Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Awesome Power of Speech

by Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of Students, Diaspora Yeshiva

Parshat Tazria tells us about the laws of TZARAAT. TZARAAT was a miraculous illness that was inflicted upon a person who spoke Lashon Hara about a fellow Jew. Anyone diagnosed with Tzara'at was sent outside the camp or city to live a solitary existence. Tzara'at is comparable to leprosy, although in certain ways it was very different.

When a person speaks derogatorily about a fellow Jew, even if it's true this is called LASHON HARA. He may accuse him of taking away his business or of not respecting him, and in doing so may cause relationships to be severed. Lashon Hara can destroy marriages and other relationships, such as partnerships or friendships.

Essentially, slander causes people to become lonely, as people who hear the Lashon Hara and accept it, will no longer interact with the people slandered in the same way that they did previously. The Torah states that the punishment and atonement for speaking Lashon Hara is to become infected with TZARAAT and thereby become socially isolated. The slanderer is sent out of the camp and is pronounced to be "spiritually unclean", so that people will keep away from him.

The purpose of the Torah's punishment is not merely to afflict the sinner, but to awaken him to realize his sin. When the slanderer is forced to be alone, he will have a chance to contemplate all the loneliness and pain that he caused others through his character assassination. 

The Talmud in Nedarim 64 teaches us that in certain ways a METZORA (Leper) is like a dead person, in that he is limited in his ability to help others because of his isolation. Thus, when the METZORA experiences that feeling of being "dead" - disconnected from society, it causes him to do Teshuvah and stop his harmful speech, which caused people to be disconnected from each other.

The Torah teaches us to use our power of speech positively. Therefore, MISHLEI warns us that life and death depends on our speech. Let us use words that are encouraging, that show love, caring, understanding and appreciation. We will thus strengthen our relationships, increasing peace and unity among Jews

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Prophecy Deciphered After 1,500 Years Reveals North Korean Conflict Precedes Messiah

A fascinating article appeared on Breaking Israel News:
Prophecy Deciphered After 1,500 Years Reveals North Korean Conflict Precedes Messiah
Then there is this amasing story about the:
The Student Appeared To His Rabbi In a Dream

Yes, this applies to all of us, and is the solution for our protection from the possible war above!!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Animal Rights in Judaism

Another excellent video from Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of Students, Diaspora Yeshiva:

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, shlita, Parashat Tazria-Metzora, 27 Nissan 5777 (23.4.17)

The Holy One, blessed be He, King of Kings, the Father of Mercy, looks from Heavens to the whole world and sees that without Him there is no existence. Without the help of the Holy One, blessed be He, the world will not exist! All are in panic, fear and anxiety, confusion and complication, they do not know what the day will bring, but they still think that they can do anything, manufacture missiles, airplanes, fight and threaten each other. They forget that there is a creator to the world, forget that the Almighty can transform the material of Nuclear Explosion to flour!

The missile sent by Kim, the leader of North Korea, which exploded during the launch - The Creator of the Universe blew it up! The missile sent by the Russians a few months ago, the best missile to drop planes, also exploded. This is not a human error, the Creator of the Universe blew up the missiles! The Creator shows to mankind that He determines what will or will not be, then dear Jews, why forget the Holy One, Blessed be He? The technology is progressing and instead of becoming close to Hashem, you are moving away from HIM? Everything is upside down? The Creator can paralyze all the satellites and darken the Earth completely in a thousandth of a second, at the speed of light. People are complacent and forget who created the world, forgetting that everything starts and ends with Him. Every country with nuclear technology and airplanes thinks it is above all worlds.

Please, dear Jews, do not forget that there is a Father in Heaven who protects and preserve the Holy Land and its Jews. The Creator give life and death, makes people rich or poor. Nuclear technology and the threats will not help Kim, the North Korean leader, nor anyone else in the world.

Don’t be afraid says the Creator, there will be no Third World War, there will be no nuclear war and no third intifada - there will be the Messiah that will be reveled in public, the construction of the Third Temple and the resurrection of the dead!

The world must listen attentively: the Holy One, blessed be He, is the one who runs the world, chose the Jews to live in the Land of Israel! Every country, prime minister or president of the world, who wants to disturb the rest of the Jews in the Land of Israel or to take parts of the land of Israel, the Creator of the world will beat them severely.

The most severe winds blow in the world, the most powerful winds that overwhelm everything in addition to earthquakes, fires and floods. The Creator of the Universe is using a lot of power to shake the earth.

Assimilation adds hatred to the people of Israel in the Land of Israel and throughout the world. Jews who live with non-Jews will convert them properly and marry them, if they want to receive a soul from heaven. Do not to say 'we are modern,' modern is rebellion against the Holy One, Blessed be He. Those who do not observe the Commandments are against the Holy One, blessed be He.

The Jews who live outside the land of Israel, the Creator of the world begged you many times already to immigrate to the Land of Israel now, it is urgent! You have the opportunity to come up now with great property, like they left Egypt with great property. Today it's exactly the same. Today you can still leave with great property, but if you do not leave, in a while you will be expelled by anti-Semitism, ISIS, the refugees and the infiltrators; you will be expelled from all over the world. They will take away your houses and property and you will come to Israel without property. You stayed because of the property - your redemption is to come to Israel with nothing, just to live and breathe. Write down what's written here on the wall.

In most of the world, "Eisav hates Jacob." There is hatred and evil toward Jews, no Gentile loves the Jews, so it is worthwhile to immigrate to the Holy Land and not believe them.

Jews understand: the Holy Land of Israel is like the skin of a deer, develops, develops, stretches and its development is hidden from the eye. There is livelihood in the holy Land of Israel, there is food, and there is protection for all the Jews on Earth who will come to live in the Land of Israel. The Land of Israel is the first in the world in economics, military, technology, science and medicine, love, peace, unity and mercy. The Land of Israel is the only one in the world where the Holy One, Blessed is He, is in it!

Russia, Putin shows everyone that he is in the Middle East. He is afraid that the United States will take Syria and then everyone will be subject to the United States. With the US it is money and food, and with Russia it is weapons and ammunition; Putin does not want to move from Syria.

The United States, the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen Trump only to help the Land of Israel, and Trump wants to make order in the whole world. If Trump takes into account those who disturb the Land of Israel and help the Holy Land of Israel and come to meet it in all respects, he will receive divine help, all his plans for order in the world will succeed and he will be protected and guarded. Blessing and success will be in his hands, and a day will come when he will receive a great privilege from the Creator.

Trump tells the Israeli government to work quietly. He will help quietly; talks are disruptive to the plans. All that is hidden from the eye is successful and has a blessing.

Iraq is dead. Saddam Hussein sent missiles to Israel, which were turned in their way from chemical to flour. He made noise, startled an entire country, frightened millions of people, and nothing happened. The vengeance of the Creator of the world erases Iraq from the face of the earth. Iraq is finished, destroyed and erased.

Syria will continue to be destroyed, destroyed and destroyed, until it has no back, no spine, no brain. There is chaos in Syria, all the planes, missiles and soldiers from all over the world are training in Syria.

North Korea, Kim threatens and is scared to death to make a mistake. If a mistake is made, Korea will be deleted. Korea will be erased by people who hate Kim; he has enemies inside Korea itself and they hold the most dangerous missiles in the world. Their plans are to blow up the missiles inside Korea with all the residents. Therefore Kim is afraid to err. He exhibits threat and strength because he is looking for respect; respect is his life’s ambition.

Turkey nothing will help Erdogan, nothing. ISIS, the terrorists and the rebels in Turkey, want to rebel and revolt against Erdogan.

Egypt, Sisi wants to resign; he does not know what to do. The Egyptian army is collapsing in the Sinai desert. The soldiers of the Egyptian army were in a 'sanitarium;' they had not practiced properly since 1975 and until now; and, they are hungry too. Suddenly, when they have to fight ISIS, the extremist Muslims and Hamas, a lot of them are killed. Sisi entered a serious whirlwind; no country can help him, neither Russia nor the United States. From all directions he is threatened.

Hezbollah and Nasrallah have run out of power, they lack a lot of ammunition and weapons and do not want to deal with Israel. There is a beginning of rebellion in the Hezbollah army, and Nasrallah does not trust them. Why all this? Because Syria is crashing and crashing in front of their faces and has no back, no head, no tail, no legs to hold it. Everything coming from Iran explodes on the way.

Lebanon wants peace and does not care about anything.

Abu Mazen, ninety percent of the money he receives, he transfers it to his private account, his children and his family. Like Hamas, they take money for themselves, the senior leaders and their families, and ten percent they throw to the poor.

France is getting more and more complicated every day; everything that happens is worse than bad, and the main thing is that all is complicated by the elections. The earth is bubbling and will be a big mess in France.

