rosh Hashana, is sealed.


    1. You are correct and I thank you for the additional references. The question is are we being judged for the coming year or, if this year is the last of history as we know it, is this the final judgment for eternity? What is the true significance of this Hoshanah Rabbah? We, hopefully will know in the near future and it all should be good news in our favor.

  3. Either way, it can be a final judgement.

    "During the festival of Sukkot , the entire world is judged concerning water, fruit and produce. Because human life depends on water and all depends upon the final decision, Hoshana Raba is invested with a certain similarity to Yom Kippur and is therefore marked with profuse prayer and repentance."

    Let's pray we have plenty of water, but G-d forbid, not too much..

  4. We have a tradition for a wonderful year when Hoshanna Rabbah is Motsae Shabbath. Nothing bad will happen this year and may be years after too.

    1. I am anticipating the greatest year in history coming up. Everything we have had in our prayers for thousands of years should come to fruition. B"H

    2. I hope you are right. :) Aaron

    3. Three categories of information. Any positive prophecy from scriptures will definitely come true (I have thousands of years of fulfilled prophecies to prove it). Any negative decree doesn't have to come true, but can be averted by the mercy of Hashem (based on how we behave individually -- measure-for-measure). Any speculation on my part will require a "wait and see." All I know is: it all has a very happy ending -- I know; I read the Book.
