Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Another Prophesy Being Fulfilled

One of the most interesting prophecies in Tenach is from Chapter 12 of Daniel.  Daniel gives us a way to calculate the end of days.  Many Torah scholars have made attempts to decipher the prophecy but to no avail.  Since it says that it would not be decipherable until the end, I am excited since I believe two facts have come to fruition:  I believe we have its meaning and it must be the end.  Daniel was told by Hashem (translation from the Artscroll Tenach):

8 I heard [this} but I did not comprehend [it}, so I said, "My L-rd, what is the end of these [matters]?"
9 He said, "Go, Daniel! For the matters are obscured and sealed until the time of the End.
10 They will be elucidated and clarified and refined by many [people}; the wicked will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand; but the wise will understand.
11 From the time the daily offering was removed and the mute abomination put in place, one thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12 Praiseworthy is he who awaits and reaches one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.
13 As for you, go to [your] end;  you will rest - then arise for your portion at the End of Days.
What does it seem to be saying?  The key word is “abomination.”  We have already seen examples of prophecies that are better understood from the English translation.  The reason being is that it is prophesying something about an English-speaking country.  An example that I have already mentioned is the information from Isaiah 21 up out the first Gulf war. That prophecy starts by saying "like Desert Storm's...   How profound it is that Isaiah should use the vernacular, about 2700 years ago,  that the Pentagon decided to call the war in 1991.

The word abomination appears in the 5769th verse of the Torah.  This was brought to light by several prominent Rabbis that it was referring to the inauguration of the US president Obama.  5769 or more specifically January of 2009 was the inauguration of the president.  At that time many jokingly stated that the United States became the Obama-nation.  It may have been a play on words but I believe it was a message from Hashem.

The Hebrew word used in verse 11 of Daniel is שקוץ.  If one adds the letter ה to make the word read “the abomination,” we find that the Gematria is 501.  The Gematria of Barack Hussein Obama (ברק חוסיין אובאמה) is 501 meaning that Hashem is truly telling us that he is “the abomination” that Daniel is being told about.

If we count the days from the time that the Obama-nation was put in place (the inauguration date), 1290 days brings us to last Thursday, the 14th of Av. there has already been speculation on other blogs that when Daniel said "a time, times, and half time" it was referring to the 3 1/2 years that Obama has been in office.  This is very consistent with the 1290 days coming up to last Thursday.  The fact that it follows with verse 12 saying that “praiseworthy is he who awaits and reaches 1335 days” tells us that there will be a turbulent period of 45 days which brings us up to the end of the year 5772.  The 1335th day is Erev Rosh Hashanah.

Why am I saying that these 45 days will be turbulent days?  The fact that the prophet is telling us that we are praiseworthy if we await, meaning that we must be patient, trusting Hashem and having complete faith in Hashem.  For it says those will be the people who reach the 45th day.  With all that is happening in the world, no one knows, except Hashem, who will survive the 45 days.

What was so special about last Thursday that led me to believe that it was the beginning of the 45 day turbulent period?

If we reviewed specific news items that occurred that day, we see very definite events that we have been watching for a long time. Some of the events (this is not all inclusive -- there were more) were:

News of Spain and Italy being in financial ruin and possible collapse was exasperated by Germany's lack of cooperation in helping with a bail out. We know that one of the events that has been leading up to the time of Moshiach is the disastrous worldwide financial situation (I mentioned it from Talmud, Soto 49).  If Spain and Italy go, Europe will be not too far behind and so may the rest of the world including the very unstable United States.
News of us possibly being within weeks of the war with Iran which will precipitate World War III, came last Thursday (many news items, too extensive to discuss here).  More importantly is the statement in the Yalkut Shimoni that war with Iran will occur in the year that the Moshiach will be introduced.  That has been a good indication that we have been watching that this is the year.  Since it is likely to occur within the 45 day period, we are reassured that prophecy from Daniel is talking now.
News that things are not going too well in Syria and that the time for the end of Assad may be imminent, became more obvious last Thursday when the internal civil war was stepped up in Syria and bordering countries announced an increase in the armament on the Syrian border.  The Zohar’s statement that we have been watching that the Moshiach will appear when the king of Syria falls, points to this happening within the 45 days.
All the statements that have been made by the Gedolim – Rav Kaduri, Rav Scheinberg, Rav Kanievsky, etc are all talking place within the 45 day period.