Hamas continues to work in the tunnels, waiting for the right time.

Some of Israel's Arabs are in close contact with Hamas. The reason for this is that Arabs from the Land of Israel marry Arabs from the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem and a partnership is formed between them. Their connection creates hatred against the Jews in Israel.

In Hebron there are many other arms factories, if one is discovered, they make three more.

In East Jerusalem, there is the head of the serpent who brainwashes them and sends them to stab innocent Jews with knives, and then they say that they are mentally ill, it is one big lie.

Iran is scared to death of Israel, afraid of the United States and Russia, so it connects with them.

Father in heaven says to the people of Israel: We must thank every situation, good or bad. Pain, sadness, or joy - thank Hashem, who does only good and for our benefit. Not all Jews understand that the Holy One, blessed be He, only wants their good. He wants them all to be in the land of Israel so that He can protect the Jews and the Holy Land, the Land of Israel - the sky opening. The Holy One, blessed be He, does not want the Jews to cry out from their distress. It hurts the Holy One, blessed be He that they do not believe the warnings he gives in Israel and around the world.

The Holy One, blessed be He, says to the Jews: My dear children, the Messiah is present and you have not betrayed me! Continue as your forefathers to observe the Commandments. Do not assimilate. Despite the free choice I gave you to act as Hashem’s loved ones. The Creator took care of the Messiah from the womb of his mother, and taught him the laws of the world. Everyone knows and recognized the Messiah. The soul of the Messiah no one sees; the soul of Messiah is active in Israel and throughout the world, it encompasses the borders of Israel, protects and preserve around the Land of Israel. The Messiah works and acts and belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He, directly. The Holy One, Blessed be He, allows him to act abroad and in Israel, a Messiah who protects, guards and is jealous of every Jew!

Courtesy of "Tair Neri" Website

Monday, April 24, 2017

Aharon’s Silence; Plus Another Possible Message from Hashem

In this week’s parsha, Aharon’s sons Nadav and Avihu die.[1] What was Aharon’s reaction? He could’ve complained. As Gemara[2] says, “A person whose suffering causes him to challenge G-d is not sinful.” No, Aharon did just the opposite! He fell silent.”[3] [4]

What is the value of silence? The Gemara[5] says, “When a person ignores insults, Heaven ignores his or her sins.”[6]

Why is that? One who overcomes his feelings of anger towards someone and acts magnanimously, he is forgiven for all his wrongdoings, since forgiving others at a time when one is angry is elevating,[7] in that it’s an expression of the soul ruling over the body.[8] Rabbi Moshe Cordovero points out that it is far better to achieve atonement for a sin by suffering an insult in silence than to undergo physical punishment which may interfere with one’s ability to perform mitzvos or study Torah.[9]

Here is some food for thought:

A stupid person who is silent is considered to be wise.[10] As the Gemara[11] says, “Silence is lovely for a wise man, all the more so for a fool.” Therefore, “One who guards his mouth and tongue protects himself from trouble.”[12] Avos[13] recommends, “The best medicine[14] that is most beneficial for one’s body,[15] is silence.

The Maharal[16] writes, “The point is that taking into account that a person is a physical being, he gains from silence. Speaking is... a physically based power. Speech is a physical attribute, not a mental one at all. For that reason, speech should be shunned so as not to suffer from an error or mental disintegration. When a person is involved in verbal activity, he is negating his mental resources… One should, therefore [try to] maintain silence and take initiatives with his intellectual features that are not corporeal, as is the power of speech, thus avoiding errors.”

In Tehillim, it says, “Silence is Your [i.e. Hashem’s] praise!”[17] In addition, “Silence is a protective guard for wisdom.”[18] Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says, “All my days I grew up among wise men and I found nothing better for a person than silence.”[19]

We also see that strength of G-d is manifest through His non-reaction to the insult and blaspheming of the wicked.[20] Furthermore, “Those who listen to their shame and do not respond in kind to their insulters,” it is about them that the posuk refers to when it says, ‘and those who love Hashem will shine as bright as the midday sun.’”[21]

The Gemara[22] says that the whole world exists only in the merit of the one who bridles his mouth in a moment of strife.

Want a “segulah” to ignore insults? At the end of shemonah esrei, it says, “My G-d... To those who curse me, let my soul be silent and let my soul be like dust to everyone.”

When saying those words, concentrate on them intently. With Hashem’s help, if someone hurls an insult at you, it will appear to you like a speck of dust on your jacket![23]
[1] See Vayikra 10:1-2.

[2] Bava Basra 16b.

[3] Ibid. 10:3.

[4] Rabbi David Aaron says, “When life gets rough, ask not ‘why’ this is happening to me but ‘what’ this happening is asking of me. In every painful situation choose to find opportunities for growth and humbly reserve judgment of the Master Mind of the universe.”

The Kotzker Rebbe (i.e. Menachem Mendel Morgensztern of Kotzk) once said, “Man has two eyes with which to see his life from two perspectives - one to see the greatness of the Creator; the other to see his own shortcomings.”

[5] Rosh Hashanah 17a.

[6] In addition, the Vilna Gaon (I.e. Rabbi Eliyahu Kremer) says, “For every moment man keeps his mouth closed (and does not respond at all to a provocation) he earns the merit of receiving a holy radiance (whose benefit) is far beyond the comprehension of any angel or being” [see Shemiras HaLoshon – volume 1, Sha’ar HaZechirah, chapter 11 “גם עבור כל עת ששומר” and Iggeres HaGra, “V’ad yom moso…”].

[7] However, NEVER:

· Speak, criticize or ask forgiveness from someone when they’re angry (See Avos 4:18 and Berachos 7a-b).

· Apologize immediately after your hurtful comments. For Avos D’Rebbi Nosson (41) says, “If you done your fellow man a slight wrong, let it be a serious matter in your eyes…”

If you apologize first, without depersonalizing the impact, you are communicating that you are sorry for what you did, but you are not conveying that you did not mean what you said. When you make your apology after your disclaimer, it is generally received in a better light. (Seek Peace and Pursue It by David J. Lieberman, page 116).

· Admonish a scoffer, lest he hate you… but the wise person will love you (See Mishlei 9:8 and 15:12).

[8] See Yuma 23a and Chovos HaLevovos, chapter 7.

[9] Tomer Devorah, chapter 2, ‘השלישית’.

[10] Mishlei 17:28.

[11] Pesachim 99a.

[12] Mishlei 21:23.

[13] 1:17.

[14] See Megillah 18a.

[15] See Maharal on Pirkei Avos by Rabbi Tuvia Basser, page 57.

[16] Commentary on Avos 1:17.

[17] 65:2. If that’s the case, then why do people talk during chazaras hashatz which is completely forbidden?! (see Shulchan Aruch 124:7 and Mishnah Berurah 131:1). As the Shulchan Aruch HaRav (124:10) says, “One who talks while the shatz is mentioning the praises of Hashem demonstrates that he has no desire to join the chazzan in praising Hashem and thereby creates a chillul Hashem! In the words of Shlomo HaMelech, “[There’s] a time to be silent and a time to speak” (Koheles 3:7). As the Gemara explains, “At times one is silent and receives reward for silence. At times one speaks and receives reward for the speech” (Zevachim 115b). Speaking of silent, Rabbi Pesach Krohn points out that the words silent and listen are spelled with the exact same letters. He says that in shul, you have to be silent and listen to what the chazzan is saying. Whether it is Chazaras HaShatz, Berachos, Krias HaTorah (Orach Chayim 146:2 and Mishnah Berurah 5) or what the Rav is saying.

[18] Avos 3:17.

[19] Ibid. 1:17.

[20] See Gittin 55b.

[21] Gittin 36b, Shabbos 88b and Yuma 23a.

[22] Chullin 98a.

[23] As the Gemara (Sukkah 52a) says, “The yetzer hara seeks to overcome person a person every day and if not that HaKodosh Baruch Hu assists him in his struggle, he could not prevail.” However, “When a person exerts himself in Torah (or in any area of avodas Hashem) to the best of his abilities, then Hashem grants him heavenly assistance and he will attain very great levels” (Chovos HaLevavos, Sha’ar Cheshbon HaNefesh 3:21 “והאחד ועשרים”).

This appeared on YouTube.  I believe it to be of great interest.  The accuracy of the report, I don't know, but it is definitely worth watching.  Of course, the biggest thing to me is whether this is another message from Hashem, especially if you replace Planet X with Nibiru:

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Kosher - You Are What You Eat

by Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of Students, Diaspora Yeshiva

The Torah only allows us to eat animals that have split hooves and also chew the cud. Animals that chew the cud but do not have split hooves or vice versa may not be eaten.

What is the relevance of these physical signs to the issue of eating the animal that has or doesn't have these signs? Are these just CHUKIM (statutes) from Hashem which we must obey without understanding the reason?

