Wednesday, August 22, 2012

More Truth Coming Out

I guess Hashem knows what He is doing after all.

This isn't the purpose of the covenant between Hashem and the Jewish people; but, it is another message from Hashem to the Jew-haters of the world who want to destroy our mitzvot.  No Jew should give in to the whims of our enemy.


  1. I am surprised at how many Jews point to this study. All it does is say, if you lead a promiscuous lifestyle, you are better off being circumcised. Yeah, lots of benefits to that. The typical monogamous married male has no benefit at all. Way to go promoting promiscuity!

    1. I think you are not seeing the whole picture. There are many studies showing a lowering of cancer and other diseases due to circumcision. If you think the article doesn't affect everyone, then you must not be paying health insurance costs or are not aware of what you are paying for. In the US, you get to help support every illicit activity by higher insurance premiums. Also, since nobody has any idea what type of person a baby is going to grow up to be, Hashem wants to tell everyone. That is not promoting promiscuity, it is scaring people if they are not circumcising. The hidden message is not of this world but to help the Jews with their covenant for the World to Come (the ultimate benefit). Don't treat any human being as though he or she does not have a yetzer harah. We all need all the help Hashem gives us.

  2. There is no mitzva for the goyim to circumcise, except possibly for the bnei Avraham (but it's none of our business to advise yismaelim and increase their merits, is it?)

    1. When you have goyisha countries making it illegal to do mitzvot, you prove that it is to their advantage to do such practices. Not that we want the goyim to do circumcision, but to insure that the Jews are not prevented from such necessary practices. The resultant effect is to help Jews even though everyone benefits.

    2. The Jews should just come home, to their father's dwelling place. These are warnings signs, if you fight the gentiles in there land you will lose. We have our land and they have theirs. Imagine if a guest demands his laws in a home of his host, sounds ridiculous doesn't it? obviously they don't want to host us in their land anymore. I love your article, but we need to know what Hashem is saying. "Come home my children." because our welcome has expired 75 years ago, but the gentiles are a afraid to admit this openly.

    3. You couldn't be more correct. Everything that is happening with the economy, politically, socially, legally, weather, etc, etc is all with the same message. It is the end of days and Hashem is telling the Jews to return home. Unfortunately, the only message that many listen to are scary ones. The threat of war, terrorist activity, financial ruin, etc are all having a serious impact on the Jews and are causing them to turn to Hashem for help, including the desire to leave Chutz La'Aretz. We know it has a happy ending -- B"H

  3. Jews are not to 'retire' in peace in galut, striking deep roots for endless generations. Not even in the USA. The prosperity and good relations with the Gentiles in exile is an illusion that will soon come to an end as it gets worse financially for Gentiles in their countries. The Jew scapegoat will be trotted out again. We see this by history. Hashem never said "I will plant you in exile in peace for eternity." We can ALL expect to return to Israel whether we like it or not. Whether we want to give up our beautiful, comfortable homes and 'high' standard of living...or not. Something in my gut clenches when I hear religious Jews in galut explaining away living in Israel because "it's hard to make a good living there." Hashem says in Amos 9:9: "lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all the nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth."

    1. Beautifully said. One misconception is that Israel is a lower standard of living than the US. It is just the opposite. The standard of living here is far better than the US. The health care is excellent (no trouble getting a good Jewish doctor); the unemployment is much lower; cost of living is better; security and safety are far superior; crime is much, much lower (I have never felt as threatened walking the streets of Jerusalem as I have in New York or my home city of Philadelphia); the city I live in doesn't even have a police force (no crime -- just people helping their neighbors); food is better and healthier; air and water are much cleaner; longevity is higher and, best of all, the level of kedusha is the highest in the world. I can be a fulfilled Jew here without being threatened by my surroundings. All Jews will be here soon and will absolutely love it.

  4. Are you serious? The article clearly states, "Some of that decline is due to shifting attitudes among parents, but at least part of it can be traced to the decision by many states to eliminate Medicaid coverage for the procedure." Now where is this article do you find "Jew haters" as the reason for wanting to abolish circumcision? What's your agenda?

    1. For thousands of years the Jew haters have figured out million of ways to bring libels against the Jews. No matter what the excuse is, the bottom line is always the same. Of course, we are in a time that Hashem is sending a strong message to every Jew that is it time to come home and that it is only going to get worse. The message has been clear for a long time only the wording changes (or should I say the excuse for the wording).

  5. Banning shechita or Jewish circumcision is always just the beginning. There are myriad of ways they try to justify it but it is always just the beginning.