That which is happening within the 45 days will not be everything in the Geula process.  I do believe it is the start of everything.  As an example the Day of Judgment, “the too-late-date” that I have mentioned quite a few times, I believe will be in the month of Tishri which will be in 5773.  The process will continue next year but we will truly know that Geula and the time of Moshiach started this year.  All the details of when, how, who, why and where are still to be seen.  That is why Daniel tells us to await the 1335th day.

One additional fact is that the seven Haftorahs of comfort that we read between Tisha B’Av and Rosh Hashanah just happen to fall during the 45 days.  If there were ever a time that we needed comfort, it is this 45 day period.  Everything is by Hashem’s design.

I am sure that there are many more details that can be found – Gematrias, news events, Gedolim statements, hidden Torah codes and who knows what else, that I have not stated or are not even aware of.  I in turn ask you to further research this finding.  Anyone who wants to comment with additional information has my deep appreciation.

The most important message that I wish to convey is the same thing that I have been saying since March.  Judaism is not a spectator sport – we are being given messages from Hashem for the purpose of us reacting to them.  The 45 days is not just a wait and see period, but a golden opportunity to prepare for everything.  I've said it many times but I will say it again: do repentance, pray, give charity, study Torah, speak no Loshan Harah and work in unity with your fellow Jew to make this a very successful time that will give you the best eternity possible.  This is the time for total love of everyone.  Reach out and help – not criticize – your family, friends, neighbors and all of Klal Yisroel.  Forget about the physical world and turn to Hashem for help in becoming a more spiritual person.  This may be your last opportunity to get is right.  You owe it to yourself and your loved ones.


  1. The Absolute Truth is an attribute of God. Humans only have access to it when they reach the total reunification with God, when their souls are free of trauma, when they don't practise sins anymore and when their thoughts are perfectly correct. Then God may give them access to a part of The Absolute Truth when He thinks it is necessary. Until then humans should "just" keep looking for the truth.

    1. Hashem gave us the complete Absolute Truth in writing -- it is called Torah. Our job of studying the Torah is to connect to His truth. I have been studying Torah for about 64 years and have studied with Gedolim. I believe I have learned a thing or two and have been instructed by that Torah to pass it on to my fellow Jew. I get many messages from Hashem of approval; so I feel confident that I am doing some good. When I lived in the states, I did much Kiruv and was in demand to give lectures at Shuls, schools, Shabatone gatherings and other occasions. I know that I have helped individuals and families to find Hashem's truth. I thought I would expand it to the world through the web. The world is presently one of Sheker, falsehood, and in need of much help. We all have the mission to help -- that is what Hashem wants from us. Hopefully, you are doing your part and not avoiding the responsibility by saying that you are not connected enough. When you try, Hashem helps and makes you succeed. If you don't try, you will have to answer to Him as to why. Thinking that you are not worthy of the truth is not an excuse since Hashem set up a system on Earth that makes the truth available to everyone.

    2. Post proof? The 102 posts that I have made since March with over 200 pages isn't enough proof? The 100 plus pages that I have offered (a compilation of proof from many sources -- mostly Jewish scriptures) isn't enough proof? The hundreds of posts on many, many blogs over the years isn't enough proof? The accurate predictions of the Gedolim and the Autistics for many years isn't enough proof? The proof that I worked hours to research and give you above information in this post isn't enough proof? What have you learned from your study of Torah; isn't that enough proof? The only proof that you will accept, I guess, is it actually happening and then, for you, it probably will be too late. Don't let your skepticism be your ruination. If you are not preparing, you are in serious trouble. If you need more proof before you start to do Hashem's will, that makes you a Hell of a guy (the too-late-date is coming rapidly).

    3. i meant proof that you taught in kiruv and lectured and that you were in demand.

    4. Yes, I have a long list of Rabbis that requested my services, a long list of places that I gave lectures and an extensive library of view-graphs that I used in my presentations. The bigger question is: So what? What does that do for you. If you have specific questions about information that I have posted, ask it. Knowing details of my background doesn't give you answers to you questions. If you want to establish my credibility, check out my information with Hashem's word and that should solidify and verify my intentions and accuracy. That is what is important. Do you want to know my history as an Electronic Engineer or an US Army Officer? I taught during those years, also.

    5. yes please; i would like for you to post ALL of your credentials.
      good day sir.