The Sefer Kol Bo explains the significance of these Kosher signs. The reason why certain animals chew the cud is because these types of animals feed on vegetation. And it is not in their interest to chew their food properly and slowly in one certain place. This would make them vulnerable to predators that wait to pounce on them and eat them, or to the elements, the blazing sun or driving rain.

Thus, by biting off their food and swallowing it immediately, they are able to eat quickly and run for safety. This is a great benefit for these vulnerable animals. Later on, when these animals come to safer ground or more comfortable surroundings, the food comes back up from their stomachs, they grind it and then digest it properly. Therefore, "chewing the cud" is a safety mechanism for these types of animals against predators and the hostile elements.

And the reason why kosher animals also have spilt hooves and not sharp, strong claws is because their feet serve as accessories for them to stand and walk, unlike predators, which require claws to rip apart their prey. Additionally, their split hooves enable them to flee from predators and afford them good grip even on mountainous terrain. Thus, these animals can run and jump when escaping any threat.

Hashem in His love for His People, requires us to abstain from eating all predatory animals. When food is digested by a person it becomes a part of him, and his nature becomes similar to that of which he ate. Thus, Hashem does not want us to derive our nourishment from animals that have predatory character traits. Hashem does not want us to be affected by the traits of animals that hunt and kill.

Hashem only allows us to eat and absorb into our bodies those animals which survive without killing other animals. These Kosher animals, which are pursued but are not pursuers, inject into us the positive trait of non-aggression.

The Torah teaches that you are what you eat. Thus, in order to ensure that our spiritual sensitivity, which is the trademark of a Jew, remains unblemished, the Torah instructs us to eat only kosher animals.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Subtle Teshuvah

We have talked extensively about doing Teshuvah, repentance, as a necessary way to come closer to Hashem, and reach a higher level of Tikun, fixing/rectifying one’s life for a tremendous eternity. We mentioned that Teshuvah is not just words, but actions. The only way to fix ourselves is to learn about our mistakes, and improve ourselves spiritually. If we are not at a high enough level of keeping Kosher, learn how to improve and make changes; if we are not honoring the Sabbath properly, thinking that what we do is good enough, we learn more and improve. Every improvement brings us closer to Hashem, gives us a much happier life on Earth and sets us up for the tremendous eternity (so tremendous it is beyond human comprehension).

But, there are many other types of improvements that we can make that are not so obvious. There are simple things that we can change in our lives that could make it far better without much effort. The main ingredient is common sense, and the rewards can be infinite (even though we are not doing this for reward, but they are there). Just remember that Hashem judges us for everything; everything simple, everything difficult, every words we say, everything we do. This greatly includes how we interact with others in this world and that leads us to the very subtle type of Teshuvah, very subtle improvements that are easy to correct, and well worth it for our well-being.

First let us learn a very interesting term used in the frum community. Frum means "devout" or "pious," in Yiddish. To be frum means to be committed to the observance of Jewish law, the commandments; often exceeding the bare requirements of Halachah, the collective body of Jewish laws. The term I wish to introduce is marit ayin (or maris ayin, Hebrew: מַרְאִית עַיִן‎‎, "appearance to the eye"), which is a concept in Halachah (Jewish law). It is considered to be an important concept, as it can lead to the prohibition of certain acts, depending on circumstances, that might otherwise be permitted.

There are so many situations that could lead to maris ayin. Jews are very often watched, I should probably say always watched. The world is obsessed with trying to catch Jews in a negative light. Why? Since Jews are “a light unto the nations,” and most people don’t really care for the message, the absolute truth that Hashem wants the Jews to convey, catching a Jew in a compromising situation is satisfying to many non-Jews (and secular Jews). It is in the mind of the Jew-hater as a justification for persecution and stereotyping. If you are following my train of thought, it is a justification in the mind of the heretic to not believe in Hashem or follow His ways.

By giving examples, we can see how this “catching a Jew making a mistake” leads to Jew-hatred. It also is incumbent upon every Jew who is being watched to do the right thing and be an inspiration instead of an excuse.

A Jewish family is traveling on a highway and wishes to stop off at rest stop to use the facilities. There are rest rooms about a block away from the parking area, but there are rest rooms much closer in a non-kosher restaurant. To save steps, the Jewish family uses the closer rest rooms but is caught going into and leaving a non-kosher restaurant. We know that there was nothing incorrect in what they did, but those observing only believe that they caught a Jewish family eating at a non-kosher restaurant. That is maris ayin. It is not what is really happening, but a situation where Jews falsely are perceived as violating the commandments and sinning against Hashem. What good gossip that is.

Let us talk about a completely different situation of Jews hurting other Jews, and possibly putting others into a dangerous situation. I have lived in places that had traffic circles instead of normal cross intersections. They very often are blocked off to let the pedestrians know that for safety purposes they must go around the circle and make all crossings at designated pedestrian walk ways. I very often saw people who wanted to save about 10 seconds in walking and cross illegally through the circle. If you were to ask the person why they are violating a law of safety, they would always tell you, I have no trouble cutting through the circle; I am totally aware of the traffic in the area. But why am I calling this maris ayin? Because the children who do not know how to negotiate the traffic are being shown by adults, it is OK to violate safety laws. It may not be the adults that get hit by a car, but it is often the children, who learned “it is OK to break the law and cut through a circle.” That, or J-walking or many other improper lessons that we teach children put them in danger, just so we can save some steps in walking. In a Jewish neighborhood, it is a violation of Torah to even think about violating a safety law that could hurt others.

One of the biggest killers in this world is the automobile. It is not just maris ayin to show others improper violations of safety laws, but also passing on to our children our bad habits when we teach them how to drive. It is definitely a horror to tell a teenager that it is OK to occasionally speed, or pass improperly, but it is maris ayin to do so on your own when those in the car and everyone looking at you from the street sees your improper way. If one does not drive defensively, one is putting himself of herself in mortal danger. But if one always drives improperly while children and others look on, it is maris ayin and extremely dangerous.

We are being watched and if a Jew does one wrong thing, he has done a Chillul Hashem,‎‎ "a desecration of the Name." Every mistake a person makes in this world could be viewed as a mistake, or just improper training, but a Jew being seen making a mistake is pointed out as a stereotype: “those Jews they always….” I believe that I am pointing out the obvious. But, what all of us must be aware of is how, if we are conscious of these subtle mistakes, we are doing very important Teshuvah.

Let me mention one more area of subtle Teshuvah accomplished by avoiding maris ayin. We are not just being watched by the people around us, we are being watched 24/7 by Hashem and being judged on our performance. If we as an example like to talk during prayer service, yes that is maris ayin for those around us, but it is a definite violation of Hashem’s commandments. What makes it even worse is not just the violation happening at the time, but the teaching to others, such as children that it is OK to talk or do other improper behavior when we are communing with our Creator. Being a people watcher, I have noticed over decades that the children who talk during prayer services are almost always children of parents who talk. They learned their lessons well through maris ayin.

It is such an easy Teshuvah to correct, but it takes some common sense. Pretend that everything you do and say, you are being watched and heard (which you are). Now ask if what you do is according to Torah, or a human bad habit, and whether it might be very dangerous for children to see and learn. If we have Hashem’s approval, we are doing it correctly; if not, we need some subtle Teshuvah.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi, Shlita, Seventh day of Passover and Parashat Shemini, 20 Nissan 5777 (16.4.17)

The King of Kings Blessed-Be-He protects and guards all the people of Israel and the Jews in the land of Israel, from above: clouds are around the borders of the land of Israel and Jews living in the land of Israel, must protect and guard themselves "you will protect yourself very much." Despite all the protections, be alert and don't say ‘it won't happen to me.’ Know where you are going, from where you are coming and look attentively at all corners. When a person keeps himself safe and doesn't say, 'it won't happen to me,' Heaven will protect him. A man who takes risks, and says 'it won't happen to me' has no protection from the Creator.

On Passover, the holiday of freedom, the Holy One gave freedom and liberty to all Jews so they could feel what it is like when soul and spirit are connected to soul and body. During the Passover holiday all was so good and all will be good, the choice belongs to each individual between good and bad, "life and death." Those who choose the crooked and bad way of taking risks will bear the responsibility.

In the Holy Land Israel nothing is missing. We have to ask the Holy One, Blessed be He, to help and save; and the Holy One, blessed be He, will help and save. We will strive to the maximum and the Holy One, blessed be He, will help from heaven. A Jew should not be indignant, complain and accuse the Holy One, Blessed is He, he should be happy with his lot. Every Jew is worth 100 percent when he is happy; when he enters the imagination and starts thinking 'why this way and not like that,' he falls from his perfection. To spoil takes only one second, to fix it, and redeem takes a lot of time.

The winter was very good; spring arrived in time. There are four seasons only in Israel, it is unbelievable the providence of the Creator! The Creator gave us abundant blessing.

Anyone who wishes to repent, the Holy One, blessed be He, will help him. To repent is to follow the commandments, and those who haven't repented, should do so.

The Government of Israel and the IDF must not trust any goy around us; they don't want peace, they want to humiliate the IDF and wipe out the Land of Israel, Heaven forbid. They do not lack land in the world; they have many, many times more land than in Israel; for no reason they want to take parts of the little country of Israel. Not because of the territory, but because they hate the Jews.

The Government of Israel should focus on the citizens of Israel, all the infiltrators and the refugees must be returned legally to their places, to get them out of the country. They do destruction and damage to the Israeli society without caring about what the world is saying. The Creator of the universe accompanies the entire Land of Israel and its Jewish inhabitants. The Creator of the Universe says to the Government of Israel: 'the righteous decisions are in favor of the Holy Land, for the Jews; I will follow you everywhere and help and remove every obstacle from the Holy Land of Israel!' Rely on the Holy One, Blessed is He!

The entire world is in chaos, conflict and complications. The ground shakes everywhere in the world, no one knows what will happen in next hour, fights and troubles amongst themselves, accidents, bus accidents, car accidents, planes and ships are getting into trouble. Complications are between the leaders of countries in the world; they do not sufficiently understand each other. The world is in fear of atomic nuclear missiles. No leader or state wants to die by atomic bombs. There are thousands of nuclear missiles in the world and there are countries that are demonstrating strength and pride with nuclear bombs to scare and show they are a strong power; it is just intimidation.

Because of nuclear bombs in the world, a third world war will not break out. If, G-d forbid, there was a third world war, nothing will be left – no human, tree, fly, butterfly, not even in the strongest shelter; the world will be desolate and silent and return to chaos. The Holy One, Blessed be He, says to the Jews and the entire world, there will be no Third World War, there will be no third intifada and no nuclear world war. There will be the Messiah in public in the nearest time, and the building of the third Temple! Construction of the third Temple! Construction of the third Temple!

The whole world feels the urge and pressure, something unusual in the world; we feel that the world is about to change for the better, and the change is the Messiah revelation in public to avoid World War 3 and the destruction of the entire world with nuclear war.

People in the world know that the period will be good, they know that in this generation something good is going to happen. Although there are very difficult things in the world, all are expecting the Messiah revelation in public!

The Jews, they are fed up with the counterfeits, the players, the debauchery, silver, gold, property, food and everything. Everyone wants and feels in his heart, subconsciously, that they want to be saved, they want redemption, they want to get out of jail and to feel freedom and liberty; to feel as the Messiah, our Just one, is leading the world to the way of eternal life.

Syria will continue to be destroyed and collapse because they tortured and killed soldiers of IDF. Russia is doing training in Syria. United States is getting involved to demonstrate strength and presence.

Syria will continue to be destroyed and collapse because they tortured and killed soldiers of IDF. For every soldier who was tortured and killed tens of thousands of non-Jews in Syria, and perhaps hundreds of thousands will leave the world. The Creator of the World is hurting for every Jew who was taken and killed. The goyim will pay forever for every Jew. Time of heaven is not the same as time on earth.

Turkey, Erdogan wants to control the country; he wants to have internal control. In Turkey there is chaos and it will have a revolution. There will be to Erdogan a big rebellion in the army and civilians, nothing will help.

Egypt if Sisi will not work with Israel and the Government of Israel in honesty and truth, he will have a big mess and a revolution in Egypt and a big mess in the Sinai. In Egypt, there are Muslim extremists, Hamas, ISIS and famine.

Hamas in Gaza wants control. All the millions of dollars, the leaders put into their pockets, like the underworld, the mafia, taking it all, in partnership with Abu Mazen. They leave the residents hungry without food, they have no mercy for them, and only the leaders take the money for their own pockets.

Hamas continues to dig tunnels at a very fast rate. Abbas continues to produce ammunition and weapons and plants, and send out suicide bombers.

Abu Mazen and Hamas and others are planning all day how to eliminate Israel, how to hit the IDF and the citizens of Israel, Heaven forbid. They don't have even a 1% desire for peace, all free hatred and evil; they are not for the Holy Land, just free evil. The Creator says: "from the beginning of the world nobody succeeded and certainly not now when the Messiah is acting and working and ready to come out in public. You will regret that you even exist. "May their swords pierce their hearts and their bows be broken."

Hezbollah and Nasrallah have no new weapons and ammunition. They are hiding part of the weapons and ammunition because they are fading fast. The Iranians fail to deliver to them because the IDF is destroying all. Nasrallah is quiet like a bear in the winter. May he not wake up! May he sleep forever.

Iran can't do anything against Israel, sending through other countries. Iran has full production of nuclear; they have special missiles that can go where they want, but they can't point then at Israel. They fear the Holy One, they know for sure He keeps and protects the land of Israel. They fear that IDF will come to the atomic plants and from there all of Iran and the surrounding area will be destroyed.

Iraq, there is no fundamental basis. ISIS and all sorts of clans kill and are killed, they have no spirit of life

King of Jordan waits and waits, strangling because all the refugees and infiltrators are destroying it daily; Jordan has no more power and is stalling.

Europe will become ashes, occupied by infiltrators and refugees, slowly and surely. All the European countries will lose control of their countries, because the refugees hate Christians, and not the Jews in the land of Israel. European media has not stated the number of all the refugees, only a percentage.

Trump, President of the US, Hashem will help him to succeed in his ways so as to fix the distortion on the planet. He will use the best way for the holy land Israel; the Creator would help him directly. If not, he will have glitches and problems and delays, until he realizes that above him is the true Leader of the world.

All the Jews in Europe, South America, Australia and everywhere in the world, please, it is better for you to settle the land of Israel, to settle the Negev, Galilee, Golan Heights, Samaria and Benjamin, and the Jordan Valley. You should come and help your brothers in the land of Israel, to be partners in the protection and preservation of the Holy Land of Israel. It is worth it for you! If not, someday you will regret deeply and have great remorse, and you will not come out of it.

The Creator gives you clues, you see how the Arab countries break all around Israel and how Israel is protected and preserved. There is nowhere in the world a place that is so protected as the holy land of Israel. The Creator protects and guards the Jews living in the land of Israel.

All countries take care of their own interests and want to connect to the land of Israel; they figured out that the Jewish brain is giving life to whole world, economically, socially, politically and in every subject. There are blessings of the   L-rd on the Holy Land Israel and on the Jews in the Holy Land of Israel. The whole world will need the Holy land of Israel.

There is a very big progress in the revelation of the Messiah being in public. There is a full connection between our mother Lea in heaven with Messiah from above – the Yehida. There is a full connection between our mother Rachel with Messiah from below. All is right, good and accurate. Everything works correctly; everything is more than accurate, we don't have patience. Messiah is working and acting, if he weren't, the world would look different. Everything that happens in the world, this is the work of the Messiah, all is in the Hand of the Holy One.

All are waiting, in heaven and on Earth for the Bat Kol and the sound of the trumpet blasting to receive the signal!

Courtesy of the site: "Tairneri"

Sunday, April 16, 2017

A Very Interesting Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi, Shlita. Passover, 13 Nisan 5777 (9.4.2017)

The King of Kings, Blessed-Be-He protects and defends all the people of Israel and all Jews living in the land of Israel. A cloud of fire envelops all boundaries of Israel, but the Jews must not be complacent nor trust in miracles, 'and you will protect yourself very much.' Despite the protection of the clouds of fire around the land of Israel, the IDF must be prepared and must not be complacent, and Jews all over the country must be vigilant and don't say 'it won't happen to me.'

The Creator gave us the Passover holiday, the holiday of freedom not only to clean the chametz from the houses, the cars and the offices, He gave the Passover holiday to cleanse and purify the negative peel of the Jews. The Creator gave us a taste of freedom and to feel the goodness of freedom same as with Shabbat, where we feel like heaven to differentiate between working days and Shabbat, between good and evil.

When The Messiah will come out in public, he will be revealed in Israel and in the world; the Jews will have freedom and liberty, peace and life forever. The Creator wants the Messiah more than anyone. The Holy One is hurting because the resurrection did not start yet. The Creator wants that all the Jews will feel the holiday of Pesach; that they will know the feeling of the month of freedom, which is only in the land of Israel.

The Holy One surrounds the Holy Land Israel almost perfectly; a little more effort is needed from the people in Israel to reach completeness.

The Jews living outside the land of Israel thinks the Creator is playing with them; they will be banished from their place with shame and disgrace.

The Creator says to the Jewish people of Israel: 'you don't have patience, I have patience! Until the last minute I will fix the world until the revelation is seen in public!'