    6. Why? Since I don't know you as anyone other than Anonymous, what possible purpose would it serve? Would you become a better Jew by knowing my past? Even worse, what if you are a terrorist or even worse an IRS agent, are you spying on me? What are your credentials? If I knew that then it would mean nothing to me and we would be even. Sound fair?
      The Torah tells us not to judge our fellow Jew. If you are judging me instead of my posted information, you are not doing Hashem's ways. If you don't trust me, then don't read my blog. I would definitely prefer that you don't believe a word I say, but are curious enough to dig into scriptures and check for yourself. My mission here is not to trick you, but to help you. Let me do that -- you will thank me some day.
      I have one other problem. One of the worse traits that a human being can have in the eyes of Hashem is arrogance. If I told you everything about me, it might come across as bragging and that is not favorable to Hashem. Please leave it at that.

    7. 611 is the next date to be watched...which is the 6 november or maybe the date calculated from the year 2010 and up which is somewhere in september.So that time september,october may be a big change in the world scene where europe and north america and the world market which are in a economic crisis may efect to the world.Interesting thing is that Albert pike ww3 scenario is somehow created which can not be a coincidence.It is stupid a big war but not imposible to happen because everything is set up for the final act of the play.It is stupid but there is no more playing there for 12,000 years but a big world stupidity in the world human jungle

  2. There is also the situation in South China Sea that sinds last week is threatening to escalate in a major confrontation between China and the other countries in the region, with the US in the middle.

    1. I agree that the entire world is in turmoil just as scriptures says will happen right before the time of redemption. This is a good message from Hashem. Those who follow His ways are protected; those who ignore Hashem's truth are in trouble. The Jews of the world are also getting a clear message that it is time to come home. Israel is the only safe place for a Jew in the world these days. The miracles that we experience here make it obvious Who is protecting us. You may not believe that if your only source of information is the Jew-hating media. You have to be here to know what is truly going on in the Holy Land.

    2. Yep, I took note too that the laughingstock Mario Draghi Press Conference took place on the 14th of Av, the 1290th day of the "Obamanation that makes desolate" presidency. I saw it last Thursday, and it looked good at the time, in terms of European economic collapse, may it be soon. I wrote to fifteen of my closest blog followers that this could be it. And that this is the 1290th day of the Obamanation's presidency. And perhaps Sefer Daniel was right on the mark. The Italian stock market fell by almost 5% that very day, and Spanish bond yields exploded to over 7.6%. Then the very next day everything reversed itself. And Friday, today, and yesterday the Italian stock market has exploded through the roof as Spanish interest rates have plunged to safely under 7%. I have no idea what was said to reverse the sentiment of the previous day. So I paused and did not write a thing on my blog even if I did send that email to about 15 followers of my blog. I want to believe that that was the event of day 1290, but we have been down this road before, and the can-kickers seem to keep winning.

      And if turns out to be true that the 1290 days ended last Thursday, there is no 100% surety in Chazal that the remaining 1335 days include or do not include the first 1290 days. That would mean that it would all be wrapped up by this coming Rosh HaShana. Or we have to wait another 1335 days that started last Friday, which of course would guarantee the Obamanation's re-election.

    3. Please don't be deceived by the lies of the world. The Euro is in tremendous trouble because the wealthy of the world want it to be. Do you believe the statistics of the United States that there are signs of recovery and that the unemployment rate has fallen? All deception. Only the word of Hashem is true -- men (and women) are deceitful. The more important thing to be aware of is the physical danger that is approaching -- war, terrorist activity and who knows what else (Hashem knows -- I answered my own question). The financial problems will seem insignificant soon. If you just turn to Hashem for everything, you are in good shape and don't have a thing to worry about. If you turn to Obama, Netenyahu, etc, etc, you are in trouble. Lastly, it is still too early within the 45 days to evaluate the outcome. The worst turbulence is yet to come.