The Holy One is asking the Jews, not to forget the intentions of the goyim towards the Jews and not to believe anyone.

There is tension between the United States and Russia; they want to demonstrate power and world domination.

We the Jewish people in the Land of Israel shouldn't get excited about anyone, we have the Holy One who protects and preserves the holy land of Israel. He and only He gives life or death and every Jew must do His will.

The tension between the Russians and the Americans is only a beginning. This will be followed by many more countries which will feel the tension. They will continue to get into trouble and quarrel, the whole world will be in a state of rage, and there will be panic in the world. They will not know what each day will bring; there will be nowhere to go. It will get stronger by the minute, because everything is the preparation for the King Messiah to reign in public in the nearest time!

Listen up, dear Jews, when the Messiah will be revealed there will be Shofar blasts heard all over the world, and all will understand that all this is the Messiah revelation happening! The sea, the trees and the mountains will dance; the animals, the birds, the beasts, and the fish will be happy; they will make noise and dance! The world will be in shock; people will be stunned and will not know what is happening. The Creator will shake the whole world and all the world will see the connection of the Holy One with the Land of Israel and with the Messiah who is in the land of Israel! Great joy will be in the Holy Land of Israel!

When they left Egypt, they received the Torah at Mount Sinai, and now it is the same thing as they are welcoming the Messiah.

A happy Passover holiday with good health to all the people of Israel. The Holy One will remove and heal all the pain of Israel and disarm our enemies! We will have a good holiday of freedom, full of joy!

Although Messiah is working and acting and most know him, we are waiting for the omen from Heaven.

Above and Below all is ready, and the Holy One knows when Messiah will be reveled!

Courtesy of the site : "Tairneri"

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Digital Slavery; and Nibiru News

Another very interesting presentation from Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of Students, Diaspora Yeshiva:

NIBIRU Fears Shake Up White House

Monday, April 10, 2017

Eliyahu HaNavi - A Peace Activist?

This is not actually a picture of my family; it was a family I once knew, B"N.
Eliyahu HaNavi - A Peace Activist?

by Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of Students, Diaspora Yeshiva

In the special Haftarah for Shabbat HaGadol, we are told, that Eliyahu's task is to "turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents" (Malachi 3). Rashi explains that the "main parent" in this verse refers to Hashem, and the "children" to the Jewish People. Eliyahu is appointed to restore our relationship with HASHEM. He will be the ultimate outreach worker, bringing all Jews back to their Father in Heaven.

Eliyahu repeatedly complained to HASHEM that he was the only faithful Jew left, because everyone else had "forsaken Your covenant, thrown down Your altars, and killed Your prophets" (Melachim Alef 19).

The Midrash states that these verses are a reply to a specific question from HASHEM. "Why are you protesting my honor?" HASHEM asked Eliyahu. "Whose altars are they breaking, yours or Mine? And whose prophets are they killing, yours or Mine?" (Shir HaShirim Raba). HASHEM was not pleased about Eliyahu's complaints against the Jewish People.

In the final' words of the last of the prophets (Malachi), we are taught that Eliyahu, who doubted our faithfulness, will restore our relationship with HASHEM. Rashi tells us that this time instead of rebuking us, Eliyahu will fortify our relationship with HASHEM based on love. This matches Rashi's comment on the Sh'ma, where he explains that while fear and coercion may force people to act faithfully for a short time, only love can inspire an enduring relation with HASHEM.

This idea was powerfully expressed in a story about the Baal Shem Tov. A man once came to the Baal Shem Tov and complained, "My son is not observant and he rejects our faith," the man cried. The Baal Shem Tov replied, "Then you must love him more." The man returned a few months later, complaining that he had seen no improvement in his son's behavior. The Baal Shem Tov's response was' decisive, "Then you must love him even more," he said.

This need for loving relationships is found in the Mishnah, which takes the words of our verse literally. The Mishnah explains that when the Prophet says that Eliyahu will settle disputes between parents and children, this means that he will settle disputes among all Jews and make peace in the world (Eduyot 8).

In fact, these interpretations are closely related, for we can't have a close relationship with HASHEM if we are fighting among ourselves. Eliyahu's mission is to be a Peace Activist. Only love and peace can restore our relationship to HASHEM, our family and all Jews.

On the Seder night, Eliyahu HaNavi visits every Jewish home. The symbolism is very powerful. HASHEM's prophet does not just visit the rich, the famous, the scholars and the Tzadikim, Eliyahu comes to every Seder, caring about each and every Jew.

The Radak states that the children and parents will unite in rebuilding their relationship to HASHEM. As we sit around the Seder table, asking questions and sharing knowledge, we strengthen our families, friends, and reinforce our relationship with HASHEM.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

FOMO, Passover; Redemption - Nisan -5777

Another excellent message from Harry Rothenberg:
Redemption - Nisan -5777 - Son of Jesse in bible code, Rav Glazerson

Friday, April 7, 2017

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi, Shlita, Parashat Tsav. Shabbat Hagadol, 6 Nissan 5777 2.4.17

The King of Kings, Blessed Be He, loves the Jews who live in the Holy Land, who protects with their bodies, souls, minds and spirits the Holy Land! The Creator of the Universe very much loves the Holy Land, the land of Israel. All the people who settle and live in the Holy Land of Israel are blessed from Heaven!

The Creator gave the people of Israel Passover, which is the beginning of a new year. It was a new start when the Holy One pulled out the people of Israel from Egypt to liberty and freedom from slavery. Like a person who is saved from disaster and comes back to life, celebrating the miracle, so is Passover. The Holy One did visible miracles for the people of Israel, the ten plagues, miracles at the Sea of Reeds, with Amalek and on Mount Sinai. These miracles are not forgotten for generations, and also the Goyim don't forget them. The month of Nissan and Passover are in spring when there is flowering, good weather and the wind hugging and caressing. This generation is the generation of salvation and Messiah and all feel the spirituality. In each Jewish family, everyone is happy and full of joy the eve of the Seder, because of liberty and freedom. The Creator gave the Passover holiday to the people of Israel so they will not forget the exodus from Egypt where they were enslaved for two hundred and ten years. They must not believe any goy in this world, because the goal of most goyim is to destroy the holy land of Israel.

The Creator states: The entire world knows that the Palestinians and Hamas want to destroy the land of Israel; they will not succeed! It is very interesting, that in Israel the Jews are indifferent, they don't know. They don't know the objective of the Palestinians and Hamas is to destroy Israel. The Holy One opens our eyes and ears to know the agenda of Hamas and the Palestinians, what they intend to do for Passover. May their swords pierce their hearts and their bows be broken; and let them kill each other!

All the Jews in the land of Israel and abroad don’t be complacent and say “it won't happen to me.” The whole world has become very dangerous for the Jews. IDF and the police must be 100 percent on alert. IDF be alert and dismantle their efforts where they are planning attacks; they want to disturb in Passover. Jews do not believe any goy, every word they say is slippery and serves only their interests.

The Passover holiday is good for the people of Israel, no one is missing anything, rich and poor people are eating matzah - all are equal in the eyes of the Holy One. All are sitting around the table reading the Passover Haggadah, big and small; all should be happy and tell about the Exodus from Egypt, so as to not forget the past and be careful of the future. From immemorial times, the goyim wanted their power of impurity to harm Jews in the Land of Israel. Soon, when the Messiah will be revealed publicly, he will make some order.

Hamas and the Palestinians don't want peace; they're just making a show of it. They have a patent, a trick, to take parts of Israel, more and more parts. This will not happen, because the Goyim cannot live in the Holy Land; it is closed and sealed!

Jews living outside the Land of Israel must return immediately to Israel! Stop casting doubt, stop thinking that you are living well there, you live in delusion and fantasy that everything looks good, these are lies, lies and deceit. Seven and a half billion people hate the fact that Jews are living abroad, and seven and a half billion people like the Jews living in the land of Israel, this is the wonder. The Creator says to Jews abroad: "don't get stubborn with me, I will call you every moment, until the time arrives not to call you anymore.” Anti-Semitism is increasing and increasing until there will be an explosion that will be impossible to resolve. In the Holy Land Israel all is good; everything that a Jew wants in this world is in Israel.

Trump, President of the United States, doesn't like that people are making noise, talk and confusion. He wants that Israel's Government will not advertise anything; that they work quietly and secretly, because everything hidden from view is blessed. When people are speaking in Israel, they are making noise over the whole world, and then Trump stops, modifies his words; it is a pity. Do not mention the settlements; build what is necessary according to the law, without speaking. If Trump goes with Israel all the way, Blessings from Heaven will escort him, every time he sways, Heaven will sway his plans.

Russian and Putin, like the holy land of Israel and do not like Jews living outside Israel. Russia wants to control everything; it is selling weapons and ammunition and wants to hold much more land in the world.

The European Union (EU) will fall and crash and crash and crash, it's called the European breakdown. Every country wants to be alone by itself. Other countries will continue to leave the union and why? Because they hurt Israel and disregard the Jews living in the land of Israel.

Prime Minister of United Kingdom is very strong and knows exactly what she's doing to save the United Kingdom.

In France, there will be a big mess; as long as the Jews are living there, France will be in chaos, until they will banish them. Wherever there are Jews there will be chaos; when they expel them, there will be peace in every country.

In Turkey, the situation is very difficult. Erdogan opens the gates to the infiltrators and the refugees so they will escape, because they are destroying Turkey. Erdogan is controlled by ISIS. He is walking between drops, and he is afraid they will hurt him and his family. There will be a revolution in Turkey.

Refugees and infiltrators will flood Europe strongly. Better for the Jews to escape, because in the end they will have nothing left in their hands. Now they can still sell more or less, at normal price, soon they will leave the property and homes and come to Israel empty-handed. The Holy One is applying Eye for an Eye; they opposed him because of the money and material; all will remain there, and they will come to the land of Israel without anything.

In Iraq every time another city is destroyed.

Syria, worse than bad; they continue to kill hundreds of people, if not thousands.

Jordan is waiting for the two countries.

Egypt, Sisi is sending his soldiers to fight in the Sinai desert, nothing will help him. Soon, ISIS, Hamas and extremist Muslims will enter Egypt and do a big mess to Sisi, because Sisi is a minority against the extremists. Whatever he does in Sinai, they will eventually win over him.

Hamas in Gaza and Palestinians are descendant of Amalek, Amalek likes killing and slaughter. They continue digging tunnels and want to surprise on Passover, G-d forbid, through the tunnels or with other means. May their swords pierce their hearts. We must be alert at the military bases and in every community.

Lebanon doesn’t like war, but Hezbollah fights there.

Hezbollah received a severe blow in Syria; he lost a lot of ammunition and soldiers there.

Iran fails to deliver ammunition and weapons to Hezbollah, whatever ammunition comes in is blown up. Iran continues to send all kinds of messengers and missiles to disturb the Holy Land of Israel indirectly. It'll get very severe blows; have patience.

Natural disasters and chaos in the world will continue with great intensity except in Israel – fire and infernos, water and floods, winds and storms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

All the white-collar, the thieves, the rapists, the lecherous and those that are corrupt will all be revealed.

Gambling, drugs and drinking, assimilation are prohibited, because this hurts clean, pure Jews of the people of Israel.

The news about redemption and Messiah: there is no going back for the Messiah! No delay, no stopping, the Holy One opens and prepares the way to reveal the Messiah in public. Everything that happens in the world and in Israel, all the painful and difficult things are all preparations for the revelation of the King Messiah in public! The Messiah is a man chosen by the Holy One, he is above all men in the world since the beginning of the world. The Creator never changes what he chose; the Messiah is already chosen! There is no going back in this world, in the sky, in the Land of Israel and regarding redemption and Messiah! Everything progresses in succession, with tremendous force, pushing all the impurity in all kinds of directions, so that the King Messiah will be revealed in public in Israel and throughout the world!

Courtesy of the site: "Tairneri"

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Why is Moshe Rabbeinu Missing in the Hagada?

Once again a very interesting presentation from Rabbi Sprecher, and even very good new suggestions for the Pesach Seder (we always look for new topics to keep the Seder interesting). 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

And the Endorphins Kicked In

As a follow-up to yesterday’s excellent essay on the optimism of Rabbi Akiva, I thought I would tell you more about why it is so important for all of us to have such a level of optimism, faith and trust in the Only Source that can bring us salvation. If you didn’t read yesterday’s post, I’ll wait here and let you read the deep message before I tell you more about what it means to all of us. Let me know when you get back…..

Welcome back.

As a child I rarely was involved in sports of any kind. I was more of a bookworm, a learner, an exerciser of the brain more so than the body. When I went to high school the only letter that I received had a G-clef on it for singing in the choir. In 1966 I was drafted into the US Army and my life changed. I now had the requirement to run two miles in a designated time according to my age. Before that any two mile trip was by car.

Needless to say, it was rough. The pain, the heavy breathing, the coming close to fainting (I may have fainted; I wasn’t conscience to know for sure). Then within a few weeks (or more, I don’t remember) something new happened. I started to get what is referred to as the “runner’s high.” Hashem actually provides us humans with the ability to produce endorphins in our brain and make the running much more pleasurable.

Dr. Google says: Endorphins are any of a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having a number of physiological functions. They are peptides that activate the body's opiate receptors, causing an analgesic effect. Back to me: It is like having a high on drugs, but using the natural drugs that Hashem gave us within our own bodies, not the kind purchased on the street corner.

Why am I telling you this? Because I experienced a similar high later in life that I like to call the “spiritual high” that may come from spiritual endorphins (I may have just made up a term; the research is ongoing). This spiritual high actually comes from doing Mitzvot, the Commandments.

We are told that we should not be doing Mitzvot for reward, even though the rewards are plentiful, even beyond description. We are also told that the true reward for a Mitzvah is the Mitzvah itself. What does that really mean? When I give charity to help others, especially when the others don’t know it came from me (the one time that my name is Anonymous), that is a high. When I write a blog post, like this, and have no idea who is reading it and even benefiting from it, that is a high. When you do something that gives you such a good feeling, peace of mind just knowing that it is what your Creator wants from you, the feeling is euphoric, a high that is much better than drugs or alcohol and lasts much longer (with no hangover).

We have talked several times about how prayer absolutely works and is always successful when done correctly, now we can see how Mitzvot can also work and greatly enhance our lives. Yes, the Mitzvot serve as the tools to correct ourselves, to bring us closer to perfection, closer to Hashem and set us up with the best Tikun possible for all eternity. But, now we can see that, when done with the proper inspiration and positive attitude, our lives can be enhanced to a much higher level of happiness immediately. We don’t have to wait for the time of the worldwide redemption to cash in on the joy and euphoria that doing the Mitzvot offers.

As an example: we say blessings so we can eat; it is proper to ask for all the abundance that Hashem provides and not just take. I remember hearing about Rabbis who wanted to eat so they can say blessings. The blessings were more important to them than the food. That is what gave them the spiritual high and made life much more enjoyable.

Like Rabbi Akiva who served Hashem with the most devoted service possible, we have the opportunity to do so much more. It is not just doing Hashem’s will through Teshuvah, prayer, Torah study, charity, helping each other, doing the commandments, etc, it is realizing that the higher level of very meaningful service to Hashem is for our benefit. Hashem doesn’t need anything from us; we need everything from Him. He gave us the absolute perfect system to have a life of complete joy and success, of happiness and comfort. Why do we spend so much time and effort complaining about what is not right in our lives, instead of working hard and making it all correct, as perfect as can be.

Does that mean I will never be tested again? No, it means that I will understand the reason for the test and pass it with flying colors – testing will be to my great advantage and not a burden in life. Yes, we are not robots; we make mistakes, but with proper Torah study we correct those mistakes and come out much, much stronger and happier.

Now I have a statement to make that many will not agree with me. WE ARE THE CAUSE OF ALL OUR PROBLEMS; WE ARE ALSO THE SOLUTION TO ALL OUR PROBLEMS. When Hashem tests us with sickness, money problems, family problems, etc, etc, etc, He is giving us exactly what we need because we were deficient in living the perfect system that Hashem provided. We were not doing things correctly, so Hashem in His infinite wisdom gave us the correction we needed (the involuntary way). Whether you agree with this or not, the truth does not go away and it is all good news.

As I mentioned above: Hashem gave us all the chemicals and electrical stimulation within our bodies to cure any disease, any medical situation we have. The goyim call it faith healing; the Jews call it Hashem!!!! I have mentioned that words can actually change the DNA in our bodies. You can’t get a more efficient cure system than that. This is not speculation, but years of self-cure and observation of others. I used to suffer from back spasms, headaches, acid reflux, high blood pressure, heart condition and recently a very debilitating hernia (Google hernia to see if it can go away by itself). They are all gone with no medical intervention, just using Hashem’s perfect system. Thank you Hashem!!

Learn how to get the best endorphin high with everything we do. Waste not, want not. Constantly live every second with the greatest optimism possible, and you will reach a spiritual high you didn’t even know existed. We are the solution to all our own problems, but until we know that beyond a shadow of a doubt, with complete faith in Hashem that He gave us such a system of life, our negativity is our worst enemy. Positive belief, which is nothing more than positive faith and trust in Hashem, and the system of life that we have, is all we need and all the problems are solved – guaranteed in writing!!!!!!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Rabbi Akiva - The Eternal Optimist

by Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of Students, Diaspora Yeshiva

The Pesach Haggada states, that five Sages, Rabbi Akiva and his colleagues, were telling of the Exodus from Egypt all night, until their disciples came and said to them, "Our Rabbis, the time for the recital of the morning Shema has arrived."