  3. For the last 28 years have been doing daily, a work of introspection to heal the wounds of my soul; for the last 14 years my life has been almost exclusively dedicated to that. Hopefully I am nearly finishing it now. Don't take me wrong, I don't intend to belittle the Torah or any other sacred book or even your work, which I find meritoriuos, but The Absolute Truth is The Whole Truth, The Truth of the Creation of The Universe, The Truth of The Spiritual World, The Truth of Life and believe me, that is a Very Big Truth. I don´t mean just what is in the Torah, that God created the Universe and created Life, but I mean the mechanisms by which It occurred. If a person, without having a perfectly pure soul, would try to understand too much of The Absolute Truth, the imperfections of his thinking would most probably bring him into madness

  4. Also what happened to the 60 days of a Flame of Black Fire in the Rakia? Did that one get swept under the rug? I thought the Flame virus was a physical manifestation of this spiritual concept. It came after the molad for Siwan when during the annular solar eclipse the sun was aligned with the 7 Sisters (the 7 stars in the north). So the Flame of Black Fire by virtue of its location in the Zohar VaYeira 119a had to begin during Siwan. The 60 days have come and gone, unless you can point to an event that shows that the Flame was manifest at the end of Siwan for 60 days.

    1. That was presented on another blog and even though I saw it, I have never verified that it satisfies the Zohar inyan. I'll wait for Eliyahu Hanavi to tell me that one.

  5. Then there is the issue of the Korban Tamid being removed at the end of Sefer Daniel. From that point we are supposed to talk about the beginning of the 1290 days, right? What does Obama's inauguration have to do with the korban tamid being removed? We have not had a korban tamid for almost 2000 years. just asking. We don't have the Targum Yonatan to be the commenter on all this. So maybe because he died too soon, we were never supposed to really understand....especially the part about the tamid being removed. What was always there that was removed on the 20th of January 2009? Maybe it was America's self-respect that was removed on that date. Obama more than anything else has sought to destroy the entire idea of American exceptionalism and has sought to destroy the American way of life too. Yet, what does that have to do with us? That is an American thing. It centers the world around Washington DC and not Yerushalayim. Washington DC was never supposed to be the "City upon the Hill".

    1. It is a very good question and, to tell you the truth, one that I have avoided since I don't have a definitive answer. The only thing that comes to mind since it is the day that the killing president, as he was known, was removed from office. Gog Bush and the Bush clan are responsible for more deaths than anyone in history. Gog junior has caused an estimated 1.6 million deaths in Iraq alone. Afghanistan is at about 50,000. The real claim to fame for the Bush family is that when Hitler, may his name be stricken, needed financing and provisions, like fuel, to get his war going, it was Prescott Bush, Gog Bush Sr's father that made it possible. He set up the necessary funding; and, without him, AH never would have been able to kill the estimated 50 to 100 million people in WW2. Is that the end of the Korban (not really) the Bush's are very involved in trying to get WW3 started (that is a long story). It is the reason I have never changed my mind about who Gog is.

    2. I was going to ask the same question about the Korban Tamid. Just to clarify, in your opinion President Bush was Gog?

    3. Was and still is. Read my post "Who is Gog and Magog?" 26 April 2012. The involvement of the Bush's, both Jr and Sr is as detrimental to the world now as it was when they were presidents. The biggest difference is that they are better funded now for their evil plans and that is very dangerous. The good news is they are bringing on Moshiach. It says in scriptures that Hashem lets us run world affairs; but, it will get to a point where He will say "enough." We are there. B"H

  6. so here more info to this

  7. I just thought about one comparison, i think the amount of people that is in your Counter Viewers of this blog is the same proportion of people that will be survive in Gog war. Not in the specific quantity, but the proportion.

    USA - biggest percent of Jewish and Noahite
    Then goes Israel - some more little percent less then in USA (well this is obvious because of quantity of people in all country)
    And then the rest of the world.

    1. That is a very fascinating observation. I thank you. Being a numbers type of guy, I need time to analyze the data. I could write several blog posts on numbers. As an example: the comparison of numbers in the Torah versus the number of people today. What is the big deal about counting the population at various stages during the 40 years in the desert? The answer is: it is prophecy since we have very similar, if not exact numbers, today in the end of days. One other little example: The Jews of the world are compared to the moon and the non-Jews to the sun (long explanation what that means). If you look at a comparison of the size of the moon to the size of the sun, it is the same proportion of the population of Jews to non-Jews in the world today. There are no coincidences.
      You are probably correct about the proportion of survivors for Gog UMagog but Hashem,in His mercy, will cause all Jews and righteous gentiles to exist after the Geula begins. They may die and be brought back but will still be here for the time of Geula. What determines who will stay, who will die, who will suffer and who will have it easy is strictly payback, measure-for-measure, for their life in this world and how they followed the ways of Hashem. I know I have said it many times -- and I mean it.
      Thank you again, I will get to work on my analysis.