The Seder is all about parents telling their children about the Exodus story. So where were the families of these great Rabbis?

The Aruch HaShulchan in his commentary on the Haggada, states that this Seder in Bnei Brak took place after the destruction of the Second Temple and during the Hadrianic persecutions. This was one of the most tragic and despairing eras in Jewish History. The Bar Kochba uprising had proven to be a failure to recapture sovereignty over the Land of Israel. The collective soul of Israel was crushed as Jewish Rabbinic leaders (10 Martyrs) were being tortured to death. A long and bitter exile loomed on the horizon for the Jewish People. And then came the Yom Tov of Pesach. How could the Jews possibly celebrate a Pesach Seder of freedom in the midst of persecution, terror and despair? The families of these great Rabbis were hiding in their basements.

During this period of dashed hopes and failed expectations, there was no greater person of faith among the Jewish people than Rabbi Akiva. Everything about him suggested a spirit of incomparable optimism. Despite the fact that he had been the main spiritual inspiration for the failed Bar Kochba rebellion, he never surrendered to despair.

In one amazing incident in the Talmud (Makot 24), R' Gamliel, R' Akiva, R' Elazar ben Azaria, and R' Yehoshua (3 of these 4 Sages having also been at the Seder in Bnei Brak), were walking on Mt. Scopus, when they spotted a fox emerging from the place of the Holy of Holies on the Temple Mount. The other Rabbis began to cry, but R' Akiva laughed. When they asked him to explain the reason for his laughter, R' Akiva explained that since the presence of the foxes confirmed the truth of the prophecy of destruction, the prophecy of the future redemption of Israel will certainly come true.

R' Akiva is the figure who represents total faith in Hashem, and total faith in the future destiny of the Jewish People. His own death full of suffering, serves as one of the most spiritually powerful moments in our tragic history. R' Akiva was sentenced to death for refusing to obey the Hadrianic laws that prohibited the teaching of Torah.

The Talmud states, "When R' Akiva was taken out for execution, it was the hour for the recital of the Sh'ma. And while the Romans tore his flesh with iron combs, he accepted upon himself the Kingship of Heaven. His disciples were amazed, they cried, "'Rebbe, even on to this point?' Dying, his body tortured, R' Akiva explained that until then he had never had the opportunity of fulfilling the Mitzva to love Hashem with all your soul. Now that I have that chance, shall I not fulfill it?" (B'rachot 61).

The Sh'ma is our testimony to our belief in the Final Redemption. "Hear Israel, Hashem who is now only accepted by us as our G-D, will eventually be accepted by the UN and the EU as the One and Only true G-D." This is the meaning of the Sh'ma as explained by the Talmud. With his dying breath, this is the final legacy of faith and optimism which R' Akiva left to all future generations.

Thus, we invite Rabbi Akiva to inspire our own Pesach Seder each and every year.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Chofetz Chaim, WWIII, Moshiach and Redemption

from Yosef Stern:

Rabbi Eliyahu Lopian wrote:1

“While in London I heard from the holy Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman, quoting the Chofetz Chaim, that Chazal say the War of Gog and Magog will be threefold.2 After the First World War, the Chofetz Chaim said that it was the first battle of Gog and Magog and that in about 25 years there would be a second world war, which would make the first one seem insignificant. Then there would be the third war…”

True to the Chofetz Chaim’s prediction, WWII began in 1939, exactly 25 years after the start of WW1!

How did his prediction materialize so accurately? The Gemara3 states, “The Tzadik decrees and Hashem fulfills.” In addition, Dovid HaMelech says, “He will do the will of those who fear Him.”4

Elsewhere, we find, “From the day that the Beis HaMikdash was destroyed, the power of prophecy was taken from the prophets and given to sages.5

When will the Third War take place? Rabbi Alon Anava[6] states, “The Vilna Gaon says that before the revelation of Moshiach, our nation will have to go through 72 years of unbelievable suffering.[7] This period is called ‘Chevlei Moshiach’ - the birth pangs of Moshiach.”

What unbelievable suffering did our nation undergo? Approximately 47 years ago, Steipler Gaon said on Purim 5730 the following:

“We are very close to the coming of Moshiach since we underwent most of the ‘birth pangs’ of Moshiach[8] during World War II with its dreadful suffering...”[9]

What year did the World War II end? 1945. If you add 72 years to the end of the war - 1945 - it comes out to the year 2017, this year 5777!

Which will come first: Moshiach or World War Three?

It’s a matter of dispute. There are those who say that the war of World War Three will be before the revelation of the Moshiach. Others say that Moshiach will first reveal himself and then there will be World War Three.[10]

Regardless of which happens first, how can one be spared from World War Three?

If a person wants to be saved from the birth-pangs of Moshiach, he should involve himself in Torah and acts of kindness.[11]

The Zohar says, “Moshiach shall reveal himself in the land of Galilee because in this part of the Holy Land the desolation (Babylonian exile) first began, therefore he will manifest himself there first.”[12]

We know that “The events of the forefathers are signs for [what would happen to] their children.”[13] How long was the Babylonian exile? It was seventy years and then we were redeemed. As the Novi says, “After seventy years for Babylonia have been completed I will attend to you…”[14] [15]

Amazingly, the numerical value of שבעים שנה seventy years, is 777 which is this year 5777. In other words, this year I (i.e. Hashem) will attend to you by bringing the redemption!

Didn’t the Rambam[16] forbid attempts to figure an exact date for the arrival of Moshiach? Yes. However, the Ramban[17] says that the prohibition of the Gemara[18] only applied to earlier generations; now that we are on the eve of redemption, there is no prohibition.

On Tuesday (3/14/17), a person named Asher was learning in a certain yeshiva, when an autistic person came over to him and told him passionately, “Moshiach is coming, Moshiach is coming!” After this person left, most of us would be thinking to ourselves, “He must be very troubled.”

Yet, if the Gemara[19] says, “Nowadays, the power of prophecy was given to deranged people…”[20] This means Moshiach’s revelation will take place very soon! Nevertheless, it will happen unexpectedly. As theGemara[21] says, “Moshiach appears[22] when not expected.”

Now, how do we merit to SEE the redemption? Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein says, “Those who are yearning for the redemption will merit seeing it.[23]

What about those who don’t yearn for the redemption? Rabbeinu Tzidkiyahu[24] states, “Even if a person will be alive when the redemption arrives, one will be written in the group of the wicked who do not believe and are not fit for the redemption, as we find by [the redemption from] Egypt that all those who did not believe in the redemption[25] died during the three days of darkness and did not merit to leave Egypt.”[26] [27] Similarly, the upcoming redemption will be the same way![28]

Secondly is emunah (faith). For Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai said, “…When Hashem decides to bring the Geulah, He will look down on the world and see if there is a Tzadik who is worthy of bringing the redemption. Hashem will see that there is no one who has sufficient merit for this, and He will need to bring great tribulations on the Jewish people, in order that the Geulah should take place. At the same time, happy is this generation, for someone who passes the tests of this trying period with strong emunah will merit to see the light of Hashem.[29]

How does one accomplish both of these tasks? Learn Days Are Coming by Rabbi Moshe Silberstein.[30]What is the seifer about? It’s an In-Depth Analysis of the Practical Halachos Relevant to Visiting the Bais HaMikdash. By studying this seifer, one is imbuing himself with faith that Hashem will redeem us. Secondly, a person should designate some type of article of clothing – i.e. suit, shirt, hat, belt or shoes etc., that he/ she has designated to wear when Moshiach reveals himself. As the Sefer HaChinuch[31] says, “A person is fashioned by his deeds.”

Conversely, the Rambam[32] says, “Anyone who does not believe in Moshiach[33] or does not anticipate his revelation – as we said earlier – denies [the pronouncements] of the prophets; even worse than that, he rejects the Torah and Moshe our Teacher.

Rav Shimon Schwab said in the name of the Chofetz Chaim, “…A person who yearns to experience Hashem’s revelation upon Moshiach’s arrival will experience incredible sweetness. On the other hand, if a person doesn’t invest any thought into the events surrounding the coming Moshiach, Moshiach might come and the salvation might take place, but the person will never know that it happened.’”[34]

The Gemara says, “In the month of Nissan, they were redeemed from Egypt. In the month of Nissan, they are destined to be redeemed once more.”[35]

In the month of Nissan, we have the Yom Tov of Pesach. The Gemara remarks that on the festival of matzos we are commanded to ascend to the Beis HaMikdosh in Yerushalayim…[36]

Our normal response:

“We are in exile and don’t have a Beis HaMikdosh to ascend to. Therefore, we are exempt from this mitzvah.”[37]


When an infant wants his parents to give him attention, he cries. If they don’t hear him or choose to ignore him, he cries or screams even louder until his parents come and attend to his needs.

In the words of the Chofetz Chaim:[38] “One must demand the redemption, just as with the wages of a hired worker.[39] Failure to do so shows that this matter is clearly not that urgent to us!”[40]

So too, we must COMPLAIN to Hashem that we WANT to fulfill the mitzvah of ascending to the BEIS HAMIKDOSH!!!

For without a Beis HaMikdosh there continues to be chaos in the world. As the Gemara[41] says, “From the day that the Beis HaMikdosh was destroyed, there has been no day without its curse.”

We said earlier that our nation was redeemed from Egypt.

How did our redemption from Egypt take place?

Rabbeinu Bachayei says that even though the time of the redemption had arrived, they weren’t worthy of being redeemed. However, once they all cried out in unison from the work that they were undergoing, there Tefillos were accepted and they were redeemed![42]

The Medrash[43] states, “Just like the first redemption from Egypt was caused through crying out to Hashem, so too, our upcoming redemption will happen in the same fashion.”

Why do we want the redemption? The Vilna Gaon[44] says that the purpose of the redemption is the sanctification of G-d’s Name…[45] [46]

With Hashem’s help, may we all merit, very soon, to witness the revelation of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, who will make our Creator’s Name Great Again!

[1] Leiv Eliyahu, Shemos, page 172 ‘וכעת בעיקבתא דמשיחא’.

[2] see Zohar to Shemos 7b, Vayeira 119a, Toldos 139 and Sha’arei Leshem, page 491.

[3] Kesubos 103b.

[4] Tehillim 145:19.

[5] Bava Basra 12a.

[6] Are You Ready, page 42 (

[7] Based on five different places in the Zohar (Pinchas 219, 249, Acharei 68, Pikudei 245 and Mishpatim 119).

[8] Rav Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler says, “The purpose of the troubles of Chevlei Moshiach is to inspire us to strengthen ourselves to prepare ourselves for the imminent coming of the Moshiach, for he shall come suddenly before we can turn to deep contemplation, and we will find ourselves distracted. And he who will not be ready then for his coming will not be able to be part of his revelations” (Redemption Unfolding by Alexander Aryeh Mandelbaum, page 142).

[9] Redemption Unfolding by Alexander Aryeh Mandelbaum, page 83.

[10] Otzros Acharis HaYamim, chapter 5, Milchemes Gog U’Magog (

[11] Sanhedrin 98b and Nefesh HaChayim 4:17 by Rabbi Avraham Finkel zt”l, page 160. See also Berachos 5a, regarding Torah and acts of kindness. In addition, see Tehillim 18:51 and Sotah 14a.

[12] Volume II, Shemos 7b, 8b, 220a and Otzar Midrashim, 466.

[13] Meshech Chochmah, Lech Lecha “לקבר בשיבה טובה”.

[14] Yirmiyahu 29:10.

[15] The posuk (Bereishis 45:19) says, “Take for yourselves from the land of Egypt עגלות, wagons, for your small children and for your wives; transport your father and come. This posuk is talking about the ten tribes that descended into the Egyptian exile. That was the beginning of exile. The word עגלות, wagons, is an abbreviation of ע' גלות, seventy years of exile (excerpted from סימני הגאולה - שבעים שנה פורים תשע"ז

We have this notion that our present exile will never end. The Chofetz Chaim says differently:

“Each of our exiles has had a pre-determined duration based upon how much suffering the Jewish People would have to endure to be forgiven for its sins. The first exile, for example was set at the outset to end after four hundred years (see Bereishis 15:13). Our second exile - was set to end after seventy years, as it was written, ‘Seventy years’ are decreed concerning your people and your holy city (Daniel 9:24). Clearly, it was determined at the outset by Divine decree that our current exile would span years, as it is written, For the Children of Israel will remain for many days without a king and without an officer (Hoshea 3:4) [Chofetz Chaim on the Torah, volume 2, page 84].

[16] see Mishnah Torah, Hilchos Malachim 12:5 and Rambam on Mishnah Sanhedrin 10:1 (

[17] Sefer HaGeulah, Ma’amer 4 (

[18] see Sanhedrin 97b.

[19] Bava Basra 12b.

[20] In addition, the Zohar says, “When the days of the Messiah approach, even children will be able to discover secrets of wisdom and through them be able to calculate the end of time, then it will be revealed to all” (volume 1, Vayeira 118a ‘כד אתון לגבי’). However, the specific hour of Moshiach’s ‘coming’ does not appear to be known to anyone, even to Moshiach himself (Zohar volume 2, page 9a).

[21] Sanhedrin 97a.

[22] I.e. reveals himself.

[23] Seifer Ohr Yechezkel, Ma’amer Emunas HaGeulah.

[24] see Shivlei HaLeket HaSholeim, Seider Taanis, page 260, chapter 274 (

[25] I.e. yearn for it.

[26] see Shemos Rabbah 14:3.

[27] In fact, Rashi says that eighty percent of Jews did not leave Egypt with Moshe (Shemos 13:18 “וחמשים”).

[28] See note 23.

[29] Volume 2, Shemos 7a “רבי שמעון זקף”.


[31] Parshas Bo, Mitzvah #16.

[32] Mishnah Torah by Avraham Yaakov Finkel z”l, Laws of Kings, page 54.

[33] Xtians believe in yeishu to be the awaited Messiah and that he’s G-d. We know that to believe in another god or human being borders on idol worship (see The Real Messiah? By Aryeh Kaplan zt”l, page 266). When the Rambam says that one must ‘believe in Messiah’ it sounds like he’s equating our Messiah to G-d, ח"ו?!

Aryeh Kaplan zt”l, explains, “He is a leader of the Jews, strong in wisdom, power and spirit. It is he who will bring complete redemption to the Jewish people, both spiritually and physically. Along with this, he will bring eternal peace, love, prosperity and moral perfection to the entire world. The Jewish Messiah is truly human in origin; he is born of ordinary human parents and is of flesh and blood like all mortals” (see The Real Messiah? By Aryeh Kaplan zt”l, pages 274 – 276 and Rav Schwab on Prayer, pages 495-497).

Note: Xtians believe yeishu to be the ‘Son of G-d.’ Again, they’ve corrupted the text of our Torah. For the Torah states, “You are sons of the living G-d” (Devarim 14:1).

[34] see Maayan Bais Hasho’eiva, page 175, ‘כשזכיתי להיות’; Rav Schwab on Chumash, page 262 and Sefer Bais Hasho’eiva: A Collection of Material on Messianic Times, page 152 (

[35] Rosh Hashanah 11b.

[36] Chagigah 7a.

[37] see Avodah Zarah 54a.

[38] Sichos Chofetz Chaim, paragraph 14; quoted in Chofetz Chaim al Siddur HaTefillah, paragraph 168 (page 80).

[39] see Bava Metzia 9:12 (111a).

[40] see also Chofetz Chaim, Kuntrus Likutei Amarim, chapter 10.

[41] Sotah 48a.

[42] see Rabbeinu Bachayei al HaTorah, Shemos 2:23 “ויהי בימים הרבים ההם”. See also Yeshayah 19:20.

[43] Koheles Rabbah 1:9. See also Zohar volume 2, page 12b.

[44] Vilna Gaon, Kol HaTor, chapter 4:1-3.

[45] see also Mesillas Yesharim, chapter 19 “והנה החסיד כזה”; ArtScroll Mesillas Yesharim, pages 403-408 and Sefer Meir Einei Yisroel volume 1 by Yisrael Meir HaKohein, page 236.

[46] Roy Neuberger says, “There is a tendency to believe that the world is going to continue as it has, with enough sense of normalcy to lull us into forgetting that we are in exile and hoping that this state of affairs will continue into the distant future. We need to consult our Torah Sages to bring us back to reality. Please give your attention to the words of Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler zt”l:

‘The destruction of Edom [at the end of our last exile* - i.e. America] will only come through the destruction of this world [as we know it]. The Holy One will cause the very foundations of life on earth to collapse. Tranquility will be disrupted, personal lives will be filled with worry, fear and suffering** and the entire world will cower in dread of destruction and devastation… Only then will the light of the Messiah be revealed … ‘and the saviors shall go up to Mount Tzion to judge the mountain of Esau…’” (Michtav Me’Eliyahu volume 3, Galus V’Geulah, page 205).


**The posuk says, “You will [literally] go insane from the sight of your eyes that you will see (Devarim 28:34), amongst the nations you will not be tranquil, there will be no rest for the sole of your foot; there Hashem will give a trembling heart, longing of eyes and suffering of soul” (ibid. 28:65).

I think all of us experience these verses in our lives.