  8. So to move the subject along. Let me try to give a most likely explanation of those last verses in Sefer Daniel. Yet, we must pre-suppose and Rav Shimon Schwab did that the destruction of the 1st Temple and the building of the 2nd Temple were 165 years prior to our traditional dates. Daniel was told to hide the secret of the 165 years, to remove them from Jewish history. The gematriah Sod Daniel is 165. Thus wrote Rav Schwab back in the early 1980s. Then along comes the Vilna Gaon who wrote in the margins of his commentary on the Torah that the Korban Tamid was stopped 18 years before the destruction of the 1st Temple by Nebuchadnezzar when he captured Eretz Yisrael from Pharaoh Necho. So if the 1st Temmple was destroyed in 586 bce, the korban tamid was stopped in 604 bce. Again these dates are 165 years before the given dates in Seder haOlam for the destruction of the 1st Temple. Now add 1290 years to 604 bce and add another year for the fact that the year Zero did not exist (we went directly from the year minus 1 to the year 1 in accordance to the counting of the Xtians), we get to the year 687 ce. In that year the Arab world began the construction of the Dome of the Rock which would be the Abomination that makes desolate. Add 1335 years to that and we arrive at the year 2022 ce, ten years from now.

    Now I am not one to believe that the Temple will instantly come down from Heaven. It took Shlomo haMelekh 7 years to build the first Temple even with Hiram of Tzur's help. So the 2022 ce date refers to the completion of the 3rd Temple which should take at least five years to build. If ben David comes at the beginning of the next Shmittah cycle 5776, then the construction of the 3rd Temple would likely be completed five years later. This would mean that the Geulah Shlaimah according to the Gemorrah Sanhedrin would begin in the 5th year of the previous Shmittah cycle when there is a great blessing in both Ruchniyut an Gashmiyut in the year 5773. Remember this is all b'itah. We have lost the opportunity for Achishena moments. This means that Mashiach ben Ephraim would have to be ruling in Eretz Yisrael early on in year 5 of the Shmittah cycle, 5773. We are in a b'itah process. Medrash Sefer Eliyahu is emphatic that the war between the West (Edom) and Persia will last either three or four years, and only in the Shmittah year will Persia expand its gains for 12 months. So we are only at the beginning of the great war between Edom and Persia. And yes it seems that we are about to begin that three to four year long war. In the Shmittah year, Persia will have developed a rather extensive nuclear arsenal, and in this b'itah process hundreds of millions might die. But the coming of Mashiach ben Ephraim over the next few months will be a Messianic moment, and it should not be diminished in its spiritual importance. In closing, according to Chazal, Eretz Yisrael in the b'itah process will be an Ark in the eye of the Perfect Storm which will envelope the entire world. All Jews should try to be here in EY before the storm commences.

  9. I should point out another phenomenon of the Shmittah cycle that begins in 5776. For four out of five years from 5775 until 5779, Tisha B'Av falls out on Shabbat in 5775, 5776, 5778, and 5779. When Tisha B'AV falls out on Shabbat, the year is conducive to Geulah. And most important of all in 5782, Tisha B'Av also falls out on Shabbat. In that year probably on Tisha B'Av, the reconstructed Third Temple will be dedicated on that very day. And we will be happy for waiting 1335 years after the construction of the Dome of the Rock (the Desolating Abomination) 1335 years earlier. Keep in mind this is assuming a 3rd Temple construction period that will take five or six years after ben David shows up in 5776. And Ben Ephraim should be establishing the foundation (Yesod) to the Messianic Kingdom in 5773 at the very latest.

    We could have had so much of this starting 7 years ago, but in 5765 we treated each other like garbage, plain and simple. For 290 million shekels some amongst us decided to enable Sharon's evil government. It was a test of our common decency that we failed miserably. If we had passed that test, then Gog W. ben Gog Sr. would have been he final adversarial leader, and the War which began on Hoshana Rabbah 5762, with the aerial bombing of Afghanistan would have been complete exactly seven years later in 5769. When I made Aliyah, I had no idea that certain observant Jews in my midst would fail this basic test in common decency. But it did happen, and it sent us spiraling into this final Sabbatical cycle of the leadership of the half Xtian (iron) and half Muslim (clay) 11th horny dude. It is just the way it is. What was supposed to be a 7 year Gog uMagog process was doubled to 14 years. I have learned to accept it. In that 14 year double cycle we are now at the end of year 11. Such is life.

  10. On the above comments:
    Although I always like to be open-minded in reading other possibilities, and I do find your suggestions very interesting, I would have to throw out some very definite findings that I have from my 100+ pages proving that 5772 is the year of Geula. These are not opinions of Rabbis but are precise verses from Tenach, Zohar, Talmud and commentaries of the sages. I would need much time to evaluate all that you have presented. A couple of comments right off the bat: the destruction of the 1st Temple in the year 586 BCE has its origin in Xtian sources since it was changed to facilitate prophecy of Daniel predicting the coming of Yushka. The portable Tabernacle was used for 479 years and the 1st Temple was 410 years. That puts a definite destruction date in the year 422 (Mishkan 2449+479+410=3338 3760-3338=422). That I know without research since the topic has come up numerous times in my life (especially in working with misguided Jews for Yushka who were lied to in order to make goyisha prophecies work).
    Geula is, by scriptures, to be more miraculous than the miracles of Egypt. The Third Temple will be so miraculous, since Hashem will build it, it could be done in the blink of an eye. The physical world as we know it will not exist. We will be in a world beyond our comprehension and the very thought that it might take 5 years to build the Temple is in disagreement with scriptures.
    There are many other points that I can make but without deep research (I am not interested in voicing my opinion but Hashem's opinion on everything), I don't wish to give immediate answers.
    I thank you for your comments since I always appreciate hearing possibilities that make me think. I like the challenge.

    1. While it is said that the Geulah will be more miraculous than the miracles of Egypt, the Rambam himself says that the laws of nature will not be overuled and that the only difference between now and the messianic era will be that the nations will no longer oppress Israel.

    2. I believe the Rambam said that the changes would be more gradual. The start of the Geula would still be business as usual, with us still having to work. The difference is as you said including the eradication of evil and war worldwide. I believe the Rambam does see great miracles happening, just not right away. Other sources talk of immediate miraculous changes. Another wait and see.

  11. yes iran war to start within weeks by end 5772

  12. So, are you still holding Syria's gov't (President Assad) will fall by the end of this month, Av? - While it is possible, it doesn't seem likely to me, based on the news I hear on the radio.

  13. Question, why would Obama be referred to as an abomination, is he really so bad?

    1. It would require a long blog post to tell you all the evil of this man and most wouldn't believe it anyway. He is part of a diabolical plot that could be the fulfillment of the verse in Zechariah 13:8-9 that says 2/3 of the world population will be killed off (close to 5 billion people). It is actually part of the New World Order and is looking to start WW3 to kill 90% of the world population (close to 6.75 billion people). He illegally has funded and started the operation of the FEMA run "concentration camps" (over 600) in the US. He is putting martial law into affect, in essence, turning the US into a fascist country. He has withheld the funds of the World Global Settlement from many countries that would solve much of the world financial problems (it is not government money but he is involved in a plot to use that money to make much personal money for some very evil people including himself). That money is in excess of 50 trillion dollars (probably at this point a lot more). I am scratching the surface of the evil being done; but, it is all being allowed by Hashem to make the Moshiach the only solution. (One additional note: The Bush clan is masterminding much of what I am talking about and Romney is also involved -- trust only Hashem).

    2. Thank you to Absolute Truth and Dov Bar Leib for your replies I appreciate it. (I previously posted this question as Anonymous) :)

    3. I thank you for the question since it gave us an opportunity to discuss a very important question. It is hard to believe so many Jews still think that Obama should continue as President.

  14. Answer to Anon.: Yes, Obama is that evil. He is kind of an anti-Gog who wants to destroy his own country from the inside and to distribute its wealth amongst the 3rd World. He believes in the opposite of America as a nation under G-d. And in his 2nd term, if it occurs, he will send international troops to divide Jerusalem too. It is why Abbas is waiting until after Obamanation's victory in November to take his case for Palestinian statehood to the UN General Assembly.

    Also I too believe that the Zohar VaYeira 119a specifically refers to the summer of 5772 as the beginning of the Geulah b'itah. after a 60 day period after the molad for the month of Siwan when there was an alignment between the sun and 7 stars in the north (The Pleiades). So the Zohar right there has Av 5772 written all over it. But it is specifically Mashiach ben Ephraim that seems to be referred to there because in 5773 a Roman city will be hit with a massive meteorite shower when an international conference is set to commence there. It is important to remember that Yosef is Sitno shel Edom (Rome). Yet, here we are nearing the end of the month of Av, and even if the sheker in the world is making it look more stable than it really is, the sheker is doing a pretty darn good job in keeping the world going the way it is. It really is a pity that things are not falling into place more quickly. As someone else recently wrote me, we are watching a slow moving train wreck with the moment of collapse being impossible to predict.

    1. Thank you. Very interesting and very well put. One thing I disagree with is the funneling of money to third world countries when in fact he is preventing money that belongs to people in about 150 to 200 countries from getting to them. One interesting caveat. There is much in scriptures about Rome being destroyed in the end of days. Many have guessed as to whether it is talking Rome, Italy, the new Rome of Edom -- New York or what it really means. Very few people know that before Washington DC was named and designated the seat of the US government, it was Rome, Maryland. Google it and be amazed at what Hashem may be telling us.

  15. Ehud barak just said time attack iran within 10 weeks

  16. Again, is anyone here saying anything specific will happen this month, Av? - President Assad will lose power?

  17. Anon of London asks:

    Do you have any info on a space body which is approaching from the direction of Antartica?

    This is said to be a 'red dwarf' that is optically invisible, but has been seen by the Aricebo radio telescope.

    This unknown space body is likely to be a significant cause in global climate change. Some people say that it passes by our solar system every 3,600 years (approx) and caused the flood at the time of Noah.

    Anyway, its not expected to impact us here, but being highly magnetic might cause a pole shift (either magnetic ot even geo-physical) or a 'crustal displacement' where the mantle relocates over a different part of earth's core.

    Apparently this space body is coming in (or with) a dust cloud, and some of the smaller space bodies travelling with it (and / or dust) might well impact the planetary surface. (I saw the prediction re: Rome, and it is expected that at some stage that there will be a need to flee the Vatican because of 'something' with the Pope passing many dead bodies as he makes his escape.


    btw, the place where I daven on Shabbat & Yomtov regularly only just about gets a Minyan (15 men is a 'good' crowd) but thank HaShem we always manage. I have never been so concerned however about having enough people on Yom Kippur this year (2012) - but maybe it wont matter? Maybe things will be different on Yom Kipper 5773?

    Also, I am not concerned that we do not yet Know the identity of the Mosiach, as I've always been told that we will only do so after he has been and gone. But we will know that he is here, because of his good works.

    Anon (a secular Jew)

    1. To give my thoughts on all that you present here (Anon or London) would take much more than my average long blog post. I am hoping to post some messages this week that may be pertinent to your questions and statements. The other suggestion is that you Email me personally with some of your thoughts since I am not a prophet and could not represent my feeling on all you mention as the absolute truth. absolutetruth613@gmail.com
      One general statement that I would like to make is that nothing is by chance. Everything is by the design of Hashem. Any natural phenomenon such as a space body can only be from Hashem and therefore should be somewhere in scriptures. I am not aware of such prophecy but am aware of prophecies that may allude to such an occurrence. That was a definite maybe about nothing but, hopefully, my planned posts of this week may clarify my answer.

  18. Anon of London adds that the relevance of the space body to this thread is that as I understand it Mosiach will come at a time of great disturbance / geophysical upset, etc.

    The space body is supposed to be arriving / passing by on the 15th, which is just a couple of days before Rosh Hashonah, so if Mosiach is coming in 5772 it would seem possible that this could all happen in the same timeframe.

    btw, you wont find info on the space body in mainstream news sources - the same dark ones who wish to impose martial law etc dont want the ordinary people to know about it as we maight prepare (store food, water, etc) - they just want us all dead.

  19. Hello and thanks for your reply.

    Apologies for a slow response, erm, is it possible to have a 48 hour day please? - rather than the present situation whereby time seems to fly so fast that its as if the 24 hour day has shrunken to 18 hours.

    At this stage, and so close to Rosh Hashonah I will not say anything more, since I do not wish to divert you from the other messages you are trying to compose before Shabbat and next week's start of Rosh Hashonah.

    Shana Tova to all,

    Anon of London
